September 2024
Hello Avon Lake!
We are incredibly proud of our positive start to the 2024-25 school year.
Our positive school culture continues to thrive, thanks to the collective efforts of students, faculty, staff and stakeholders. This strong foundation of support and collaboration remains an important factor of Avon Lake High School, ensuring a nurturing and challenging environment for all.
To continue this momentum, I encourage everyone to stay communicative and engaged with our outstanding staff, as they are here to support and guide students throughout their journey. Together, we will continue to make this school year great!
Please visit our high school website, pay special attention to social media and School Messenger for updates.
Thank you for your support.
Take care,
Michael J. May, Principal
Social Media News
Here is important and exciting news! Starting today the following X and Instagram accounts will start to produce Avon Lake High School news and updates.
X: @AvonLakeHS
Instagram: avonlakehighschool
2 - Labor Day (No School)
9 - PTSA Meeting (6:30 Commons)
10 - Class of 2025 Washington DC Parent Meeting (6:30 PAC)
19 - Rotary Pizza Cook-Off (5-7pm Commons)
20 - Homecoming Game vs Midview
21 - Homecoming Parade (10am)
21 - Homecoming Dance
25 - Early Release 11:15am
28 - Band-O-Rama
2 - College Update Night (6pm PAC)
9 - PSAT for grades 9-11
9 - No School for Seniors
9 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (4-7pm)
10 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (7am-3pm)
10 - No School (Conferences)
11 - No School (NEOEA Day)
14 -PTSA Meeting (6:30 Commons)
22 - Picture ReTake Day
24 - Marching Band Concert (7pm)
25 - End of 1st Grading Period
25 - SOUPer Bowl (Avon Lake vs Avon @ Avon Lake 7pm)
29 - Fall Chorale Concert (7pm PAC)
30 - Orchestra Fall Festival (6pm Commons)
To subscribe or view the high school calendar click here
Class of 2025 Important Dates for Graduation
Parents and Students of the Class of 2025, click HERE for important information regarding Senior Year and Commencement.
Class of 2025 Washington DC Trip
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The 8th grade Washington D.C. trip has been a cherished tradition for Avon Lake students for 35 years, creating lasting memories and enriching their understanding of American history. Unfortunately, due to restrictions in 2020, the Class of 2025 was the first class to miss out on this opportunity.
We're thrilled to announce, with the incredible support of the Superintendent, High School Administration, and Avon Lake teachers, that we have a special chance to offer a senior class trip to Washington D.C. exclusively for the Class of 2025!
Mark Your Calendars: The trip is scheduled for March 19-21, 2025. Due to this condensed time frame in the planning of the trip, your prompt attention to deadlines is crucial.
Registration Meeting: A registration meeting will be held in September (date TBA) in the PAC at the high school to provide details about the registration process and answer any questions.
Trip Details: The cost of the trip is $556 and covers hotel accommodations, transportation, meals, and tickets to all planned events. Students will not need additional money beyond personal spending for souvenirs.
Stay Tuned: We look forward to seeing you at the registration meeting in September! In the meantime, feel free to contact Kevin Fitch kevin.fitch@alcsoh.org or Kelly Kozar kelly.kozar@alcsoh.org with any questions.
Kevin Fitch
Trip Coordinator
Kelly Kozar
High School Coordinator
Michael May
High School Principal
Adam Slabodnick
Assistant Principal
School Fees for 2024-25
School Fees and Fall Pay to Participate Fees for the 2024-2025 school year will be added to PowerSchool the first week of October. All school fees that are in PowerSchool currently are past due and must be paid prior to purchasing a ticket to Homecoming, Prom or participating in Graduation activities. If you have any extenuating circumstances or financial hardships that your family is facing, please let your grade level principal know as soon as possible. We are here to help. Once the fees for the 2024-2025 school year are added to PowerSchool, an email will go out to parents with an attached invoice.
Payment Options
BY MAIL: Check made payable to ALHS can be mailed to : Avon Lake High School, 175 Avon Belden Rd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, Attn: Student Fees.
PAYMENT DEPOSITORY: Place payment in an envelope marked "Student Fees" into the Payment Depository located to the right of the Main Office door.
ONLINE: Payments may be made online at www.payschoolscentral.com. The student's ID number is necessary to set up an account. A 3.9% Convenience Fee for all credit card or a $1.75 Flat Fee for all ACH (electronic check) transactions will be charged.
The fee is $300 per student per year to participate in any sport at the high school. There is a District Family Cap of $400 for families with more than one High School and/or Learwood Middle School student participating in sports. More information on Pay to Participate can be found on the athletics homepage of the website. www.avonlakesports.com
If there are any questions or concerns regarding your school fee balance please contact Laura Hout (www.laura.hout@alcsoh..org) or 440-933-6290 x 1548.
LUNCH ACCOUNT - If there are any questions regarding your lunch account please contact Andrea Sokolow (www.andrea.sokolow@alcsoh.org) or 440-933-6210 x 1522.
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 9th
- 4:00pm-7:00pm (in-person)
Thursday, October 10th
- 7:00 am -11:00 am (in person)
- 11:00am-3:00pm (virtual)
The Parent Scheduling Portal will be open from September 16th at 2PM thru October 3rd at 3PM.
Conferences are by appointment only. More specific scheduling information will be sent soon.
