February, 2025

Senior Newsletter - February 2025
Hello Seniors!
As we approach June, the countdown to graduation is officially on—just five months to go! While the excitement is building, it is essential you remain focused and committed to finishing the school year strong.
Semester 2 began on Monday, and final grades for Semester 1 will be posted by Monday, February 3rd. Your counselors are working diligently to ensure all seniors are enrolled in the correct classes to stay on track for graduation in June. If you have failed a course, your counselor will reach out to discuss options for recovering credits to ensure you can graduate on time with your class.
We are pleased to announce that this year’s commencement ceremony will take place at the Tacoma Dome on Saturday, June 7th, at 1:00 p.m. Additional details regarding the event, including ticketing information, will be shared in the coming months. Please monitor communications sent via ParentSquare and verify that your contact information is accurate in Skyward to stay informed.
Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work. Together, let’s make the remainder of the school year a success.
Class of 2025 Grade Level Team
- John Malich, Assistant Principal
- April Emerson, Dean of Students
- Ashley Kasten, Counselor (A-K)
- Nick Lyon, Counselor (L-Z)
Dave Goodwin, Principal
Am I on track to graduate?
Review your first semester grades in skyward and schedule an appointment to see your counselor if you are concerned.
Graduation status letters will be mailed out if you are in jeopardy of not graduating by June.
Ashley Kasten - Counselor (A-K) email: kasten@skschools.org
Nick Lyon - Counselor (L-Z) email: lyon@skschools.org
Graduation Name Forms
Grad Name Forms will be handed out during English class next week. It ensures your name is spelled correctly on your diploma and pronounced correctly if you plan to attend the ceremony at the Tacoma Dome.
Please return this form to the Counseling Office or via email to greene@skschools.org by March 1st.
It's important you return this form whether you plan to attend Graduation at the Tacoma Dome or not.
Graduation will be here sooner than we think and what a momentous occasion to celebrate. If you have not placed your order for your cap, tassel and gown yet it is not too late. Please visit www.jostens.com to place your order. If you would like to receive your graduation regalia at the school's official delivery event, please order no later than April 1st.
Xello High School & Beyond Plan
Log into Xello via HelloID and complete the 12th grade lessons.
(and any others not completed from previous grades)
The High School & Beyond Plan is a state graduation requirement and must be complete in order to participate in the Graduation Ceremony in June.
Xello is a great way to figure out what your next steps should be, based on your goals and career pathway after high school. How well do you know yourself? Should you go to college, get a job, join the military or join an apprenticeship program?
If you have any questions or need help with this task, contact your Counselor or Mrs. Nass in the Career Center as soon as possible.
Laurels Recognition Night
Our annual Laurels Night is scheduled for May 22, 2025. What is Laurels Night?
Laurels Night is an event with a dual purpose. The first is to recognize seniors who have earned scholarships for post-secondary education. We invite community groups such as the Kiwanis, the Rotary, and others to come that night to officially present their scholarship awards.
The second purpose is to celebrate our Seniors’ academic successes. On Laurels Night, we present medals to our valedictorians and salutatorians, awards to the class top scholars, and stoles to class and ASB officers.
To be honored at Laurels Night is a reward for hard work! If you have been awarded a scholarship let us know by bringing a copy of your award letter to the Counseling Office or emailing it to Mrs. Greene at greene@skschools.org
Pay Outstanding Fines & Fees
If you haven't already done so, now is the time to check your student account and be sure to pay any outstanding fines or fees.
Outstanding payments exclude students from collecting Graduation tickets for the commencement ceremony at the Tacoma Dome or from buying Prom tickets.
The ASB office is open Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
We accept cash, checks (made payable to: "SKHS") and credit cards.
The cardholder MUST BE PRESENT and show photo ID at the time of transaction.
If you have any questions or concerns about your student account, please contact the ASB office at 360-874-5610
Visit the Career Center for help!
Open Hours : 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mon-Fri
If you need help starting or completing the FAFSA, please stop by the career center for help. Remember, financial aid can help pay for any training or education after high school.
Many colleges and universities are still open for applications. Also, consider private schools as many give merit scholarships which bring down the cost.
Don’t miss out on valuable scholarships. Many new scholarships and Career Opportunities are now posted on our website!
Career Connections Event
Join us for our 2nd Annual Career Connections event on Tuesday, March 19, from 5:30–7:30 PM! This is a great opportunity to network with professionals in various career fields that interest you.
Sign-up information will be shared soon in your grade-level Google Classroom.
All career pathways will be represented, including:
- Health Services
- Industrial and Engineering
- Human Services
- Natural Resources and Agriculture
- Business, Management, and Technology
- Arts and Communication
If you have any questions, please visit Mrs. Nass in the Career Center. We look forward to seeing you there!
Senior Grad Night & Parade
Families: Would you like to support, volunteer or just be kept in-the-loop? Senior class families play an important role in coordinating Grad Night, the Downtown Parade, Fundraising and planning for the senior class.
Join the group page on Facebook for updates or to DM the parent admins.
Downtown Senior Parade is Friday, June 6th at 7 p.m.
*This event is not sponsored or endorsed by South Kitsap School District.