RES School-Family Compact
Partners in Learning
The Family Engagement Policy and School-Family Compact below have been jointly developed with staff, families, and students in order to ensure student success this year. We ask you to:
📖 Read the policy and compact
✍️ Sign the form linked below
👥 Engage with us this year to support your child's learning
Family Engagement Beliefs & Policy
The administration, staff, and parents and family members of Remington Elementary believe that the improved academic achievement of every student is a responsibility shared by the entire school community. This includes the school district, school administration, school staff members, students, community members, and families (as defined for purposes of this policy to include parents, guardians and all members of a student’s family involved in the student’s education.)
Family engagement activities in the school will include opportunities for:
☎️ Effective communication between the school and families
🚸 Families to volunteer and be involved in school activities
📕 Staff development and family education
🏠 Families to provide home support for their student’s education
🗣️ Families to participate in school decision-making
What is a School-Family Compact?
A School-Family Compact is an agreement that families, students, and school staff develop together. It explains how families and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
Responsibilities of the School
The school administration and staff will:
- Provide a high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet or exceed the state academic standards
- Facilitate and implement the district Title I Family Engagement Policy
- Involve families in the planning, review and improvement of the School Family Engagement Policy annually
- Provide the School Family Engagement Policy to families in an understandable format and to the extent practicable in a language families can understand
- Invite families to attend information meetings regarding their school’s participation in Title I, the requirements of Title I and the right of families to be involved
- Inform families about the goals and purpose of a School-wide Title I Program, curriculum used at the school, assessments used to measure progress, and expected student proficiency levels
- Provide materials and training to help families work with their students to improve academic achievement
- Advise families of their student’s progress on a regular basis
- Be readily accessible to families and provide opportunities for families to meet with staff to discuss student progress
- Inform families of the School-wide Title I Family Engagement Policy and Compact each year and post on school website
- Provide opportunities for families to volunteer and participate in their student’s class and observe classroom activities
Responsibilities of Families
Families will support their student's learning at home by:
- Ensuring that their child goes to school regularly and is on time each day
- Monitoring homework - providing a quiet time and place for completion of homework and reading
- Monitoring television watching
- Encourage positive use of extracurricular time
- Attending all parent / teacher conferences
- Volunteering in the classroom as able
- Participating in school activities – Title I annual meeting, Open House, Family Literacy and Math Nights, field trips, student programs, parent-teacher conferences, etc. as able
- Communicating regularly with school staff regarding their student's needs and circumstances
- Supporting and following all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the school and school district
Responsibilities of the Student
Students will support their learning by:
- Working hard and doing their best in class
- Listening to and following instructions
- Staying on task and completing all assignments to the best of their ability
- Showing respect for self and others
- Following all school rules, regulations, policies, and procedures
Making a Commitment
I commit to supporting my child's learning
and partnering with school staff to ensure success this year.