Marching Shoremen News
Your Avon Lake Marching Shoremen have had an interesting start to their 2024 season. With losing power a few weeks ago, the students have lost hours of precious rehearsal time. With that said, the energy and enthusiasm they have put into this year has been paramount! This year's Ohio Music Education Association's Marching Band Adjudication show is titled "Ghost Ship"
Their first performance will be at Louisville High School on September 14th! Also this month we will begin our yearly "Band on Demand" raffle sale. Be the envy of Avon Lake! Purchase a "Band on Demand" ticket for $5 (links coming soon!) and if you win, Your Marching Shoremen will march to your house and perform in your front yard!!! Tickets will go on sale September 16th and the "Band on Demand" performance will take place on October 4th! The winner of this wonderful event will be chosen at our Band-A-Rama event on September 28th!
Speaking of Band-A-Rama - on September 28th, we will be hosting our 59th Band-A-Rama! Currently we are hosting 6 bands to perform at this OMEA event. Tickets will go on sale soon.
Choral Department News
Booster Info
Chorale/Orchestra NYC Trip
Become a Choral Patron
Drama Club
Students interested in joining the ALHS Drama Club Drama Club need to join the Google Classroom Code: xqlo3xv and add the Remind text to their cell phones. TO: 81010 Message Bar: @alhsdrama.
The Audition Workshop for the fall production of Harry Potter & The Cursed Child will be held on Sept. 12th 7-9:00pm.
FREE choreography class to prepare for the spring musical Anastasia begins on Sept. 11th 5-7:00pm in the PAC. Please, wear appropriate clothes and shoes.
All ALHS students are welcome!
30 ALHS Cheerleaders Chosen to be UCA All-Americans
Here are your 30 UCA All-American Cheerleaders from ALHS. Each Cheerleader had to try-out for this honor at our summer camp. They had to perform jumps, cheers and dances that they were taught over the 3 day camp. Being an All-American allows the cheerleaders to participate in special events across the country and to represent ALHS. We are very proud of all of these cheerleaders!
Front row: Molly Ryan, Ellora Klein, Ryleigh Murphy, Brooke Hill, Nina Cline, Gina Avarello, Fiona Gannon, Jessica McKay, Hannah Schillero
Second row: Summer Poole, Kyra Elzeer, Lyla Grabowski, Georgia Henry, Kiersten Zwilling, Violet Resovsky, Madeline Sears, Addy Rush, Melina Lee
Third row: Tori Deaton, Kendall Michlovic, Emma Froehling, Allison Kasick, Ava Luchesi, Brynn Tassinari, Isla Rowney, Maggie Tosland, Kennedy Maynard, Tayler Beckmann, Gianna Catanese, Aubrey Kozar
Clinic News
*Reminder parents/guardians of 12th grade students*
The Ohio Department of Health has updated immunization requirements and now requires that *2 doses of MCV4-Meningococcal vaccine be administered before a student enters 12th grade. This vaccine protects against meningitis. If the first dose of MCV4 was administered on or after the 16th birthday, a second dose is not required. Ohio Revised Code (Section 3313.671) requires “exclusion” on the 15th day of school entrance of all pupils who do not meet the above requirements. If you have not done so already, please send in a copy of your child’s immunizations which show that they have received these vaccines. A copy can also be emailed to: Debra.Valadez@alcsoh.org
If you would like more information on meningitis, please use the following link https://www.cdc.gov/meningococcal/
*If you choose to not have your child vaccinated, a waiver form must be completed and be on file. You can print out a waiver form by going to www.avonlakecityschools.org Click “District” on the top menu, select Health news, scroll down under School Medical Forms for the immunization waiver form.
Spanish Club Service Project
The Spanish Club will be selling bracelets and purses September 23-October 7 before school and during lunch periods to support the Pulsera Project. Click this link to learn more about the Pulsera Project: https://www.pulseraproject.org/about
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
- Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829
- Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
PTSA is wishing you a fun-filled last few days of summer break! The first day of school will be here before we know it, please check out what we have coming up!
Before the crazy 1st days of school begin, take a minute and join the PTSA for the current year. *Note that any seniors who wish to apply for any PTA scholarship, must be a member or have a family member be a member by Jan 31.
Here is a link to our online option for joining the PTA
Get involved! Have something to share to help the PTSA better serve our kids, staff, and school?
PTSA is still seeking a Treasurer (no experience needed) and a few committee positions including Staff Appreciation, Conference Dinners, and Gifts to School. If you are interested, please contact Beth Wallace, President, at bethwallace@realtyxo.com or 216-299-3708. We welcome ALL parents who wish to make a difference in the experience of our students!
Save the Date:
- 1st PTSA meeting is Monday, September 9, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Commons
- Annual Christmas by the Lake Craft Show will be December 7, 2024 (PTSA primary fundraiser!!)
Please join us!
For more information on the Guidance Department please click the links below.
Author Visit Sept. 26, 2024.
Join The Avon Lake Public Library & Avon Lake High School for a Author Visit on Sept 26, 2024.
Author Elizabeth Letts will be at the High School for a 1 p.m. session and at the library for a 7 p.m. session about her novel Finding Dorothy .
Work Permit
Students who need a work permit please click the link here for instructions and forms.
Email: erica.petras@alcsoh.org
Avon Lake High School
Commons Doors Open At 7:00AM
Interior Doors Open At 7:30AM
Main Office Hours
7:15AM - 3:30PM
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/highschool
Location: 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-933-6290