Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 1 Term 1, Friday 2 February
Principal's Comment
Kia ora e te Whanau
Welcome back to the 2024 school year!
A special welcome to the thirty new children who started on day one:
Esther, Luke, Mika-Grace, Deva, Nehemiah, Jake, Hugo, Nash, Tate, Kayzia, Jaida-Lee, Eva-Rose, Lucas J, Lucas W, Zoe, Bobby, Billy, Leela-Rose, Riley, Felicity, Harrison, Max, Angel, Iris, Ethan, Henry, Kyell, Ashwin, Taarush, Keano.
Welcome also to our two new staff members; Miss Jo Coles (Assistant Principal Junior School, Teacher - Huataki) and Miss Michelle Dunsmore (Miss D, Teacher - Room 15).
We hope you all love your time at Onekawa School!
Wonderful news... our Playscape is almost finished! We anticipate completion within the next two weeks. I've included some photos below so you can see the progress so far.
We had a high return of parent surveys at the end of last year. Congratulations to Mel who won the $100 Pak n Save voucher. The results from the survey are shown below. We are very proud of the survey. Your feedback has helped us to develop our strategic and annual plan for 2024.
We would love to see you all at our Meet the Teacher evening on Wednesday 7 February between 5pm and 6pm. Come along to meet your child's teacher, take part in some fun activities and grab a free sausage sizzle!
A reminder that school is OPEN on Monday and then closed on Tuesday for Waitangi Day. As usual, if your child is absent on Monday, please let the office know.
Have a lovely weekend!
Nga mihi,
2023 Parent Survey Results
Playscape Progress Photos!
Classes for 2024
Hiwa 3 - Angela Robin - Year 1
Hiwa 4 - MIchelle Everard - Year 1
Tupu - Louise Bound - Year 1/2
Tupu - Jane Keogh - Year 1/2
Huataki 1 - Kushla McBeth - Year 2
Huataki 2 - Jo Coles - Year 2
Room 5 - Dianne Groom - Year 5/6
Room 6 - Brendon Stone - Year 4/5
Room 7 - Maree Matthews - Year 5/6
Room 8 - Helen Edmonds - Year 4
Room 9 - Mariea Henderson - Year 5/6
Room 10 - Bronson Meehan - Year 5/6
Room 15 - Michelle Dunsmore - Year 4
Room 16 - Angela Young - Year 3
Room 17 - Janine Taylor - Year 3
Team Pipi Meeting - Tuesday 13 February 7pm
Team Pipi, our awesome fundraising group, is meeting on Tuesday 13 February at East Pier for the first time this year.
You are all very welcome to attend to hear about our fundraising plans for 2024.
We hope to see you there!
Important Dates
Wednesday 7 February Meet the Teacher evening - 5pm-6pm
Tuesday 13 February Team Pipi Meeting, 7pm East Pier Restaurant
Contact Us
Email: admin@onekawa.school.nz
Website: https://www.onekawa.school.nz/
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnekawaSchool/