SOESC Connection
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center

SOESC Connection
Message from Mrs. Justice
Happy New Year!
I hope everyone has had an opportunity to enjoy a bit of relaxation, and fun, and had some time to rejuvenate. Speaking of rejuvenation, how many have heard of the book, "How Full Is Your Bucket?" This book is about helping others by filling their bucket. According to this theory, each person has a bucket and a dipper, and with positivity, you fill your bucket and the buckets of others, but with negativity, you deplete others' buckets as well as your own.
In what words or ways do people act to fill your bucket? Are there ways to be kind to animals or in nature that fill your bucket? Where do you see people filling other people's buckets? When you fill people's buckets, how do you think they feel about you? Does it make you feel good to fill someone else's bucket?
Filling someone's bucket can be as simple as a kind word, a note of praise or thank you, being kind to everyone you meet, helping those who are struggling, paying someone a compliment, being respectful, or showing someone you care for them.
"Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When our buckets are empty we feel terrible".
As we begin the 2023-24 school year, I challenge you to make intentional efforts to fill others' buckets. I guarantee that when you do, your bucket will be filled too.
#weareSOESC #TeamSOESC #strongertogether #bekinderthannecessary #bekindtoeveryone
Southern Ohio Educational Service Center
In case you missed it
State Representative Bob Peterson spoke to the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center Board of Education on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. Rep. Peterson spoke about the state budget and the change in leadership at the Ohio Dept of Education among other education issues. Board members and administrators were able to ask Rep. Peterson questions.
Parent Resources
Academically Healthy - Get a Headstart on Upcoming Skills Throughout the Year
Continue Reading and Listening to Stories - Discuss the what happens
Physically Healthy - Review skills with movement and fun!
Emotionally Healthy
SOESC Resources
Dates to remember for SOESC Team Members
Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment for 2024 will begin October 16, 2023; be sure to mark your calendar!