SMS Family News
August 2024 - Newsletter #1
SMS Principal's Message
Hello, SMS Raiders!
I hope you are all enjoying a fun, safe summer vacation! As we look towards the start of the 2024-2025 school year in our beautiful new school building, I want to share some back-to-school preparation information. In this newsletter, I have shared many informational items and documents, including the grade-level orientations planned for the week of August 19th. I will also send a second August newsletter the week before school begins with information to ensure a successful start to the school year.
I look forward to seeing you at the grade-level orientations during the week of August 19th and Wednesday, August 28th, the first day of school. I have also linked the Somerset Public Schools 2024-2025 Calendar, which identifies important dates for the upcoming school year.
Enjoy the remaining summer vacation time with your families and friends!
Dr. McKinnon
SMS Important Contact Information
Main Office
Dr. Kerri McKinnon, Principal:
Ms. Cassey Monte, Assistant Principal (A-L):
Mr. David Hines, Assistant Principal (M-Z):
Ms. Linda Hilliard, Administrative Assistant:
Ms. Nancy Pacheco, Administrative Assistant:
Student Services
Ms. Deborah Muse, Administrative Assistant:
Ms. Lori Dutra, Guidance Counselor (A-L):
Ms. Brianna Longo, School Adjustment Counselor (A-L):
Ms. Jessica Vasconcelos, Guidance Counselor (M-Z):
Ms. Megan Silva, School Adjustment Counselor (M-Z):
Ms. Alexandra Sullivan, School Psychologist:
Ms. Melynda Antunes, Special Education Coordinator:
Ms. Tracy Cusick, School Nurse:
SMS Summer Building Transition Information
The SMS administrative team and administrative assistants will transition to the new middle school on August 5th. The middle school's phone number is 508-324-3140. Please note that the phone lines may not be fully functional during that week. Families are encouraged to communicate utilizing the email addresses in the previous section while building transition occurs.
SMS Athletics Information
Please remember that fall sports paperwork is due by August 5th to make sure Nurse Cusick has time to clear students for athletic tryouts. Please email Nurse Cusick or Dr. McKinnon with any questions or to submit the required athletic paperwork. Tryouts will begin the week of August 26th. The fall sports athletics night is Tuesday, August 27th, at 6:00 PM. Students and families can meet the coaches and receive information about the fall sports season at athletics night. Students and families are encouraged to review the SMS Athletics and Extracurricular Activities Manual for additional information.
SMS Grade Level Orientations
Grade level orientations are planned the week of August 19th to afford students the opportunity to tour the building, obtain locker information, and receive their schedules. The grade level orientations are planned from 9-11 AM on each day. The orientation schedule appears below:
- Grade 8 is on Tuesday, August 20th
- Grade 7 is on Wednesday, August 21st
- Grade 6 is on Thursday, August 22nd
Please know that the grade level orientations are not mandatory. Students will also receive their schedules, locker information, and tour the building on the first day of school.
SMS Academic Information
The SMS schedule operates on a six-day (A day through F day) cycle. Courses may meet full-time, meaning every day of the cycle, or part-time, meaning two periods per cycle. SMS students take four full-time core academic classes (ELA, math, science, and social studies) and various part-time related arts classes such as PE, wellness, music, art, and technology. The SMS schedule also has a daily WIN (What I Need) block that allows students to participate in music ensembles, receive academic support, and enroll in quarterly enrichment courses. Please refer to the SMS Program of Studies for course descriptions and the SMS Curriculum Website for course curriculum information.
SMS Policies and Procedures Information
The SMS Student-Parent Handbook contains a wealth of information on the policies and procedures utilized at the middle school. Students and families are encouraged to review this document, especially the information on school attendance, extracurricular eligibility, and the student behavior code of conduct. The SMS Student-Parent Handbook should also be a reference throughout the 2024-2025 school year.
SMS Important Dates to Note
Tuesday, August 20th - Grade 8 Orientation from 9-11 AM
Wednesday, August 21st - Grade 7 Orientation from 9-11 AM
Thursday, August 22nd - Grade 6 Orientation from 9-11 AM
Tuesday, August 27th - Fall Sports Athletics Night starting at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 28th - First Day of School for Students
Friday, August 30th - No School
Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day
Wednesday, September 4th - Picture Day
Thursday, September 12th - Back-to-School Night starting at 6:00 PM
Friday, September 13th - Early Release Day
Wednesday, September 25th - Early Release Day for Students