Greetings from Groveport Elementary
April 19, 2024
Principal Message
English Language State Testing is complete! Everything went very smoothly. Thank you to the parents for getting the students to school every day on time and to the teachers for preparing the students! A huge thank you to the students for all their hard work and effort - we can't wait to get the results and pull the raffle ticket winners!
Next up - Math and Science
3rd Grade
April 30/May 1 = Math Part 1 and 2
4th Grade
May 2/3 = Math Part 1 and 2
5th Grade
April 24/25 = Science Part 1 and 2
April 30/May 1 = Math Part 1 and 2
Focus on Learning
We are so proud of our 5th graders for their 3rd nine weeks accomplishments! Our 5th grade students were recognized for their attendance and grades. Students were encouraged to be reflective on how they could improve and earn recognition for 4th nine weeks.
Mrs. Cordell's Homeroom Perfect Attandance
Ahmed Al Saadi
Mrs. Cordell's Homeroom Honor Roll
Elijah Kenley, Amari Fraley, Rohan Khatiwada, Jayden Smalley, Ryder Jackson, Dylan Khatri, Zoey Frashier, Jaiden Ware, Mizael Nava Garcia, Kanen Wilkinson
Mrs. Cordell's Homeroom Straight A's
Dylan Kozdron, Chandler McCoy, Nana Pynangvong, Lyla Watkins
Ms. Wolf's Homeroom Perfect Attendance
Ms. Wolf's Homeroom Honor Roll
Ms. Wolf's Homeroom Straight A's
Mr. Yurasek's Homeroom Perfect Attendance
Valeria Garcia
Mr. Yurasek's Homeroom Honor Roll
Davin Gygi, Mason Holbrook, Tyler Spaulding, Ed Dumbuya, Jade Lewis, Rahzir Edwards, Nakira Gibson, Haleigh Davis, Alaina Rogers
Mr. Yurasek's Homeroom Straight A's
Ressie Baxter, Amil Dokes, Kelsey Deskins.
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
23rd = ELA Raffle Winner Drawing
26th = Arbor Day Celebration (3rd grade)
30th = Student of the Month Lunch
2nd = PTO Meeting
3rd = 2nd Grade Heritage Society Field Trip
6th = Talent Show Auditions Start
BOGO Book Fair May 6th and 7th (family shopping 4:00 - 7:00)
Lunch Choices
Monday = Mashed Potato and Chicken Bowl
Tuesday = Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Wednesday = Macaroni and Cheese
Thursday = Chicken Nuggets
Friday = Sloppy Joe TOTchos
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Kenzie Lee
Wednesday = Aspyn Williams
Thursday = Brennen McKissack
Friday = Callum Fraser
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray