April 1, 2024
This Week at GMSS
From the Desk of Ms. Murdock
Hello GMSS families,
Happy Spring! I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend and the nice weather. WE are in our last week prior to spring break! It is important to hang in there :) Spring break is Monday, April 8th- Friday, April 12th. Students will return to the building on Monday, April 15th. With only just 6 weeks left of this school year, after the break, there is much to do! Please make sure to attend to the newsletter, talking points and emails.
Please take note of the FUN nights and 8th Grade Dance in the dates below!
Have a fabulous week!
Robin Murdock
From the desk of Mr. Bonath
Awards Nigh! GMSS hosts an awards night for students that have an average of a 3.5 through the first 3 quarters. This night is Tuesday, May 21st at the Lincoln High School Auditorium. In addition, students earn the right to be taken out by family members for a celebration on Thursday, May 23rd. Students will be posted this week and you will receive an invitation to the awards festivities.
Great work to all of our winners.
District News
As a reminder, please know the time of your student's bus stop. We are happy to offer Here Comes the Bus as an aide for parents tracking their student's bus, but there may be some times when the app is not exact. We certainly do not want students to miss the bus, so please be sure your student is at their stop at the scheduled time. To remind yourself of your pickup time, visit our Transfinder page.
The Heart & Pride Nomination Form will remain available year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position.
From the PTO
April 1
Monday 5:30:00PM
Boys Tennis Away @ Dublin Eversole Run
April 1
Monday 6:00:00PM
Girls Lacrosse Home Olentangy Orange- CANCELLED
April 1
Monday 6:00:00PM
Boys Lacrosse Away
@ Worthington Cardinals
April 2
Tuesday 5:30:00 PM
8th Baseball Home Pickerington Lakeview
April 2
Tuesday 5:30:00 PM
8th Softball Home Pickerington Lakeview
April 2
Tuesday 5:30:00 PM
7th Softball Away @ Pickerington Lakeview
April 2
Tuesday 5:30:00 PM
7th Baseball Away @ Pickerington Lakeview
April 3
Wednesday 6:00:00 PM
Girls Lacrosse Away @ Marysville Bunsold
April 3
Wednesday 5:30:00 PM
Boys Tennis Home Dublin Davis
April 3
Wednesday 5:30:00 PM
South Track Home Reynoldsburg Waggoner
April 4
Thursday 6:00:00 PM
Boys Lacrosse Home Dublin Karrer
April 4
Thursday 5:00:00 PM
South Track Away @ New Albany Invite
April 4
Thursday 5:30:00 PM
8th Baseball Away @ Worthington Perry
April 4
Thursday 5:30:00 PM
7th Softball Away @ Teays Valley East
April 4
Thursday 5:30:00 PM
7th Baseball Away @ Lancaster Thomas Ewing
Current 6th & 7th Graders - Cheerleading next year
2024/2025 Middle School Cheerleading
Cheerleading tryouts for the 24/25 school year are quickly approaching! Current 6th and 7th graders interested in cheering for either football or basketball season are invited to attend our information meeting.
When: Monday April 1, 2024- TODAY
Current 6th graders- 5:00pm
Current 7th graders- 6:30pm
Where: Middle School East Cafeteria
*Parent/guardian should be in attendance
Other important dates to know...
Interest clinic: April 4
Tryout clinics: April 15 & 16
Tryouts: April 17 or 18
Questions? Email chapmank@gjps.org
From the Guidance Office
Mental Health Matters March
Do not hesitate to reach out to our counseling team with any questions or concern.
Mrs. Artis (students with last names A-K) artisa@gjps.org
Miss Lubinski (students with last names L-Z) lubinskij@gjps.org
Mrs. Johnson - Mental Health Specialist johnsona@gjps.org
Include Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
April 2nd- 6th grade Fun Night 3:30-5:00 pm
April 8th -12th - Spring Break
April 16th - 7th Grade Fun Night 3:30-5:00 pm
April 18th- MATH State Testing 9:00 am
April 19th-MATH State Testing 9:00 am
April 23rd- SCIENCE State Testing (8th grade only) 9:00 am
April 25th- 8th Grade Shadow/Move up Day
April 26th - 8th Grade Dance 7:00-9:00 pm
May 3rd - Teacher PD Day No School for Students
May 14th- 17th- DC trips/Local FT's
May 16th & 17th - 6th Grade Caverns FT
May 24th - Last Day of School
349 Shady Spring Dr
Gahanna, Ohio, 43230