East Early Childhood Center
November 2024
Thank you so much for sending your family pictures for our ‘We Are A Family’ board in the foyer. We still have room for more family pictures, so email me your family picture soon: jhadler@jr2mail.org
Check our our Facebook Page "East Early Childhood Center-Jackson R-2" (EECC) for more pictures of this event!
Take a peek at the winning vehicles this year! These families received a copy of The Spooky Wheels on the Bus!
1st Place AM
This book was the prize for each child in the winning families classroom!
1st Place PM
Help us celebrate American Education Week by having your child participate in our spirit week!
Coming to an EC near you... At our last meeting we voted to purchase 4 rugs for our classrooms in the biggest need! They are in and they are already such a blessing to our students! We are looking forward to our next meeting to vote on how to spend some of the money that we raised during our Kid Perfect-Dance a Thon! We have been looking at additional carpets, some awesome instruments, a new adaptive swing, and a few smaller ways to bless our students and staff since we ROCKED our fundraiser! Join us for our next meeting on November 12th to learn more!
Fundraisers for 24-25: During the 24-25 school year, we ask parents to participate in three fundraisers. We only have two remaining:
- World's Finest Chocolate (Candy Bar) Fundraiser (November 4-15). See the flyer for this Fundraiser above
- BINGO for our parents and our Online Auction with quality teacher experiences for our littlest learners!
Parent Teacher Conference Meals: On November 14th and 19th there is another opportunity to treat the educators in Early Childhood. PTO and The Bank of Missouri will be providing the main meal on these evenings, but we will be asking parents to contribute desserts, sides, paper products etc. Our teachers and staff are fabulous, so let's treat them to a great meal on two long nights. Just click on the link below to sign-up
PTO Meeting: Our next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, November 12th @ 5:30-6:30! We look forward to seeing you all there!
- Please make sure your child is here by 8:00. After this is becomes difficult to secure a breakfast for your child and to pull paras from classrooms in a timely manner to get students while getting breakfast ready for students in the classroom. After 8:00 they are also considered tardy and should check be checked in at the office. We have a growing number of students arriving after 8:00 and this is causing a concern. Thank you for your help!
- Please walk your child ALL the way to the door in the AM. We have buses and other vehicles that are in and our of our parking lot and bus lanes and want to make sure that all of our littles are super safe!
- Payments for Little Indians and Extended Day are due by the 10th of each month. Late fees will be assessed after the 10th.
- Please make sure you are labeling jackets and coats at school. It is very easy for our students to misplace them when they take them off and other children may have the same coat, jacket, etc. We very much want to get the correct outerwear with each child. Please note we may use masking tape for your child's outerwear if we can't find a label
by ‘Ms. Jill’ Hadler
In November, we will be continuing to learn about feelings, ways to handle big emotions, and learning that people can have different feelings about the same event. This will lead us right into our work on friendship skills during counseling centers.
Friendship Skills for Preschoolers:
*Sharing *Taking Turns *Listening *Cooperating *Working through Conflict
Books about Friendship Skills:
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
How Do Dinosaurs Play with their Friends by Jan Yolen
My Friend is Sad by Mo Willems
You Will Be My Friend by Peter Brown
Llama, Lama Time to Share by Anna Dewdney
Clark the Shark Dares to Share by Bruce Hale
Should I Share My Ice Cream by Mo Willems
It’s Mine by Leo Lionni
The Boy Who Wouldn’t Share by Mike Reiss
Fun at Home with Friendship Skills:
Providing choices of different play options: “Would you rather play cars or blocks?”
Practice turn taking games like memory, tic-tac-toe, board games (Candy Land, Connect Four, and Chutes and Ladders)
Teach your child to play cooperative games (Hide and Seek, Mother May I, Eye Spy, etc.)
Practice sharing legos, blocks, cars, crayons…things there are multiple. “You and Johnny are sharing the cars.”
Need to Talk to the School Counselor?
Please feel free to email or call me if you have any questions: jhadler@jr2mail.org (573) 243-4323.
- Please continue to screen your child before school, and keep your child home if they are sick. Remember, our policy is 24 hours free of vomiting, diarrhea, and fever (without fever-reducing medication in 24 hours). Other symptoms need to be improving in 24 hours before your child can return. Please do not give Motrin/Tylenol to your child before school if they are not feeling well because it can mask a fever (the medication takes the fever away so it is unknown whether your child has a fever 4-6 hours after taking the medication). Jackson R2 considers a temperature of 100.1 or higher as a fever.
- Don’t forget to clean those water bottles daily (hot water and soap) to prevent strep infection! and continue to WASH YOUR HANDS (that is the BEST way to prevent infection)!!!
- LICE!!!!! We wanted to make sure everyone was aware that IF you would receive a notice, the dreaded lice letter, in your child's backpack to please check their head. Furthermore, it is also a good idea to periodically check your child for head lice (the earlier lice is discovered the easier it is to get rid of!). What if your child has it? Please alert the nurses, Tosha and Angie, so we can help! We want to prevent the spread of lice, and we can only do that if we are aware that your child has it. Click Here for JR2’s protocol on head lice.
If you are looking for another way to help, you may 'adopt a family' and help provide Christmas for families in need. If you are interested you may sign up using the link below.
Power Packs is a program provided to many families each week that include food items that help give students and their family nutritious and kid-friendly foods to help get them through the weekend. Some food items include cereal, canned soups, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, and other similar items. By clicking this link, filling out the information requested, and submitting the form - your child can begin receiving these packs each Friday. For further questions, contact Morgan Hoffman, school social worker at 573-243-5271.
Every year around this time we are asked about staff information for gifts, etc. Here is a list of information that our staff has shared with us! Enjoy!
Professional Development/No School-November 1
Chocolate Sales-November 4-15
Shirt Sales-November 5-15
End of 1st Trimester-November 8
Veteran's Day-November 11
PTO Meeting-November 12 @ 5:30
Parent Teacher Conferences-November 14
Land of Smiles Presentation-November 15
American Education Week-November 18-22
A good night's rest leads to success! -November 18
Put your thinking cap on - Hat Day-November 19
Picture Retake Day-November 19
Parent Teacher Conferences-November 19
Our future is bright with education - Wear bright colors or tie-dye-November 20
Be a part of a learning team - Wear your favorite team jersey or shirt-November 21
Career Day - Dress as your future self-November 22
Thanksgiving Break - No School-November 25-29
East Early Childhood Center
Email: buchtman@jr2mail.org
Location: 455 North Lacey Street, Jackson, MO, USA
Phone: 573-243-5347