Coosa Elementary's Bobcat Brief
August 9, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 2: Labor Day- No School
Wednesday, September 4: Individual Fall Pictures
Friday, September 6: Progress Reports Emailed
Monday, September 9 - September 13 - Book Fair
Thursday, September 12: 5-30- 6:30 - Open House
Tuesday, September 17: 5:00 -9:00 Spirit Night at Moe's
Thursday, September 19: SIC Meeting 4:30-5:30
Thursday, September 19: 5:30-6:30 Kindergarten Informational Night
Good Afternoon, Bobcat Families!
Welcome Families! We enjoyed seeing the smiling faces of our returning and new students this morning. The first day of school was a SUCCESS. All of our students made it to class and home safely. Each week our families can expect a Bobcat Brief to be sent home on Fridays. This week's newsletter will be short since school has only been in session a day. :)
We'd like to take this opportunity to reiterate our drop off and pick up procedures. When these procedures are followed the process runs much smoother and faster.
Morning Drop Off- (everyday) - If you are new to Coosa, you probably noticed that our car rider line is long. Today, it was a tad longer with some students being dropped off that will be riding a bus on subsequent days. We encourage our families to leave home early to ensure students arrive to school on time. Today, we did not mark students tardy if they were in the car rider line prior to 7:45. Please remember, we ask that car rider students are prepared to "kiss and go" in our car line.
Start time - School starts at 7:45am. Students may be dropped off as early as 7:15am. Please refer to the diagram included in the welcome letter on how to enter the car rider line. We ask that you do not enter by way of Middle Road. Entering through Middle Road causes an unsafe back up on a main road.
Dismissal - School is dismissed at 2:45pm. The dismissal process takes a little longer during the first week or two of school as students and new families are learning the process and we are ensuring all students get home safely and in the correct manner.
Social Media - You can follow us on Facebook (@coosaelementary) and Instagram (@coosaelementaryschool). We love to see you post about our beloved school! Please use our hashtags - #coosaleaders and #CESLowcountryLeaders - when posting.