Weekly Warrior for Families
July 31, 2024
WELCOME FAMILIES...we are SO excited to begin the 2024-25 school year in partnership with you! We hope that all of our students have had a restful & enjoyable summer. We are very much looking forward to this year and all that it has to offer!
John Sevier Middle School's Back to School Bash will be on Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM (drop-in any time during this timeframe). This will be a time for students to pick up their schedules and meet their teachers. If you are unable to join us, families will also be able to access student schedules on their Aspen Parent Portal starting at 4:00 PM on Thursday.
Please note: If you are unable to attend the event/view parent portal, schedules will be handed out on the first day of school (no schedules will be given out on Friday, August 2nd).
Back to School Bash locations/information (the rest of the building is closed and no tours will be given):
- 6th grade - Cafeteria (bottom floor)
- 7th grade - Auditorium hallway (2nd floor)
- 8th grade - Atrium area/outside of the cafeteria (bottom floor)
- Counseling - bottom floor hallway
- Please note: Counseling is only for new enrollments, obligations, 7th grade shot records.
- Related Arts - bottom floor hallway
- Band/Orchestra/Chorus - bottom floor hallway
- Communication Outreach/Parent Involvement - upstairs atrium area (2nd floor)
- Nurse will be in the clinic for drop-off of medication/doctor orders (please be patient, due to confidentiality only one family will be allowed into the clinic at a time to discuss medical matters)
Doors that will be available for entrance/exit (staff members will be there to help direct you):
- front doors (Wateree Street)
- back doors/bus stop area (Catawba Street)
- ramp (Wateree Street, near the parking lot)
- cafeteria (go down the steps from the parking lot)
Parking: school parking lot, along Wateree/Catawba/other nearby streets
1st Day of School Process
Students report to their designated location - Staff will be present to help direct students.
6th grade - Auditorium
7th grade - Big gym (Please note: 7th graders without the proper shot record on file will be sent home until the record is presented. Please deliver a hard copy to the school. Doctors' offices are extremely busy and do not always fax immediately).
8th grade - Big gym
Sit in the area marked for your 1st period teacher
Need to know your 1st period? Visit the table in the middle of your location. A teacher will be able to provide you the name of your 1st period teacher. Remember this name.
Once we dismiss from the designated areas, follow your 1st period teacher to class.
In 1st period, teachers will hand out a new copy of schedules. Follow the schedule you are given on the first day of school.
Teachers will provide school tours
School hours: 7:45-2:45. Doors open at 7:00. All car riders must be picked up from 2:45-3:00. Students can not remain on campus after 3pm unless they are participating in a school activity/sport.
Please keep your contact information updated. This can be done through your Aspen Parent Portal or by contacting LeAnn Franklin in the counseling office (378-2435). It's vitally important that we have current parent/guardian contact information for every student (phone numbers, address, email).
You MUST present an ID when visiting Sevier or checking out your student.
If you have bus questions (bus locations, pick-up/drop-off times, etc...) please call transportation at 378-1820. It will be helpful for you to get this information prior to Monday and communicate this to your child.
Reminder: students MUST have a sports physical on file at school prior to participating in any physical activity
- The upcoming tryouts and season (this fall) is for girls only - just like high school. The boys will have tryouts sometime in the early spring.
- Kingsport Middle School Soccer will have an Open Play Day on Friday, August 2nd at Indian Highland Park (beside the DB softball field off center street) from 6-7pm. This is NOT an official try out and is NOT mandatory to making the team. This is an opportunity for students to explore interest in soccer and play together. Please bring water and a soccer ball if you have one.
- Kingsport Middle School Soccer will have Tryouts on Tuesday, August 6th beginning at 3:45 at Indian Highland Park. There will be bus drop off options after school from both middle schools if needed. If you have a student who is interested in playing soccer, and is unable to try out please feel free to contact me at dpowell@k12k.com.
Cross Country
- If any 6-8th grade girl or boy is interested in Cross Country, meet in Coach Potts room (#239) directly after school 3-4pm. Wear (or bring) shorts/shoes appropriate to run in. You need to be picked up at 4pm at the track. Any questions, email jpotts@k12k.com.
- Any 6th-8th grader that is interested in playing football (and has not been participating in summer practices already), please see Coach Spivey (room 346) during the first week of school to get information regarding practices. Any questions, contact ispivey@k12k.com.
KCS Middle School Cell Phone Policy
Students’ cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off and not visible upon a student’s arrival to school (upon entering the building) until the end of the student’s school day. Students must store their cell phones and other electronic devices in their backpacks (exceptions may be granted for medical or other extraordinary circumstances as determined by the building principal or designee). Cell phones may be confiscated if this rule is violated. When confiscated from students, parents will be asked to retrieve the cell phone from the school administration.
1st offense - The item will be confiscated and kept at the school for a minimum of five (5) consecutive school days. To retrieve the confiscated item, a parent or guardian must contact the appropriate administrator.
2nd offense - When a student has a second offense during the current semester, the item will be confiscated for a minimum of ten (10) school days. A parent or guardian must retrieve the confiscated item from the front office.
3rd offense - When a student has a third offense during the current semester, the item may be confiscated for the remainder of the school year. A parent or guardian may retrieve the confiscated item at the end of the school day on the last day of the school year.
John Sevier Middle School
Email: kloudermilk@k12k.com
Website: https://sevier.k12k.com/
Location: 1200 Wateree Street, Kingsport, TN, USA
Phone: 423-378-2450
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KCSSevier
Twitter: @KCS_Sevier