Hall's Corner
April 12, 2024
Dear Bruin Families and Students:
Quarter three officially ends on Monday, April 15, 2024. Grades will be available on the Parent/Student Portal on April 25, 2025. Please talk to your child about how they are doing, check SchoolTool for running averages, and contact your student's teachers if you have any questions or concerns about their courses. Students may seek out help from their teachers during FLEX, common free periods, or by appointment.
We continue to follow our NEW Positive Attendance Campaign at BHS! You can read Dr. Hall's letter HERE to learn more.
BHS Spring Timeline of Events
Check out the Timeline so you can plan ahead!
***Seniors - Please note Senior Decision Day has been moved to May 23rd!
Attention students and families re. Algebra 1. Algebra I Regents has been added to the calendar for June 4th, 2024
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
Has been Updated to Include ALGEBRA 1 Exam -June 4
June 4 – June 24
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
Students in the News
NYSATA Legislative Exhibit 2024
Congratulations to BHS juniors Ella Wade and Max Wilson whose artwork is being featured in New York State Art Teachers Assosiation Legistlative Student Art Exhibit. The 2024 exhibit is virtual and available to view at www.nysata.org/legislative-exhibit.
BHS Students present for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy
BHS students, Caliena Williams and Ethan Nagel, have been identified as some of the top young entrepreneurs in the Rochester area! The two competed in front of a panel of Rochester’s most impressive business leaders at the Rochester Investor Panel Event on Thursday, April 11th. At this event, several budding entrepreneurs had the chance to give the best 3-minute business pitch of their young lives, hoping the panel of investors would pick them to invest on with real investment dollars.
Caliena and Ethan started the Young Entrepreneurs Academy with 26 other local students at Golisano Institute in November 2023 and throughout the program they have developed their business idea, wrote their business plans, and prepared for months to pitch their business in front of a panel of Rochester business leaders for funding that will help them launch their company by the end of the program in May.
National German Exam AATG
Over 80 students from Brighton High School participated this year in the National German Exam offered by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG). The AATG is a competitive and difficult exam that is made up of authentic audio, video, and written sources to test students’ knowledge and understanding of German. Frau Dr. Geiger is very excited to announce that this year once again a Brighton student won the scholarship. Congratulations to Markian Dwulit who won and accepted a scholarship for a study trip to Germany. Markian, who is an outstanding Brighton German student was among the 36 students selected from across the US to receive an all-expense-paid summer study trip to Germany. The study trip includes round‐trip air transportation to Germany from New York or Newark, a homestay in a host family, and excursions to places of cultural and historical significance.
Several Brighton students at the different levels were able to score high on this year’s AATG exam. Their hard work and dedication to learning the German language and culture paid off and they were awarded gold, silver, or bronze medals and achievement certificates. These are the students who were awarded medals and certificates for their outstanding and excellent commitment and progress in learning the German language and culture.
Level 2
Charles Cheng, Noah Biedenkopf, Simon Mooney, Asa Smith, Ben Oswald, Kishan Totten, Landon Wells, Denise Snyder Smith, Emmett Greene, Grace Quarles, Jackson George, Jason Ryder, Luke Doescher, Owen Hoefen, Ryan Ladley, Taylor Wilson, Zaki Hoffman-Hussain.
Level 3
Carol Bennett, Filip Stefankovic, Noah Busch, Isaiah Carr, Jackson Wojtovich, Tejus Reddy, Aung Oo, Grace Miller, Maria Shalaeva, Marie Mikols, Claire Fien, John Luger, Kaitlin Buckley, Trevor Nolan.
Level 4
Juniors: Elise Hosmer, Katie Seymour, Ben Mahmutovic, Evan Hoefen, Frances Lovett, Lauren Russell, Lisa Xu, Phoebe Martin, Vivienne Biedenkopf.
Seniors: Ben Remmel, Lily Coyne, Markian Dwulit, Maxwell Lent, Vincent Hunt, Wyatt Robinson, Joanna Frank, Caleb Mendler, Corban Vogler.
Maxwell Lent had the highest senior score and has been recommended for the Steuben Society Scholarship Award!
Spring Day of Dance
2024 Climate Summit
On Saturday, April 20, at 12:30pm, come to Room 262 at the high school for the 2024 Climate Summit! Led by BHS Climate Club, speakers and activists from the Rochester area will present different educational and action-oriented topics regarding climate change and the environment.
We are already seeing the effects of climate change in Rochester, and it can be quite terrifying. Join a community of people who care about the earth to help navigate this fear. All students and BHS parents are invited. If you plan to attend, please scan the QR code and fill out the form. Thank you!
Red Cross Blood Drive
The BHS Red Cross Club and the American Red Cross are hosting a blood drive in the cafeteria at Brighton High School on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Main Parking Lot- Door #20). Will you please post to the district socials? I’m including a flyer. Please highlight that people who donate get a coupon for free haircut by email, thanks to Sport Clips Haircuts! Plus, they also have a chance to win a VIP NASCAR experience to the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series & Xfinity Races at Darlington Raceway.
Donors can scan the QR code on the attached flyer, use the hyperlink below, go to redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor keyword: brightonhighschoolbrighton to schedule an appointment, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)
Message from the Transportation Department:
The Transportation Department asks that guardians have their students out at their bus stop five to seven minutes before the assigned stop time. We have many sub drivers daily. Sub drivers will not know the routes as well as the normal driver and may be a few minutes early or late for the assigned stop time. Being at the stop early is the best way to make sure that kids will not miss the bus. Hopefully, the return of warmer weather will make getting outside easier. If the bus is running more than 10 minutes late for pick up, please call the Transportation Department at: 242-5200, ext 5806.
