Greerton Village School Panui
Term 2 - 2023
Principals Word
Kia ora, Talofa, Mālō e lelei, Kia Orana, Fakalofa Atu, Bula, Hola, Kumusta, Kon'nichiwa, Nǐ hǎo, Namaste, whānau
Thank you whānau for supporting teachers and schools during the Primary Collective Agreement. We understand that days when the school is closed can create extra pressure on families and our community, and we have appreciated your support over this time as teachers across the country fight for improved learning and teaching conditions for your children.
A reminder about children wearing the correct school uniform each day to school. Black bottoms and the correct school uniform T Shirt. Warm jackets can be worn to and from school during winter months. A reminder that Whare T Shirts are available for sale at the office for $10.00 - these are only to be worn on Friday's and or for special sporting events.
Attendance is Vital for learning - It is an expectation that all children are at school every day unless they have an explained and justified reason. We understand there is a lot of illness at the moment, and we support whānau for keeping their children at home if they are unwell. A doctor's certificate however needs to be produced after 3 days. Please ensure if your child is not going to be at school, you ring the office first thing in the morning to notify of the absence.
Please take the time to read through the Road Safety & Parking info below and check the list of all the upcoming events further down in this newsletter.
Nga mihi nui
Kimberley Henderson-Ginns
We are seeing too many of our families picking up children from school, putting the convenience of parking illegally and close to school ahead of the safety of our children. Yellow lines are on the roads for a reason, and driveways & footpaths must be kept clear. We take the safety of our children very seriously.
Please DO NOT:
• Park on yellow lines obstructing visibility for/of children and drivers.
• Park up on curbs, on footpaths or shared paths – these are for pedestrians and cyclists only.
• park over the local resident & school driveways.
Please DO
• cross the road where school kea crossings are provided = Greerton Road, at the front of school.
• be prepared to park away from school and take a short walk to pick up your child.
• choose to walk, bike, or scooter to and from school on the days you can.
Please choose to park and travel safely around our kura at all times, making the safety of our tamariki the highest priority.
Greerton Road Kea Crossing
Bella loved seeing all this fabulous handwriting today.
Great work ❤️
What a talented artist you are Archie. Incredible Kōwhai sketching ❤️
Room 2 writers! Little superstars ⭐️✨🌟
Friday Assembly
Leaders of the week Congratulations to these tamariki.
Whole School Whānau Hui
Nau Mai Haere Mai - All Welcome!
We would like to invite you to our whānau hui this evening, where staff and students wish to share our journey so far of rewriting our school story. We welcome all whānau to join us with shared kai. Tamariki are welcome and we will have a movie on during this duration (Rooms 8 & 9). Please bring a plate of kai to share.
We hope to discuss the following topics during this hui and welcome your input and discussion.
BOT / staff Introductions
History of the school / whenua - Aunty Barr
Syndicate names
House names
School’s vision
Graduate Profile
The Importance of Attendance
Behaviour Expectations / Processes
Nā Aunty Barr, Reuben, Helen, Stu, Rebecca, Abbie and Kim (Whānaungatanga Team).
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023, 05:00 PM
Greerton Village School Greerton Road, Greerton, Tauranga, New Zealand - In the Nga Hau e Wha
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Please put how many are attending the Hui after your first name. Thanks! 👀
We welcome 2 new beautiful girls into our Village. ❤️❤️
We welcome two new beautiful girls into our Village. ❤️❤️
Introducing Mackenzie Max Clout, and Scarlett Elisa Cook.
Congratulations Abbi and Jacinda.
We are thrilled for your whānau and look forward to meeting your darling girls 🌸🌸
Mackenzie Clout and Scarlett Cook
Whare Friday
Sport BOP
This term we had Bevan and Lily in from Sport BOP who taught our tamariki a new game at lunchtime. This is what we like to call organised chaos. Fun was had by all.
Congrats to Ngā Whetū for taking out the challenge.
Overall Whare Points for Term 2
1st Papatūānuku - 832, 2nd Ranginui - 806, 3rd. Ngā Whetū - 733, 4th. Ika Roa - 711
GVS Cross Country
What an awesome day at Yatton Park on Thursday 18th May for our annual whole school cross country. A big thank you to Matua T and Mr Ensor for their organisation and to all whanau who came to support, it was great seeing you their.
Below are the results for all age groups. The top 6 runners from Year 4-6 will go on to represent Greerton Village School at the West Cluster Competition at Gate Pa School on Thursday 1st June.
West Cluster X-Country
School Uniform
We currently have a lot of different colored clothes creeping into the school, Yellows, Reds, Greens etc..
Our school policy states that all students must wear the correct uniform at all times, unless it is Whare Friday when all students wear their whare shirt (see below detail), mufti day or dress up day. Please can you ensure your child leaves home in the correct uniform. Student's don't need to be wearing jackets, jerseys and layers of clothes in term 4, it is so hot! Please encourage them to replace these with a sunhat.
Our uniform is the school polo shirt and black bottoms, this is what is expected every day. Please support us in keeping up our school standards.
Our kura Whare Tee Shirts.
All children are in a Whare Group and will be able to wear their tee shirt on Whare Fridays instead of their school uniform top.
Ranginui - Kikorangi
Ika Roa - Kiwikiwi
Nga Whetu - Kowhai
Papatuanuku - Kakariki
These Tee Shirts represent our four whare/houses and are available in our school office for sale.
The shirts are $10.00 each and are subsidised at this price, our office has a list of your child"s Whare group and Tee Shirt size.
(Picture is for colour purpose only - these are the Whare Leaders wearing their Leader Polo shirts.)
Term Dates
Term 2: Monday 24 April – Friday 30 June
*Fri 2nd Jun – Teacher Only Day, No School.
*Mon 5th Jun – Kings Birthday, No School
*Wed 14th Jun - Whole School Whanau Hui.
*Fri 30th Jun – Last Day of Term 2
*Matariki Day, 14 July (Falls within Term Two Break) School closed
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
*Teacher Only Day -TBC School closed
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December (school finishes at 12.00 pm)
*Labour Day – Monday, 23 October School closed
Connect with Greerton Village School
Location: 151 Greerton Road, Greerton, Tauranga, New Zealand
Phone: 07 5412350