Shannon Park News
October 2023
Report Absences or Changes of Schedule
Please remember to report all absences and changes of schedules by calling 651-423-7670 during school hours or by submitting a form here.
Acts of Character: Empathy
The Shannon Park Acts of Character Program revolves around teaching, promoting, recognizing and celebrating positive character traits in students. During the month of October, we will be focusing on the character trait of Empathy.
Kindness Council Kicks Off First Meeting!
The Kindness Council is a 5th grade leadership group focusing on promoting and spreading kindness at Shannon Park Elementary and in the surrounding community. All 5th graders are invited to be a part of the Kindness Council and the first meeting took place last Friday. The next meeting is on Friday, October 13, from 8:15-9:15a.m.
Thank You, Mr. Hoover and the RHS Band, for the Performance!
Would You Like to Honor a Veteran?
Students are invited to ask parents/guardians if there are family members that have served in any branch of the U.S. military. This can include grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles. With the help of parents/guardians, students can complete information on the following document to be used in a Shannon Park hallway display. A copy of this document will also be coming home in Friday Folders. Feel free to provide a copy of the family member's photo (non-returnable) if you would like to have it displayed with the document. Please bring document and/or photo to school office by Wednesday, October 18. (Please do not send duplicate copies of the honored veteran if students have siblings, as all will be displayed in the hallways.)
Arrival & Dismissal
School doors open at 9:15a.m. for students with the school day beginning at 9:30a.m. Please do not drop off your child earlier. The school day ends at 3:50p.m. If there are any changes in your child's daily transportation routine, please contact the main office to ensure the classroom teacher gets the message.
Picture Retake Day: Friday, October 13
Picture Retake Day will take place on Friday, October 13.
Life Touch Website:
Picture Day ID: EVTXJT68S
Unity Day: Wednesday, October 18
All students and staff are invited to wear orange in honor of Unity Day to show unity for kindness and to prevent bullying.
Coming Soon: Culvers Night!
From Our Preschool Friends:
Shannon Park Site Council
The SPSC is here to represent YOU! We encourage each family to reach out and connect to share ideas, ask questions, and address concerns. Feel free to email the SPSC at The email is monitored by ShannonPark Site Council parents. Find SPSC on Facebook to stay informed about all things Shannon Park @shannonparkparents
October 2: Reading Rockets Fundraising Packets Due
October 2: Site Council Meeting @ 8:00a.m.
October 6: NO SCHOOL: Data Day
October 12: Fire Prevention Day with Rosemount Fire Department
October 13: Picture Retake Day
October 13: School Spirit Day - Neon Day
October 13: Kindness Council Meeting @ 8:15a.m.
October 18: Unity Day - Wear Orange
October 19: NO SCHOOL - MEA
October 20: NO SCHOOL - MEA
October 23: Shannon Park Night at Culvers (3:00-7:00p.m.)
October 27: Fall Party Day
District 196 School Board Officers and Directors
Sakawdin Mohamed, Clerk