Dr. Semmel's Monthly Update
August 2024
Take as little or as much time as you want to better understand each topic. Have a question, email me at msemmel@trumbullps.org
Welcome Back!
Hillcrest Middle School Referendum
There was an informative update regarding Hillcrest Middle School in the First Selectman’s July Newsletter. Below is the information from that newsletter:
In accordance with the Board of Education District Master Plan, the town approvals needed for the construction of the new Hillcrest Middle School are in place. The Board of Finance, at its June 13 meeting, approved a bond authorization in the amount of $142,375,000 for the construction of the new school, and the Town Council approved the same bond authorization at its meeting on July 1. The Board of Education submitted a grant application for the state on June 27.
Under the Trumbull Town Charter, a referendum vote must be held for the issuance of bonded debt for all town projects exceeding $15 million. The referendum question for this project will be on the November 5, 2024 general election ballot. On August 5, the Town council approved the language of the November ballot question and directed the Town Clerk to prepare explanatory text that will provide voters with important information about the project.
The actual cost of the project will be much less than the bonding request. Due to special legislation approved by the state legislature this past spring, the Hillcrest project will receive a 44% reimbursement rate, which is above the standard reimbursement rate of 24.29%. This is a potential significant cost savings for Trumbull taxpayers. However, the Trumbull voters must approve the referendum question in order for the project to move forward.
More information will be provided to the public in the near future about the impact this project will have on town taxpayers and the impact the construction will have on the students, staff, and the area surrounding the school.
Bus Routes
Food Service
Proper nutrition is so important for all of us and our children are no exception. Our goal is to ensure that all students enjoy a well-balanced meal during breakfast and lunch. Chris Molyneux, our Food Service Director, made several improvements to our program last year, and we look for continuous improvement each year. He has put together a letter that provides specific information regarding upgrades to our kitchens and menus, payment options, and changes to policy.
New Option for Notifying Schools of Student Absence
Beginning this school year, parents in PK-12 will now have the ability to report full day absences, late arrivals and early dismissals via their Infinite Campus Parent Portal using the mobile app or website in place of calling the school attendance line. For specific directions on how to report an absence via the Infinite Campus Portal click here.