St Peter's Primary School
Friday 30th August 2024
thank You so much for fathers
and all the sacrifices they make out of love.
When they feel tired, overwhelmed, and weak,
please give them the strength to keep going
and the courage to stand strong.
Heavenly Father,
bless all the dads with Your wisdom, patience, and love.
Message from the Principal
BULK STATIONERY ORDERS - At the end of 2021, the school community was informed that we would be trialing bulk stationery orders from Kindy-Year 6 commencing in the 2022 school year. This new initiate saw stationery added to the school fees and the school take responsibility for ordering and co-ordinating stationery at the commencement of each school year.
The school made the decision to move to bulk stationery ordering to streamline the stationery process, as well as save time and effort from parents. The adopted bulk stationery model ensures consistency with products and supplies, also providing a positive impact on the
environment with less packaging.
We are looking forward to receiving feedback from staff, the School Advisory Council and the wider parent community regarding the bulk stationery ordering. In a school of our size, we are unable to offer an opt in or opt out consent for individual students and families. As the process is an operation matter, once all data is collected, a final informed decision will then be made by the school leadership team regarding stationery ordering for 2025.
The parent feedback survey will close at 3pm on Monday 9 September 2024.
Please click the link below to feedback your preference:
YEARBOOK - All families are able to purchase a copy of their Yearbook from the link below. You are welcome to purchase multiple copies of the 2024 Yearbook if you would like one for each of your children.
Please note, that although you will need to order and pay for your Yearbook now, the Yearbook will be distributed to families towards the end of Term Four, to ensure that we can include as many events as possible in the Yearbook before it goes to print.
Families will have until Friday 20th September 2024 to purchase a Yearbook.
Click here to purchase your 2024 Yearbook and head to the Event tab - https://app.quickcliq.com.au/parents/fundraising.aspx
PERFORMING ARTS - As the Catholic Performing Arts Festival is coming to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for their hard work, dedication and commitment in preparing and supporting our students throughout the festival. St Peter’s has achieved outstanding results in both individual and group performances. All participants have represented St Peter’s with pride, with all performances being full of enthusiasm and energy. I congratulate all students that their hard work and dedication has paid off, and they should all be very proud of their achievements.
I also send my best wishes to our Year 5-6 Dance Troupe who will be performing at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre tonight! All staff have loved watching the students perform and it has been great to witness the extensive family support at the performances too! Once again, congratulations to all students and staff involved throughout the festival!
P&F FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST - This morning at 7.15am, we celebrated all the Dads and Father Figures in our community with a breakfast prepared by the P&F. Once again, we had an enormous number of attendees and volunteers to make this event a huge success! Thank you to Tanya Dawes and her team of helpers for organising such a fun and well organised event!
It was wonderful to see so many Fathers, Parents and Grandparents at this morning’s Father’s Day Breakfast. This is a great opportunity to express gratitude and thank them for all their love, support and guidance.
BOOK FAIR AND BOOK WEEK - There was a buzz of excitement throughout the school last week as we celebrated Book Week and the Book Fair. Thank you to Mrs Sharon Zanotti for co-ordinating activities throughout the week. We loved seeing so many Dads and Father Figures in the classroom reading books to the children. Children's Book Week is a fantastic literacy initiative, where we annually celebrate books for young people and the joy of reading!
PARKING - Please remember that there is NO parent parking in the Staff Car Parks on Wood Street. The allocated visitor bays in the staff carpark are for visitor parking (e.g. CEWA consultants, external contractors) not for parent parking. Parents are encouraged to use the drop off / pick up zones or will need to find street parking.
Our two pick-up and drop-off zones for Pre Primary to Year 6 students – Wood Street and Salisbury Street are available before and after school. Please see the NO STANDING zones below for each street:
Wood Street – No Standing from 7:30-8:30am and 2:30-3:30pm
Salisbury Street – No Standing from 7:45-8:35am and 2:45-2:30pm
Please make sure you read the relevant signage, as well as being mindful of not parking on private property or blocking driveways. Thank you in advance for your support!
I wish all our Dads and Father Figures a very Happy Father’s Day for Sunday! I hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with your family. Fathers play critical roles in the lives of children, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Fathers and Father Figures for doing so much for your children and for St Peter’s Primary School!
Courtney Caputi
Catholic Education Key Facts
Assistant Principal RE News
CONFIRMATION - Next Friday 6 September and Saturday 7 September, many of our Year 6 students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Thank you to Father Jeronimo, Marina Tassone and our Year Six staff. I sincerely appreciate all the hard work that goes on behind the senses to prepare our students to receive their Sacraments, and I would like to acknowledge and thank those people for all the support they have provided to our students and their families. Please keep these students in your prayers.
On Friday 13th September, during Week 9, our external tester, Tanya Atherton will visit St Peter’s to administer one component of the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S testing for 2025 to the Years 3, 4 & 5 students. The second component will be delivered in Term 4. This assessment is crucial as it helps us identify both high-potential students and those students that are underachievers—those who may not perform well academically in the classroom but possess a natural ability to excel.
Traditionally, we have encouraged all students to participate in the testing to ensure an accurate and reliable A.Q.U.I.N.A.S cohort. However, we recognise that this testing can cause stress and anxiety for some students. Therefore, this year we are offering parents the option to opt-out their child from the testing.
If you do not want your child to take the assessment and be considered for the A.Q.U.I.N.A.S program for 2025, please complete this Microsoft Form https://forms.office.com/r/yaV6Kggday by
Friday 30th August, if you would like your child to take the assessment then you do not have to do anything, as they will automatically be included in the assessment schedule.
Young Engineers After School Club
Canteen News
Code Camp
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
- MAYLANDS CRICKET CLUB - is offering a free girls only program at De Lacey Reserve, Maylands - to register visit play.cricket.com.au
- JOHN FORREST SECONDARY COLLEGE - is offering Year 5 students who demonstrate a keenness and aptitude for Cricket or Netball to attend the Specialist Cricket and Netball Masterclass. For more information, email johnforrest.sc@det.wa.edu.au
- BI-FOLD SPARK TELETHON - ADHD WA - For more information, please click - https://bit.ly/4ceCPuD
- CODE CAMP HOLIDAY PROGRAM - are now taking bookings for the upcoming Spring holidays. Book now at codecamp.com.au/flyer
- VACSWIM ENROLMENTS - are now open. For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900