News and events

October 21, 2024
Character Trait of the Month
Our Character Strong trait for October is RESPONSIBILITY. Check out what each grade level is working on:
A Message from the Principal
Hello Hoover Families,
We look forward to a great week of school with our Hoover students. Thank you for your continued support in helping your child/ren get a good night's sleep so they can be the best they can be at school.
This Week's Events:
Tuesday, October 22 - Fall Picture Retakes
Wednesday, October 23 - Gr 5 Orchestra Hall Field Trip
Friday, October 25 - Kindness Posters Due
We have the following position open at Hoover. Click on the position for more information:
- Literacy Intervention Teacher (LIT) - Part time and teaching license required
- Special Education Para - Full time, 6.5 hours w/benefits
Mrs. Strusz
P.S. In case you missed the last Hoover Family Updates. Click here to view.
P.S.S. Check out our first weekly video news announcement from last week led by our students. Click here to view.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 30 - American Indian Ed Groups
Friday, November 1 - Classroom Fall Festival Celebrations
Friday, November 1 - Veterans Day Posters Due
Friday, November 1 - Yearbook Cover Contest Due
Monday, November 4 - PTO Fundraiser Parent Pick-up 5:30-7 pm
Tuesday, November 5 - No School - General Elections/Staff PD Day
Friday, November 8 - Gr 4 STEMH Bakken Museum Offsite Field Experience
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly (3:00-3:30)
Thursday, November 21 - Math Family Night
Friday, November 22 - End of Tri 1
Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29 - No Schools for Students
- 11/25 - Staff PD Day
11/26 - Staff Planning/Grading Day
11/27 - Conference Conversion Day - No staff
11/28-11/29 - Holiday/District Closed
Get To Know Our Hoover Staff
"It takes a village to raise a child."
Thank you for being a part of ours, as we hope that you know, we are a part of yours. Our dedicated Hoover staff show up every day, rain or shine, to ensure that every student who walks into Hoover feels welcomed, loved, and supported. And that every day is new, no matter how the previous day went.
This AMAZING Hoover community not only gives their all to our students but also gives their all to their own families. We hope you take some time to look through these slides to get to know who we are and what our interests and passions are. These interests and passions are often why we choose to have a career in education.
October is Down Syndrome Acceptance Month
Kindness Poster Contest
Veterans Day Assembly - Save the Date!
Veterans Day is fast approaching! This year, we will have an All-School Assembly to learn about Veterans Day on Monday, November 11. We would like to invite any family members who have served to attend our Veterans Day Assembly to be celebrated. If you or a family member are unable to attend, you can still complete and return the invite with the name(s) of those who served and still be recognized in our building. Invites will be sent home the week of October 7th
We are also hosting a Veterans Day Poster Contest for students to enter. Students can draw an important Veteran in their life or create a poster about what Veterans Day means to them. Posters need to be returned to school by due by Friday, November 1st, and selections will be chosen and announced by Wednesday, November 6th. Winners will have the opportunity to present their posters during our Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 11. Poster paper and directions will also be sent home (white poster paper and info sheet).
Please reach out to your student's teacher with any questions.
Anoka Christmas Committee Information
Message from the Nurse's Office
Please send an extra pair of pants and underwear for your child in case there is an accident (bathroom, breakfast/lunch spill, etc.). The health office loves donations of gently used sweatpants and leggings sizes 5-10. We also appreciate new packs of underwear for boys and girls sizes 5-10.
The health office has free at home Covid tests. Email Darlene.Anderson@ahschools.us and we can send them home with your child.
Wondering if your child is well enough to come to school? Click here for more information.
If your child goes to the doctor or dentist, please request a doctor's note and send it with your child for attendance purposes.
Message from the Volunteer Service Coordinator (VSC)
So much is happening at Hoover! Be sure to get your volunteer application completed to stay up to date on all the happenings at Hoover. Don't forget, students can volunteer also at some events!
We have our first field experience coming up in November plus many more throughout the year! Those 18 years or older wanting to chaperone these events must have a volunteer application and background check in at least 2 weeks prior to the event or they will not be eligible to attend!
Sign ups for all these opportunities and more can be found here.
Just a reminder that any volunteer 18 years or older must complete the volunteer application and background check each school year. Those 17 and younger only need to complete the volunteer application each school year.
Thank you so much for all you do for our school!
Please reach out Tina Fletcher, Volunteer Service Coordinator, at Tina.Fletcher@ahschools.us or 763.506.2830 with any questions.
Message from the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Hoover PTO would love to increase participation! ALL parents/guardians are welcome to join our PTO. Please check them out on the Hoover PTO Facebook page and like/follow them to learn more about what's going on! PTO also has a website with additional information. Please bookmark our PTO's website and check it for updates.
Also, please like/follow our Hoover Elementary Facebook page too!
Message from the Parent Educator
Support Hoover with Box Tops 4 Education
Another option is to go to https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more about downloading the app to scan receipts for box tops for Hoover Elementary.
This e-newsletter is published by Hoover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.