Brown Bears
Your Weekly Update from Brown Elementary School

Mr. McCann's Message
I cannot sum up all of my appreciation for what this community has done for me in just a newsletter or e-mail. There are a million people I could thank and a myriad of things I could thank them for.
Instead, I share this. In the last five years I have seen a level of support from families and our PTO like no other. Having the opportunity to talk with you and see you in the building supporting our teachers and students is one of the best parts of my day. Our PTO does more than any PTO I have worked with in the past. Finally, the day to day interactions, whether they be on the phone, in the hall, or out at arrival and dismissal, are conversations I will miss greatly. Thank you for being there everyday.
I will miss you Natick,
Aidan McCann, Principal
Five Things You Need to Know
1 - PLACEMENT - when will we find out?
Notification on class placement for the coming year will be through Powerschool this year. You will be able to see who your child has for a teacher on Friday, August 2nd. All families will be able to access Powerschool at that time to find this information. We will send an e-mail in late July to all families reminding them about how to access this in Powerschool and where to find the teacher name.
Reports of Student Progress (ROSPs) will be available for viewing for families on Friday, June 14th at 3:00pm. I encourage you to sit down with your child and review the form and look at the progress students have made over the course of the year.
3 - MOVING???
Are you moving over the summer? If so, please reach out to us and let us know your plans so that we can plan for the coming year. We want to make sure we have accurate class lists when we start in the Fall and having this information is important. Please reach out to ccrosby@natickps.org if you have information to share.
If you register your student after 06/30 you will pay a late fee regardless if your student would receive free transportation. There will be no exceptions. Students who have been registered but have not completed payment (if applicable) will not be assigned to buses until payment is made in full. If payment is not made in full by 06/30, you will be responsible for the bus pass fee plus the late fee.
All students who have been registered and payment made or registered and receive a free bus pass have all been assigned to buses for next year. Currently we have over 2600 students already registered and assigned to buses for the fall!!
If you have not already registered, please try to register soon. Many buses are already becoming full for next year. You may register your student with the following link: NPS Transportation/Bus Registration
Students will enjoy week-long courses for enrichment, exploration, and fun–right here in Natick! The Summer Enrichment and Summer Scholars programs will allow your children to explore their interests and help prevent summer slide. Pre-approved students are welcomed into the Extended School Year (ESY) program and the High School Credit Recovery Program. Our Strength and Conditioning Program provides dynamic exercises and drills from some of the best coaches in the areegistration through Active.com is open now. Our popular Summer Enrichment program courses include Cooking, Arts and Crafts, Pondology, Chemistry, Sports, and much more. Students from rising Kindergarteners up through rising 8th graders are grouped by grade level.
NEW THIS YEAR: All participants in Summer Enrichment and Summer Scholars will receive a complete schedule of classes (subject to availability) running from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. every day. Join us this summer! Access our dedicated website for more information.
All the best to our families,
Aidan McCann, Principal
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers and staff with the goal of enriching the educational experience of our children at Brown School. We send out a weekly email newsletter that is separate from this one: please sign up to receive our updates at http://eepurl.com/gCRzwH and follow us at facebook.com/BrownSchoolPto. Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact us anytime at brownptonatick@gmail.com. The website is brownptonatick.org.
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