CRA Mathematics
Amanda Anderson, Training and Consultation Team, ARIN IU 28
Who can use CRA?
The “seeing” stage uses representations of the objects to model problems. In this stage, the teacher transforms the concrete model into a representational (semiconcrete) level, which may involve drawing pictures; using circles, dots, and tallies; or, using stamps to imprint pictures
for counting.
The “symbolic” stage uses abstract symbols to model problems. At this stage, the teacher models the mathematical concept at a symbolic level, using numbers, notation, and mathematical symbols to represent the number algorithm. The teacher uses operation symbols (+, × ,÷, –) to indicate addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
How can I use CRA?
CRA may be implemented at all grade levels individually, in small groups, or for the entire class. It can be used with children at the elementary or secondary level. When using CRA, the teacher is able to provide multiple opportunities for practice and demonstration helping students achieve mastery of the mathematical concept.
What materials do I need to engage in CRA?
Manipulatives will be provided for you during the training.
CRA Instructional Sequence for Mathematics
Monday March 14 & Tuesday March 15, 2022
8AM - 3PM
ARIN Central Office
2895 West Pike Rd
Indiana, PA 15701
The cost for participation is $5 per participant; lunch will be on your own
Click the link to register: