A Call to Prayer & Self-Denial
Developing Leaders - Equipping Women and Girls
Luke 13:18-19
So this led Him to say, "What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his own garden; and it grew and became a tree, and the birds of the sky found shelter and nested in its branches."
The kingdom of God starts out as something small, hidden. But before long, it expands to unexpected places and people.
The experience of United Methodist Women has been the same - a small start that led to expansion beyond expectation. We have gone from eight ladies gathering in Boston in 1869 to an organization of over 800,000 with missions all over the world.
Check out some of the different ways that UMW is supporting women and girls in their journey to becoming leaders:
Want to learn more about being a leader?
Leadership Development Days is a 3-day weekend event that provides workshops on how to develop your own leadership potential.
Grants Given to Missions Partners
Kapatiran Kaunlaran Foundation, Inc (KKFI) in Manila, Philippines, received a grant in 2014 to help with their many child development and enrichment programs. They serve a population in poverty that lives near a dumpsite in Manila.
"I am human because you are human."
Ubuntu Journeys are short-term mission projects that engage participants with sisters in Christ all over the world. The women have an opportunity to learn from one another's stories as they serve each other.
Reflection Questions
- Who are the women leaders in your life? How do their offerings impact others?
- How are you serving in your church or community?
- What risks are you willing to take to be a leader?
- What are some actions/commitments you can make to increase opportunities for women and girls' leadership?