Real Life Learning
at Half Moon Bay High School
About Real Life Learning (RLL)
The Real Life Learning (RLL) program provides all HMBHS students with meaningful opportunities to get out into the real world and have real life experiences, while they are in high school. We believe that when students are actively engaged with the world around them, they gain critical knowledge about who they are, what they care about and ultimately what they may choose to pursue after high school.
The program connects students with diverse opportunities that both make a positive impact in the community and stimulate:
civic engagement
personal interests
leadership and skill development
career exploration
The benefits of a community service program not only impact our students but also our school and our wider community.
The HMBHS Real Life Learning program got its start in Fall 2021 with the generous support of the HMBHS PTO. The program’s initial goals were to streamline program operations, to digitize service tracking systems and to generate more meaningful service opportunities for our students. Thank you to the PTO for believing in this vision and for seeding 100% of the funding to get it off the ground!
In Fall 2022, the Cabrillo Education Foundation (CEF) became the exclusive sponsor of Real Life Learning and continues to fully fund this program. A robust collaboration quickly emerged among CEF, RLL and the HMBHS Career Technical Education Coordinator, Lisa Longaker. Together we have launched several career discovery initiatives, including: a virtual career day, job fairs, career panels, job training workshops, a career mentor database and more. Thank you to CEF for continuing to see the unrealized potential to inform and inspire HMBHS students as they gain insight into themselves and potential career pathways.
In Spring 2024, the HMBHS Real Life Learning program was awarded the J. Russell Kent Award given by the San Mateo County School Boards Association (SMCSBA) to recognize innovative and outstanding programs in San Mateo County public schools.
HMBHS Graduation Requirement
It is a longstanding Cabrillo Unified School District Governing Board policy that HMBHS students complete a minimum of 35 hours of service hours as a graduation requirement. Certain modifications are made for Junior and Senior year transfer students. Service hours must be completed and approved on MobileServe <LINK to the Logging and Tracking Service Hours section below> by May 15 of the student’s Senior year.
While students are given four years to complete this graduation requirement, students are recommended to complete a minimum of 10 hours each year to stay on track and to create valuable experiences that can be included in applications and interviews.
Program Guidelines
All requirements and criteria for HMBHS service credit are outlined in the Real Life Learning Program Guidelines.
Finding Opportunities
Real Life Learning promotes opportunities to students weekly via the Campus TV News, the RLL Bulletin Board (in the library), and the RLL QR code (posted around campus) which links to a comprehensive list of Service Opportunities (updated weekly).
Real Life Learning also hosts a bi-annual Service Jam where 25+ local organizations staff tables in the quad during lunch to tell students about volunteer opportunities.
In addition, the Real Life Learning Program Coordinator is eager to meet with students to design a service opportunity that meets their specific interests and availability. Email Ms. Hoffman at reallifelearning@cabrillo.k12.ca.us to set up an appointment.
Logging and Tracking Service Hours
HMBHS uses an online platform called MobileServe to log and track their community service hours required for graduation. Each student is assigned a dedicated account, activated by the students during their freshman year social studies class. Accounts are accessed by logging in with their school email either via the app on their phones or via app.mobileserve.com on their chrome books
How to Log Hours
As soon as a student completes a community service event, they create a log in their MobileServe account.
One service log per service event/day keeps logs clear and easiest to verify and approve.
If a student is logging more than one day of service in a single log, it is required that they explain exactly how they are calculating the total # of hours that they are logging. For example, listing each date of service and the # of hours/day, ensuring that the calculation equals the total # of hours being logged.
Service logs are not credited toward the graduation requirement until they are Approved, as indicated by a green check mark ✅ in MobileServe under “Activities.”
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their logs get Approved and are counting towards their graduation requirement. If after a week a log is not approved, the student should begin to troubleshoot the log.
How a Service Log is Approved
The student creates a service log in their MobileServe account.
The service supervisor receives an email from Team MobileServe requesting verification of the service hours.
After the supervisor has verified the service hours, the Real Life Learning Coordinator checks the service log for approval.
Once approved, these hours show up in the student’s MobileServe account in the “Approved” category.
This process can sometimes take up to a week, depending on the timing of the log and service supervisor/program coordinator’s availability.
Top 10 Tips for Getting your Service Hours Approved
For additional support on logging service hours, click on the video link below:
Career Exploration
The Real Life Learning program collaborates with the HMBHS Career Technical Education (CTE) program and Cabrillo Education Foundation (CEF) to provide HMBHS students with opportunities to explore potential career pathways and job readiness skills.
Current Initiatives
Career Connections Community - an opportunity for students to connect with professionals to explore potential career pathways. We encourage all HMBHS parents to PLEASE JOIN! The more variety in professional experiences we can connect our students with, the more likely they are to find a potential pathway that sparks an interest. Learn more here.
Job Readiness Workshops - in collaboration with San Mateo County’s Jobs for Youth program, we are offering six hands-on workshops that offer practical skills in preparing for a job search and career launch. Students who attend a JFY workshop are eligible to apply for the annual $2,000 JFY scholarship – don’t miss this opportunity!
Soft Skills for Success (September, 2024)
Networking (October, 2024)
The Job Search (November, 2024)
The Resume and Cover Letter (January, 2025)
The Interview (February, 2025)
Career Launch (March, 2025)
Workshops take place during Advisory. Online registration is required.
Past Initiatives
Virtual Career Day (Spring, 2022) - a video featuring more than 25 industry professionals who talked about their jobs, their educational journeys, and the importance of mentors and internships
20-minute video, shown to all HMBHS students
Complete Career Day video (unedited), with index/chapters markers for each of the industry professionals
Job Fair (Spring, 2022) - an on-campus event connecting students with part time, summer and full time job opportunities
Career Panels (2022-23) - a year-long series of industry-focused career panels
Arts, Media and Entertainment (September, 2022)
Business and Finance (October, 2022)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) (December, 2022)
Health Sciences (February, 2023)
Trades (March, 2023)
Public Services (April, 2023)
Job Fair (Spring, 2023)
Career Panels (2023-24) – a year-long series of mixed-industry career panels, facilitated by HMBHS student moderators
Healthcare, Cosmetology and Agriculture (September, 2023)
Marketing, Human Resources, Fashion and Entertainment (October, 2023)
Sports, Law and Construction (December, 2023)
Aviation, Home Finance, Chiropractic and Science (February, 2024)
Culinary, Sports, Medicine and Construction (April, 2024)
- Job Fair (Spring, 2024)
Contact Information
Karen Hoffman
Real Life Learning Coordinator
(650) 712-7200 x12470
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Advisory + Lunch