SAT ACT Boot Camps
There will be no Boot Camp in April. The final Boot Camp of the school year meets Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Complete information about the class content and registration is available here.
High School Study Skills offers tips and suggestions on useful study skills for high school students. These skills include time management, material organization, learning methods, active listening, and active reading skills - all skills students need to succeed in high school. Students who have enrolled in the class in previous years have attested to its value. The class is open to students in grades 9 - 12. You do not have to be a Brighton High School student to register.
Please contact the Community Education office at mona_zamiarski@bcsd.org if you have any questions. Financial assistance is available by contacting the BHS School Counseling office.
Brighton Believes Resources
Safe School Helpline
1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359
1-800-418-6423 ext. 359
TEXT: 66746, TIPS
Check out the Counseling News
Junior Newsletter for April 9-12
Jonathan B. Angelone Scholarship
The JBA College Scholarship Award for Excellence of $1,000 will be awarded to a senior in the top 20% of the class and demonstrate accomplishments in the arts, athletics, community service and leadership. Essay required - 500-word essay on how you plan to "Make a Difference in Our World."
For more information go to https://www.bcsd.org/site/default.aspx?PageID=2087
Counselor Booking Pages
Mary Crelley, Keri Crowley, Elissa Maxon, Jennie Viggiani
Travis Figueroa, Holly Juliano, Courtney Stern, Lance Mitchell
Please contact Ms. Zeller directly to schedule an appointment
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
Nominate Someone for a Brighton Believers Award
The Brighton Believers Awards are presented to people who exemplify the five character traits highlighted in the motto, “Brighton Believes."
- Nominees must live or work in the town of Brighton.
- Nominees must demonstrate the character traits of Brighton Believes in their work, school, community involvement, public service, extracurricular participation, etc.
- Anyone may submit a nomination.
- There is no deadline this year, as we’d like nominations to come in throughout the 2023-24 school year.
To complete a nomination, please fill out this form (file below). You need not be limited by the lines in the form. You can submit your nomination by mail or in person to Brighton Believes Council, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618; or e-mail to Jeff_Green@bcsd.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jeff Green at (585) 242-5200 ext. 5535.
Recipients will be recognized at a Brighton Central School District Board of Education Meeting on a date to be determined. The recipient will be invited along with the person who submitted the nomination.
Brighton Community Education
Brighton Community Education offers the following classes for high school students throughout the school year. If you have questions, please send an email to ce@bcsd.org or call the office at 585-242-5200, Ext. 5595.
SAT and ACT Exam Prep Boot Camp
Taught by Chariot Learning--Upstate New York’s most well-known and respected test prep organization--this SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. This class meets at Brighton High School multiple times throughout the year.Complete class information, meeting dates for each session, and registration are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. You do not have to be a BHS student to register for this class. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
New York State Driver Education
This course is offered at Brighton High School (BHS four times a year – fall, winter, spring, and summer. Brighton Central School District partners with a program coordinator and instructors who are Monroe One Educational Services (BOCES) employees. Dates for the next session are posted as soon as they are provided to BHS from BOCES. BHS students are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. Prepare to register for this course by reading general information about the current session here (see the Student Info Sheet). Complete course details and registration information are available at brightonschools.revtrak.net. Questions? Please contact the Community Education office at ce@bcsd.org or 585-244-5200, ext. 5595.
Please see the important notification that Dr. McGowan sent out to families in March about our software program called Linewize. Linewize is a software platform that monitors the online work of device and network users in the district. The platform sends an alert to school and network administrators when concerning searches or text entries are made.
See the notice, "Online Safety and the Qustodio Parents App",
School Picture Code
- BHS offered a second day picture makeup day on Friday, December 1. Parents/guardians who have not ordered can place an order using the Retake Event Order Code, 84702RF at https://inter-state.com/Order. This Order Code is different from the original Event Order Code.
- Students who were absent for Picture Day and had pictures on makeup day in October, please use the Retake Order Code: 79066MF to place your order at: https://inter-state.com/Order. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
Senior Picture Guidelines
The BCSD site for yearbook with Senior Portrait info is up to date. This is the link to our page
BATHROOM EXPECTATIONS – violations will lead to consequences.
- ONLY one person per bathroom stall.
- No loitering or hanging out in bathrooms. If students are waiting for available stalls or urinals, they should wait in the hallway or choose another bathroom.
- Bathrooms are for urinating, defecating, and attending to personal hygiene issues. They are not for eating, socializing, or vaping. Students have a right to privacy when using the restroom and should not have to navigate through students vaping or hanging out.
- Students should get in and get out. Period.
- Nicotine Vape use/possession will result in Saturday detentions, ISS, and treatment programs for nicotine addiction.
- THC containing vapes use/possession will result in out of school suspension and treatment program referrals for substance use/abuse.
- Selling of vape devices/drugs will result in long-term suspension.
We have stepped up our cleaning schedule throughout the day and have increased security monitoring of all bathrooms at BHS. We have heard you and we need your help to make all of our bathrooms clean, safe, and welcoming.
Food Services
Current COVID Guidelines
The CDC recommends that people who have symptoms of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, such as cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea, should stay home. Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin.
- If people test positive for COVID-19, they should stay home for at least 5 days and isolate.
- Isolation may end after Day 5 IF people are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication AND their symptoms are improving.
- Day 0 being day of symptom onset or positive test.
- If symptoms are NOT improving, the CDC recommends that the person continue to isolate until symptoms improve and they are fever-free for 24-hours without fever-reducing medication.
- After the person has ended isolation and when symptoms have improved, the CDC recommends that people wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask through Day 10, OR until two rapid tests, taken 48-hours apart, are both negative.
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.