The Compass Notes for Families
February 2, 2024
Thank you for a fabulous week of teaching & learning! We are truly thankful for your partnership and support with our students & teachers.
In honor of the KC win and Superbowl destination, we are doing a Spirit Week next week! Check out the days below!
If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to Mr. White or Mrs. Page!
Have a safe and wonderful weekend!
-Mr. White & Mrs. Page
Compass Hours of Operation
Regular school day office hours run from 8:15 am - 4:30 pm.
Students can enter the building: 8:30 a.m.
Official start of school-8:50 a.m.
Dismissal-Car Riders, Walkers and Y-Club-3:33 p.m.
Dismissal-Bus Riders-3:50 p.m.
Dates to Know
February 7 & 8: 4th Grade Field Trip
February 8: 5th Grade Field Trip
February 8- February 12: PTA Bookfair
February 15: 3 Hour Early Release & Student Conference/Spring Showcase
February 16: No School for Students
Lunch Sign-Up & Eat with Your Student
Please use the link below to sign up and eat lunch with your student(s)!
We alternate every other day: K, 2, 3 and then 1, 4, 5 on the other day.
New Information
Student Showcase
See the flyer for specific information!
Special Olympics
2 Compass Olympians will be featured!!!
Last year we filled the fieldhouse with so many PC special olympics team spectators and we want to do it again this year!
Community Event
Previous Information
2024 Kindergarten Enrollment
Children who have turned five years of age before August 1, 2024, are eligible for kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. Families are encouraged to view the Attendance area boundary map linked here, or call the District office at 816-858-5420 for confirmation of attendance area.
If your family has an incoming kindergartner, please complete the following form. We will then send you additional information about enrollment and Kindergarten Kickoffs. Kindergarten Kickoffs will be hosted in each elementary on Monday, April 22.
2024 Kindergarten Information Form
Birthday Treats
We believe that birthdays are an important time in a child’s life, and Compass students will receive a Birthday Book in celebration of their special day. However, for several reasons including increased food allergies, preservation of the instructional day, and student equality, students are not allowed to bring treats from home or a store or have flowers/balloons or other items delivered to the classroom for birthdays, going-away parties, or other personal events. If a student receives a delivery at school, the student will be notified to come to the office to view the item. Parents will be responsible for transporting the item home. Birthday party invitations may only be distributed if invitations are given to every student in the class.
Father/Daughter Dance
I wanted to share with you the Annual Father Daughter Dance information! The signup is below, along with the flier that has the QR code on it.
Signup link:
Friendship Parties: February 14, 2:00-3:00pm
We will be celebrating our Friendship Parties on Tuesday, February 14th at Compass Elementary. On February 14th only, we are allowing students to bring in valentines and nut-free, individually-wrapped treats to distribute to their classmates as well as decorative boxes or bags (if they so choose).
PTA is also providing a snack for our students to enjoy while they distribute special treats! Thanks PTA! If you have any questions about this day, please feel free to let our PTA know. Thank you!
We want families to stay connected to all Compass information. We invite you to use the buttons below to visit our social media and platforms.
You can always pick up the phone and give us a call anytime. The school number is 816.858.0172. If you have a specific question for administration, please email us at (Mr. White, Principal) or (Mrs. Allison Page, Assistant Principal).
NCC Classes for our Community
See below for the flyer on our NCC Community Classes!
To register for these classes and more CLICK HERE
Thank You to Our Compass Elementary Pirates R.O.C.K. Business Partners!
Compass Elementary School
Location: 401 Kentucky Avenue, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-0172
Twitter: @CompassElemPCR3