Stonybrook School Weekly Update #35
May 26th, 2024
Happy Memorial Day to our Stonybrook Staff, Students, and Families
Stonybrook Art Show 2024
Thank you to all of our students and their families who attended the Art Show on May 20th. Our families were able to walk through the building and enjoy all of the amazing art work that our students have completed throughout the school year. Thank you to Mrs. Scully for doing an incredible job putting together a wonderful show.
Honoring Mrs. Reinmund
At the close of this school year, Mrs. Sarah Reinmund will be retiring. Mrs. Reinmund has worked with the students of Kinnelon for over 20 years, currently serving as our GOAL teacher. Mrs. Reinmund is a dedicated, hardworking, and passionate teacher who has impacted so many students and families. Thank you to Mrs. Reinmund for being an exceptional colleague, teacher, and role model for our students. She will be missed. We wish her well in her retirement!
NJ Governor's Educator of the Year Award
Congratulations to Mrs. Susan Giuliano, our 4th grade teacher, for being recognized as the 2024 NJ Governor's Educator of the Year. Congratulations also goes out to our Educational Services Professional of the Year, Mrs. Heather Cornett, a paraprofessional at Stonybrook School.
Ice Cream Social
Please join us for Stonybrook's 1st Ice Cream Social sponsored by KEHSA. This event will be held on June 3rd from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Flyers were sent home with your child.
Save the Dates for our 5th Grade End of the Year Events
All PEEC Packets with the final payment were due last week to your child's homeroom teacher. There are several forms that need to be signed and returned to school. If you have any questions, please email your child's teacher.
Invitations will be sent home this week for our 5th Grade Promotion Celebration and for our 5th Grade Clapout. You will receive these via School Messenger. Thank you.
Stonybrook School Band Spring Concert
Please note the revision of the date due to a conflict. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Stonybrook School Choir Spring Concert
Important Upcoming Dates
May 27th: School Closed - Memorial Day
May 29th: GOAL Museum Night
May 30th: Stonybrook Career Day
May 31st: Field Day
June 3rd: Chromebooks will begin to be collected by Mrs. Bosch
June 4th: Band and Jazz Band Concert (Revised date)
June 6th and June 7th: 5th Grade PEEC Trip
June 7th: 2nd Grade Move Up Day to Stonybook School
June 10th and June 11th: 5th Grade Move Up Days to PRM (This visit is for students only)
June 10th: Choir Concert
June 11th: Board of Education Meeting at KHS
June 12th: 5th Grade Promotion Celebration at 10:00 a.m. at KHS
June 13th: 5th Grade Barbecue (This day is for students only)
June 13th: Minimum Day for students - 1:25 p.m. dismissal
June 14th: Last Day of School! Minimum Day for Staff and Students - 1:25 dismissal
June 14th: 5th Grade Clap Out - 12:30 (Invitation to families is going home on Wednesday).
June 14th: Report Cards released to families
Chromebook Reminder
Please remember that chromebooks should be in school each day. If your child has been provided with a loaner at any time this year, and now have their original Chromebook back, we ask that you please return that to Mrs. Bosch. Chromebooks and chargers will be collected during the week of June 3, 2024. A time for collection will be provided to each homeroom teacher and shared with your child so they know when it is going to be collected prior to the last day of school. Thank you.
Important Reminders
If your child has lost a sweatshirt or jacket throughout the school year, please have them check the lost and found in the cafteria. All items will be donated at the end of this week.