Updated Family Information
March 7, 2025
Yearbook Photos Needed!
Below is the list of categories for which we are low on pictures. The link to the folder is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vcDg2mhXEq0z-43Hgsmm53EgRemzIgoT?usp=drive_link
first day of school/back to school night
Cookies with Santa
Ms Quick's class
All third grade
Ms Halpin's class
Feel free to download the photos from Dojo and add them as well!
End of Year Events
March Reminder
Every Friday in March is a scheduled Early Dismissal. Please plan accordingly
VIP&Me Dance-March 14-Donation Sign Up
VIP&Me Ticket Info
**Tickets are on Sale**
Join us for the ESS VIP and Me Dance!!!
ESS Families Only Please
Each student at ESS can bring one VIP for an evening of Dancing and Fun!
$30 per couple (VIP and Student) VIP must be 18 or older
($10 for EACH additional ESS student or adult)
DJ, Photo Booth, and Snacks will be Available
Hosted by the ESS PTO
Tickets WILL be sent home the week of the dance.
You will not be able to enter ESS without a ticket the night of the dance.
Sales will end firmly on Monday March 10th NO EXCEPTIONS.
Purchase Tickets Here:
Please reach out to Dawn Coppola (dawn_m_coppola@uhc.com)
Read Across America Week-March 3-7
Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser -Postponed
Hello ESS Families!
Due to low participation, we are postponing the Popcorn Fundraiser that was set to begin tomorrow to now begin on April 3rd.
The fundraiser will run from April 3rd – April 6th. We will send an updated flyer soon and reminders along the way for you to sign up and invite others to order through the Double Good App
Titlewish-Ability to add books to our library-from Mrs Bush
PTO Upcoming Events
VIP&Me-March 14
March Menus
2025-2026 Incoming Kindergarten Registration has started!
In person registration will begin on February 3rd for all students who are eligible to attend Kindergarten next year. Please see the district website for updated forms to fill out. You will need to contact the Main Office (203-929-1330) to set up a registration appointment. Your child DOES NOT need to attend registration with you.
Those students who are not 5 by September 1st will have to fill out a waiver in order to be considered for registration. That link will be on the district website prior to February 3rd.
Updated Information
Current News-
I hope you had a good week.
We had a great week with Read Across America Week. Next Monday begins our March Reading Madness Tournament where students will listen to read alouds and then vote on their favorite. The grand champion will be announced at the end of the month!
Have a nice weekend-Mrs Weber
Old News-
Getting outside for recess has been great. Students who wear footwear without a back strap on like Crocs or UGG slippers need to have a change of shoes or else they will have to sit out during outdoor recess. Sneakers are the safest choice.
Currently the last day of school is scheduled for Tuesday June 10th
Please be sure your child is fever-free WITHOUT any medicine for a full 24 hours before coming back to school
It was nice to get some fresh air for a few days this week at recess when it wasn't so windy. Just a reminder to have your child bring hats/gloves
Please be sure you are aware of what websites your children are accessing at home. Many students are trying to replicate certain challenges they see online or are using words that are inappropriate for a school setting based on what they are seeing on the phone/tablets/laptops/computers.
Just another reminder that student phones and smart watches are NOT allowed to be on during the school day. Please refrain from contacting your child on these devices during the school day
Children must have a coat each day, hoodies are not warm enough if we go outside for recess or have fire drills. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated. Should you need a coat for your child, please let me know and we can arrange to get one for your child. If your child is giving you a hard time about wearing a coat, please let me know and I will speak with him/her
Dates to Know
- Wednesday March 12-Green/Orange Day
- Thursday March 13-Report Cards come home
- Friday March 14-Early dismissal, VIP&Me dace-5:30-7:30
- Tuesday March 18-Book Fair begins
- Thursday March 20-Parent Confrences-6:00-8:00-parents/guardians with appointments only
- Friday March 21-Early Dismissal
- Wednesday March 26-Superhero day
- Thursday March 27-Parent Confrences-6:00-8:00-parents/guardians with appointments only
- Friday March 28-Early Dismissal
Book Fair Schedule
Link to upload pictures for the yearbook
PTO Newsletter
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page