CH Band News
December 20, 2024
- Supply Re-Order Time
- Winter Practice Packet
- Wisconsin Herd Game, Saturday 2/1 (Sign-Up Now)
- Solo Night Info, Thursday 1/23
- 8th Grade: Scheduling, SOSP
Now is a great time to check supplies and order more for 2nd semester. Clarinets & Saxophones should buy a new box of 10 reeds. The goal is they are rotating four reeds at a time and using the black reed guard case to make them last longer.
- 6th & 7th Grade Clarinet - recommended to purchase strength 3.0 Rico Royal
- 8th Grade Clarinet - consider either 3.0 or 3.5 strength of Rico Royal
- Saxophones - 3.0 strength, Rico Royal
- Brass - check your valve oil supply
- Percussion - check your sticks and mallets on the supply list linked below
Want something fun & different to practice over winter break? Check out this packet that features Christmas, Hannukah, & traditional winter songs.
Easier Melodies (better for 6th Grade):
More difficult Melodies & Duets/Trios (better for 7th & 8th Grade):
BONUS - share a picture of you practicing in a blanket fort!
PEP BAND: Wisconsin Herd Game (sign up now!)
Saturday - February 1st
WISCONSIN HERD PEP BAND - Saturday February 1
Central Heights Pep Band plays at Wisconsin Herd Basketball Game in Oshkosh, WI. The "Herd" is the G-League (or minor league) team for the Milwaukee Bucks.
ALL grades (6-8) are invited and welcome to come to this event! Students must commit to coming to at least 2 pep band rehearsals on Thursdays after school.
COST: approx. $35 (includes bus & student ticket)
TIME: 3pm to 10pm
*order by Jan. 11 for special discounted pricing
Sign-Up Coming Soon
All students in Central Bands are learning a solo in preparation for performance on Thursday January 23rd. At Solo Night students play their solo and have a mini-lesson with a guest teacher friend of Mr. Melrose & Ms. Lechner's. Parents/Family are invited to listen - but it's up to the student, they are not playing in front of peers or an audience.
There are no fees involved for Solo Night
Students sign-up for a 10 minute performance slot sometime between 3:45 - 6:30pm
"Solo Night" is generally laid back and only about comments and feedback (no ratings).
Students participating in WSMA Solo & Ensemble on Feb. 8th should not sign-up at this time. You'll be sent a draft schedule in mid January.
We believe there is a place for ALL students that want to be in Band in high school. Whether you're someone in sports, clubs, advanced academic classes, or special career programs - Band can fit into your schedule.
HERE is a great resource to see how high school scheduling works.
SOSP - Sound of Sun Prairie Open House Rehearsal
Interested in trying out being a part of Sound of Sun Prairie? Come check out the "no strings attached" Open House rehearsal on Saturday January 25th, 9am - noon at Sun Prairie East.
Questions? Ask Mr. Melrose or Ms. Lechner - we'll be there too!
CH Jazz - Upcoming Dates:
- Tuesday 1/7 - Rehearsals resume
- Wednesday 1/29 - CH Jazz Performs at Family Night!
- Thursday 2/20 - Performance @ CH Band Concert & Black History Month Celebration
- Friday 3/7 - Sun Prairie Middle School Jazz Festival (after school, 6pm concert)
Band Booster Donation Drive
The Sun Prairie Band Program has grown in leaps and bounds throughout the years and includes not only Sun Prairie East and West High Schools, but also Central Heights Middle School, Prairie View Middle School and Patrick Marsh Middle School, and it is all supported by the Sun Prairie Band Boosters.
Please consider making a donation to support the Sun Prairie Band Boosters. You can use this link or the QR code above. If you have family or friends that may be intersted in making a donation you can forward this newsletter or click on the link above to share information through Facebook and other social media.
The teachers thank you, the Boosters thank you, and most importantly the hundreds of Sun Prairie band students thank you!
If you need to updated supplies (reeds, nicer mouthpiece, etc..) or looking to update your student's instrument - Ward Brodt is offering some great deals where they match manufacturer's discount.
If you're considering any purchases beyond normal supplies, please contact Mr. Melrose & Ms. Lechner and we can you make sure you're getting a quality product for your money.
Instrument Rental Fees
Students using a school-owned instrument should now see a $50 yearly fee in their Infinite Campus account.
*Percussion fee is $25/year
6th Grade - Shirt Fee
- All new students to music (Band, Choir, & Orchestra) will see a $22 shirt fee in Infinite Campus.
- These shirts are our uniforms for all music classes for concerts (required)
- Once students outgrow their shirt, they can trade it in for a larger size
Central Heights Band Calendar 2024 - 2025
Central Heights Band Calendar 2024 - 2025
Please see linked tentative schedule above. Please communicate in as much advance as possible with any conflicts.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday January 23, CH Band Solo Night (students sign up for 15 minute time slot)
Saturday February 1, Playing at Wisconsin Herd Basketball Game!
Thursday February 20, CH Band (6th, 7th & 8th Grades)
If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Renee Lechner
CHMS Music Educator
(608) 318-8000 ext. 5832 [Voicemail]
(608) 618-3335 [Google Voice]
Ian Melrose
CHMS Music Educator
(608) 318-8000 ext. 5864 [Voicemail]
(608) 618-2843 [Google Voice]
Central Heights Bands
Location: 220 Kroncke Drive, Sun Prairie, WI, USA
Phone: (608)318-5864