C.I.S. Beginning of the Year News
Parents - August 2024
Welcome to 2024-2025!
It is an honor to welcome the classes of 2032, 2033, 2034
and their families to Cameron Intermediate School. This flyer contains basic back to school information to help make entry into the new academic year a smooth one.
Student Letters
Letters for returning students indicating who their 2024-2025 teacher is were mailed on August 2 to the address in the student information system. If the letter has not arrived at this time, please call the C.I.S. office.
C.I.S. School Hours
Cameron R-I School District Calendar (can also be found on the website)
C.I.S. School Supply Lists
Online Student Registration
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Drop off: Pull into the North C.I.S. drive from Park Avenue and travel to the drop off/pick up lane (closest to the school). Please pull forward when dropping your child off so the lane does not get congested. Ensure your child is ready to exit the vehicle when you stop. This allows for a smooth process.
Pick up: A traffic guard will be located at the corner of Park Avenue and the North C.I.S. drive. Please use caution and pay close attention to the traffic guard. Again, safety is our number one priority and we know it is yours too. The guard will stop cars in both directions along Park Avenue in order to keep the bus lane clear. Once all the buses have entered into the bus loop, the traffic guard will begin to allow the traffic in the drop off/pick up lane. Please do not pass other cars while waiting for the car lane to open.
Open House
Cameron Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) will be available to answer any questions about the organization and help you become involved.
Parkview and C.I.S. are again partnering with UMKC School of Dentistry for a School Based Oral Health Program. There will be information about the program offered to every child to help prevent tooth decay at Open House.
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool