Weekly Update
August 18, 2024
IMPORTANT: Cell Phone Policy Updates
As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, SMCPS has been focusing on reinforcing the school cell phone policy, which requires that all cell phones be turned off and kept out of sight during the school day. This means no cell phones or bluetooth headphones/earbuds are permitted to be used (they cannot be visible) in classrooms or in the hallways/bathrooms between classes.
On the very first day of school, our Assistant Principals will conduct grade level assemblies in the Auditorium to review this policy with students.
But, in the meantime, we want you all to have a clear understanding of cell phone expectations.
At the start of 1st period, all cell phones are required to be turned off and stored away, out of sight. This includes bluetooth headphones/earbuds.
Cell phones & headphones will need to remain turned off and stored away, out of sight, until the start of lunch. This includes between classes, in hallways, and bathrooms.
During lunch, students will be permitted to use their cell phones in accordance with the SMCPS student handbook.
At the end of lunch and the start of 7th period, all cell phones are required to be turned off and stored away, out of sight. This includes bluetooth headphones/earbuds.
Cell phones & headphones will need to remain turned off and stored away, out of sight until the 2:45 (the dismissal bell). This includes between classes, in hallways, and bathrooms.
Watch the video message (below) from Dr. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools.
Counseling Corner
For this upcoming school year we are re-shifting the alphabet split by counselor. Please carefully review the changes below so you know who your counselor is this year.
Make sure to know your counselor!
- Hensel: A-Cl - jahensel@smcps.org
- Wolcott: Co-Ge / GIS - rrwolcott@smcps.org
- Neitz: Gi-Ki - lkneitz@smcps.org
- Guidry: Kl-N lcguidry@smcps.org
- Barger: O-Sm - cdbarger@smcps.org
- Sawyer: Sn-Z - wnsawyer@smcps.org
Please be sure to write down or print out your schedule before the first day of school. You will not be able to use your cell phones to figure out your schedule.
If parents/students should need to request a change in your schedule, you need to go into the guidance office and fill out a course change form. Please know that we receive many schedule change requests, so there may be a delay in our response as we process them. We cannot accommodate requests for specific teachers.
Students who want to drop an AP course, now need approval from their grade level administrator in addition to completing the course change request form.
The school counselors' primary focus at this time is to resolve course conflicts and fix any holes/missing classes/errors in schedules. Counselors cannot accommodate teacher requests. The counselors will be reaching out to students via email regarding concerns with their schedule. Note: Checking your SMCPS school email daily will ensure a quicker resolution to scheduling issues.
Please check out our College and Career Center website for information regarding how to apply to college. Your high school transcript will be updated later in September and it will include your senior courses. After that time, it will be uploaded to Naviance and sent to the colleges you have selected in Naviance.
Bus Information
When you arrive at LHS on Wednesday morning and get off the bus, please write down or take a picture of your bus number and the bus slot number in front of the bus. This will assist you with finding your bus when you leave at 2:45.
How do I know what bus I ride? When will the bus pick me up? Those questions can be answered by using this link.
Do you ever wonder how close your bus is, or if you missed the bus? Now you don't have to wonder. You can utilize the "here comes the bus" app to view the real time location of your child's bus. (Click link below.)
Bus passes should only be requested when students have a change in physical address or when there is an emergency situation and a student needs to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop. Bus passes will not be granted for students simply wanting to go visit with a friend.
Need to obtain a bus pass?
Visit this site to submit a request electronically, or parents can write a note or send an email to Ms. Revis at btrevis@smcps.org. All relevant information must be included in the written request. Bus Information includes: Student name, address, parent phone number, existing bus stop to be used, bus #, date, medical concerns, destination address, destination phone # and reason for the pass.
Parents, please be sure to fill out a dual custody bus pass request form for any student that has a custody arrangement that requires the student to alternate between addresses on a daily or weekly basis. This form must be completed each school year and can found at https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1665413075/smcpsorg/z7oy5zgxev72zkrk73qc/DualCustodyBusTransportationRequestForm1.pdf Completed forms can be emailed to btrevis@smcps.org or dropped off in the main office.
Picking Up & Dropping Off - Click the button below for more information.
Student Laptop Information
If you have not used your computer over the summer, please fully charge and log into your laptop. Make sure you have done the following prior to the first day of school:
- Charge & log in to your laptop (If you forgot your password, please use this link to reset it.)
- Log in to your SMCPS Gmail account
- Run any Windows Updates not installed over the summer
- Check other accounts (Clever, Schoology, etc) as soon as schedules go live on the 18th. If you feel you need to troubleshoot anything on your laptop, you can start here.
If you are new to SMCPS and do not have a laptop, we will work on getting you laptop as soon as we can this week.
Students are responsible for the care and upkeep of all of their SMCPS assigned resources: print and technology. This document outlines all of the policies and procedures in addition to pricing for lost or damaged devices.
CLICK HERE for more information on resource & technology accountability.
Additional questions about obtaining a laptop can be directed to Ms. Morris at smmorris@smcps.org
Students will need permission to use Google's Additional Services. Please click on the links below.
The AUP is linked here as well as the information Specific to Google.
On October 9, 2024, LHS will give the PSAT for free to all 10th grade students. If you are in 10th grade, you will be automatically registered for the test. 11th grade students who want to take the PSAT will need to complete this form by August 29, 2024. Rising 11th graders will not be able to take the PSAT unless they complete this form by August 29, 2024.
Students who receive 504 or IEP accommodations do NOT automatically get accommodations on College Board exams like the PSAT; they must be requested. Requests for accommodations must be submitted to the College Board for approval, and should be done before August 29, 2024. Email Ms. Bridges (kjbridges@smcps.org) or Ms. Gretton (vngretton@smcps.org) for a consent form to request accommodations.
School Meal Benefit Forms
School Meal Benefit Forms
School Year Meal Benefit forms for SY 24-25 are now available online! Easily fill out your new meal benefit form by visiting https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application on the www.smcps.org website.
Families are able to request more information by contacting SMCPS' Food and Nutrition Services Office at 301.475.4256, Option 5, or via email at foodservice@smcps.org.
Career Center Updates
ATTENTION Seniors: the Common Application is now open!
Common Application
The Common Application, which is accepted by more than 900 schools, helps streamline an essential part of the admissions process for students. Through the platform, first-time applicants can apply to multiple colleges at once. Students will only have to fill out details that most schools require, including name, address and extracurricular activities, one time. Click here for the Common Application Link
If you are applying to colleges via Common App, please do not request any documents from your teachers/counselors via Common App. All document requests must go through Naviance.
Helpful Links!
SMCPS Mental Health Website
Teen Mental Health & Wellness
Parent/Guardian Mental Health & Wellnesses
SMCPS Help Desk Ticket
LHS Tech Help
SMCPS Resources & Accountability
Leonardtown High School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lhs/
Location: 23995 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: 301-475-0200