ATA Weekly
October 4th, 2024
Bargaining Bulletin
October 3rd, 2024
The ATA Bargaining Team will begin negotiations with the District on November 13, 2024. The 2024-2025 negotiations are a re-opener year, and your bargaining team needs your suggestions. A re-opener year limits both sides to two articles in addition to bargaining salary and health benefits that are automatic re-openers.
ATA has a fiduciary responsibility to bargain in good faith, and due to financial constraints at the district level, ATA will be focusing on non-monetary contract language.
As you consider articles, we need you to provide the following:
- Article Number and Title
- Page of contract
- Suggested proposal/language change
The ATA Contract may be accessed here. To search - hold "Ctrl" and the letter "F".
Please note that we will not be accepting proposals via email or text to ensure we can keep accurate records of all proposals. Instead, we encourage you to use the official submission process.
The submission deadline will be October 14, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Your name and email are vital for the Bargaining Team, especially when clarification is needed.
2024 Bargaining Article Submission Doc
Tammy Scorcia
Bargaining Chair
Be Prepared When Meeting with Representatives Selling Non-Endorsed Voluntary Insurance and Investment Products
This is the time of year when we enroll in employer benefits such as health insurance, dental insurance, and other Section 125 (Pre-tax) deductions. You may be required by the district to meet with a representative from an outside vendor to complete or review your annual elections.
We know these meetings can be confusing because these vendors often use these opportunities to sell their voluntary insurance products and retirement investment products. To assist you in making the best choices for you and your family, we offer the following tips:
· These products have not been vetted or endorsed by our associations (ATA, CTA, and NEA).
· These programs often include commission, cost more, and may not have the best plan design for you. Many of these programs are more beneficial to the sales representative and organization.
· Our associations may offer similar products which have been rigorously vetted and continuously monitored to assure they provide the best value to you. With these programs (including The Standard, California Casualty, and the CTA Retirement Savings Plan), our association provides advocacy in the case that you are dissatisfied.
· Remember that their products are not your only choices and you do not have to make a purchase decision during the meeting.
· Restrict the conversation during this meeting to your employer benefits, such as health or dental insurance and yourSection 125 elections.
· If you are considering one of their voluntary products, take the time to compare these products with others, including the CTA-endorsed products, to ensure that you make the best choice.
We are confident that you can trust our endorsed benefit partners and encourage you to check them out. To learn more about these programs, visit www.CTAMemberBenefits.org, call 650-552-5200, or email member_benefits@cta.org. Be sure to also check out the many exclusive purchase and travel discounts available to you at www.CTAMemberBenefits.org/access.
Understanding Your "CTA DUES" on Your Check Stub
The "CTA DUES" line on your check stub should display $141.20 if your assignment exceeds 60%. This amount includes the following breakdown:
- ATA: $38.30
- CTA: $81.60
- NEA: $21.30
Additional categories exist for unit members working less time or on leave. If your dues amount is higher, it may be due to an optional deduction to NEA/PAC (political action at the national level) or FACT (Foundation to Assist California Teachers). Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Gabriela Mangas, our ATA Office Secretary.
Please be aware that dues have increased over the past few years. These increases result from the CTA and ATA policies, which link dues to salary increases. CTA uses the average Three-Year Statewide Change in Teachers' Salaries to index dues, and ATA dues increases are based on CTA increases, resulting in the same percentage increase. Over the last three years, ATA dues have increased by $7.90 per month. From 2022 to 2025, ATA has received an 18% increase in base salary, improvements to longevity increments, and additional contributions to our Bridge (retiree health benefits) plan. This increase, applied to the average teacher salary of $90,000 per year, equals $16,200. These dues increases have enabled ATA to provide continued support to our members.
Ed Code 48910 - In-School Suspensions
Under the Ed Code 48910, teachers have the authority to suspend students from class for the day of the suspension and the following day due to specific behaviors outlined in Section 48900. When a student is suspended, teachers must promptly inform the school principal about the incident and call the parent/guardian to schedule a conference. Parent-teacher conferences should be arranged as soon as possible, with the involvement of school staff, such as a counselor or psychologist, as needed. During the suspension period, the student cannot return to class without the consent of both the teacher and the principal. Additionally, students suspended from a class will not be placed in another regular class during the suspension period except in specific circumstances outlined in the policy.
It's important to note that in-school suspensions are not isolated actions but are part of a larger progressive discipline practice. They should not be used as a first resort unless more serious infractions occur.
Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendars
October 8
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
October 14
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
October 15
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
October 22
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
October 29
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
November 18
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
November 19
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/