Hebron Valley ES Counselor's Corner
Bianca Ireland, MS, NCC, LPC
Howdy, Huskies!
Email: irelandb@lisd.net
Location: B14
Phone: 972-350-8652
About Your Counselor
Want to Talk? Let's Do Lunch!
March Book Recommendations
The Busy Body Book
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain
The Monster Parade
Growing in Independence
Spring is a great time to create new habits and processes as our kids continue to grow! With the school year coming to a close in a little over 9 weeks, now is the time to allow for developmentally appropriate independence. Some ideas to help foster this type of growth in your child(ren) might be:
* Allowing them to pick out their own outfit (with your pre approval of their clothes, of course).
*Making them pack their own backpacks for school each day.
*Giving them a spot to put their folders, and making it their responsibility to put them in that spot.
*Letting them choose what they eat with guidelines (Ex: They need a serving of vegetables, but they get to choose between 2 or 3 that you're ok with them eating).
*Encouraging them to speak for themselves whenever possible, like ordering their own food or asking a teacher about something versus you emailing that teacher.
Homework Help
What Can I Do to Help My Child(ren) with Homework?
1. CHECK your child’s work & have them correct those that are wrong. Instant feedback is critical in mastering skills.
2. Talk with your child's teacher. They are there to help. That means go to parent nights, school activity nights, conferences, they have lots of suggestions, so go see them!
3. Use homework as quality time with your kiddos. Ask them if they want to go over their spelling list or read with them.
4. Schedule a set time for homework to be done every day. Routines work for kids, if homework is done at the same time, in the same place, every day, kids know the expectation.
5. Let your kiddos do their own work. Homework is practice, mistakes happen and that’s ok. Just see #1 after they're done.
6. Don’t make excuses for incomplete or sloppy work. Allow your kiddo to learn the consequences of his or her actions-it’s a learning experience that they’ll be thankful for in the long run.
CHOICES Family Center
Every LISD student is able to receive 6 free counseling sessions through the CHOICES program. If you're interested in learning more about this resource, check out the webpage. Act soon; sessions fill up fast!