District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
- Safety Message
- Calendar Reminders
- Board Meetings
- D41 First Heart Safe School District in Illinois
Black History Month
Invite the D41 Board to Engage With You
Hadley 7th grade performs at Wolves game
Dual Language Night | March 2
De-Stress Event Feb. 16
GPS Offerings
Safety Message from Superintendent Kaczkowski
Dear District 41 Community,
Over the past several months, schools and school districts across the country have experienced false reports of shootings in their buildings. These hoax calls are known as “swatting” and are intended to create chaos and draw a large law enforcement response. Find out more about swatting here.
While Illinois schools in our area have not yet been subjected to these hoax calls, we want to make you aware of our protocols should an incident occur in our schools.
If an emergency occurs in our schools, parents will be notified through all contact information that is on file in Skyward (email, phone, and text message). A major incident is considered to be any event that would require first responder involvement from multiple agencies and may include students being evacuated from their school and transported to an offsite location.
If a major incident occurs at your child’s school, we will first inform you that an incident has occurred. When you receive this notification, the following steps should be taken immediately:
1. Do not go to your child’s school – this interferes with the ability of first responders to do their job effectively and could potentially put you or others in danger.
2. Locate your driver’s license or another form of photo ID – this will be required to pick up your child at the reunification site.
3. Allow school district and law enforcement officials to assess the situation and determine if the threat is valid. Once this occurs, administrators and law enforcement will determine the best site to relocate students safely. You will receive communication as soon as students are safely transported to an alternate location and reunification details are available.
Please talk with your child(ren) about the seriousness of making false threats. District 41 and law enforcement take false threats seriously and students making false threats will be charged accordingly.
Student and staff safety is a top priority of District 41. We are continuously reviewing our safety practices and training our staff so we are prepared in the event of a major incident.
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
Calendar Reminders
- Friday, February 17 - SIP Day (11:30 a.m. dismissal for grades 1-8. No PreK/EC or Kindergarten student attendance)
- Monday, February 20 - President's Day (No School)
Becoming the First Heart Safe School District in Illinois
The importance of cardiac emergency response is highlighted in this news segment featuring Katie Adduci and her work in District 41.
Black History Month
This Friday morning at Hadley Junior High School, all grade levels will be showing films that focus on African Americans at different time periods in American history and showcases character traits. All character traits will be discussed with students before and after the films with projects and reflection afterwards.
6th grade: Ruby Bridges; 1950 - focus on resilience and perseverance
7th grade: Remember the Titans; 1970s - focus on integration, inclusion and accepting the differences of others.
8th grade: Hidden Figures; 1960/1970 - focus on facing sexism and racism in the workplace and overcoming adversity.
Invite the Board to Engage
The Board of Education understands the importance of formal and informal engagement with the community and are committed to broadening the opportunities for two-way communication. If you belong to a group or organization, please invite the Board to engage with your membership about District 41. Board members are looking for opportunities to attend meetings, neighborhood gatherings, or simply meet for coffee with a small group. To invite Board members to an engagement opportunity, please contact Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel at ekrehbiel@d41.org.
Hadley 7th Grade plays at Chicago Wolves game
"Change Distress to De-Stress" Presentation Feb. 16
Please consider attending this important event sponsored by the District 41 PTA Council. Neuropsychologist and founder of Marvelous Minds Dr. Kymberly Larson will present this program to help parents of K-8 students recognize signs of distress and how to cope with them.
WHAT: "Change Distress to De-Stress" presented by Neuropsychologist Dr. Kymberly Larson
WHEN: Thursday, February 16th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: Hadley Junior High Library, 240 Hawthorne Blvd., Glen Ellyn
Don't Miss Dual Language Info Night at Churchill | March 2
Join us to learn more about the D41 Dual Language Program
WHAT: Dual Language Informational Meeting
WHEN: 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 2nd, 2023
WHERE: Churchill Elementary 240 Geneva Rd, Glen Ellyn IL
Glenbard Parent Series Offerings
Stay up to date on the upcoming offerings from the Glenbard Parent Series HERE
Gina Biegel
-Take in the Good: Skills for Staying Positive, Reducing Stress and Living Your Best Life
Wed, Feb 15 -- 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Ana Mandujano, YWCA Educator
- Relaciones Actuales entre Adolescentes/Teen Relationships Today
Thu, Feb 16 -- 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Click for more details
Josh Shipp
- The Grownup’s Guide to the Human Teenager: How to Decode Their Behavior and Develop Their Trust
Thu, Feb 23 7:00 p.m. -- 8:00 p.m.
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41