Peirce Pride
Weekly update for Peirce Middle School
Dear Peirce families,
The Peirce Chorus Ensembles wrapped up the winter concerts with three outstanding performances last Thursday evening. The students performed wonderfully for a packed house, and we couldn't be prouder of each and every one of the students involved in the night. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Hardison, and Mr. Kreamer (Henderson High School) for all their leadership.
Attention 6th and 7th Grade Families:
Mr. Agudelo will lead a virtual course selection night for rising 7th and 8th grade parents (current 6th and 7th graders) on Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 pm. The presentation which will be recorded, will focus on the recommendation process, course options, and how to make course changes before the course selection window closes. To register for the English version, please click here. The English version of the program will be presented using Microsoft Teams. Once registered, families will receive the TEAMS link through their email address.
Spanish speaking families should access the program by clicking here. This version of the program will be presented using Zoom and there is no registration required. We look forward to seeing all our rising 7th and 8th Grade families on Tuesday night!
Please see the additional news and notes from Peirce Middle School.
News and Notes from Peirce Middle School
MathCon Math Competition is coming to Peirce Middle School on February 19
MathCON is a national math competition and an opportunity to showcase your mathematical and problem-solving skills! It is a 50-minute timed test with 32 multiple choice questions.
When is it? Wednesday, February 19th during your Unified Arts window.
Where is it? In the Peirce library using your charged laptop, a calculator, paper and a pencil.
How can I join? Get a permission slip from your math teacher and return it by Friday, February 14.
If you have any questions? Ask your math teacher or visit mathcon.org for more information!
6th Grade Wrestling Club to kick off on Thursday, January 23
The 6th grade wrestling program serves as an introduction for those new to the sport and allows wrestlers with experience to get more time on the mat to sharpen their skills. Dates for all practices are listed below. In addition, all interested 6th graders are invited to attend the “Hammer/Nail” Dual on Thursday, January 23rd to watch the varsity team in action against rival Stetson. Pick-up time for this event is 4:45 PM.
If you have not already completed the Google Form to sign-up by clicking here. The Google Form to sign-up for intramural wrestling has been posted on Schoology. Please see Mr. Wildermuth or Mr. Dumas with any questions.
Online order for the 2024-2025 Peirce Yearbook is now open
The online order for the 2024-2025 Peirce Middle School yearbook is open now through Friday, April 4. Please see the attached flyer with the link and ordering details. The cost of the book is $20.
6th Grade Intramural Basketball to start in February
6th Grade Intramural basketball will begin on Wednesday, February 19 (Girls) or Thursday, February 27 (Boys) from 3:00-4:30 pm. Students should complete the attached form and return it to the main office or Dr. DiAntonio in 6th grade lunch by Friday, February 14. Each group will have 5 practice sessions in the Peirce Middle School gym. Students need to wear sneakers and shorts to participate. Pick-up will take place in the front of the school (flagpole). Please reach out to Coach Chambers (pchambers@wcasd.net) with any additional questions.
Girls Dates: February 19, 21,24, 25, & 26
Boys Dates: February 27, 28, March 3, 4, & 5
PMS Students to work with Schoolinks
Please take a moment to review the introduction letter and tutorial video for our new College and Career Readiness platform, Schoolinks. This online platform will take the place of Naviance moving forward. Your student will be using in during the month of February as part of our college and career readiness. Mr. Robertson (drobertson@wcasd.net), the Career Counselor at Peirce Middle School and Henderson High School will lead students through the very beginnings of the career readiness program.
Attendance 101
Questions about attendance? Please see the attached document below that outlines our attendance policies and procedures. Questions may be directed to Ms. Hill (Shill@wcasd.net).
Community Information and opportunities
West Chester High School Basketball Teams offering skills clinics
The West Chester varsity boy's basketball coaches are teaming up again to offer a three separate clinic dates this winter. During these three sessions, the coaching staff will put the kids through the same drills as our varsity teams do. Children will be grouped by age, gender, and skill. We will primarily focus on skill development during the sessions. You can sign up for one, or all three! Please see the attached flyer for all sign up information.
Friday, November 29 – Black Friday, at WC East
Thursday, December 26th –at WC Henderson
Monday, February 17th – Presidents’ Day, at WC Henderson
YMCA to Offer Free Memberships to 7th Grade Students
The YMCA of Greater Brandywine is offering a free membership to any student in 7th grade. Please access the link here for additional information.
Calendar Look Ahead
Monday, January 27: Day 3
Tuesday, January 28: Day 4
Wednesday, January 29: Day 5
Thursday, January 30: Day 6
Friday, January 31: Day 1
Important School Contacts
Peirce Contacts for 2024-20245
Main Office, 484-266-2500
Dr. Joseph DiAntonio, Principal (6th Grade) 484-266-2501 jdiantonio@wcasd.net
Mr. Christian Agudelo, Interim assistant Principal (7th grade) 484-266-2503 cagudelo@wcasd.net
Dr. Judy Maxwell, Assistant Principal (8th grade) 484-266-2502 jkmaxwell@wcasd.net
Counselors and Specialists
Mrs. Lauren Gibb, Counselor, 6th Grade) 484-266-2511 lgibb@wcasd.net
Mrs. Beata Starr, Counselor (7th grade) 484-266-2512 bstarr@wcasd.net
Mrs. Stephanie Roesener, Counselor (8th grade) 484-266-2513 sroesener@wcasd.net
Ms. Akieda Behlin, Intervention Specialist 484-266-2520 abehlin@wcasd.net
Mrs. Anais Dixon, Nurse 484-266-2506 adixon1@wcasd.net
Mrs. Natalie Corcimiglia, Caseworker 484-266 2526 ncorcimiglia@wcasd.net
Mr. Chris Beatty, Athletic Director 484-266-2525 cbeatty@wcasd.net
If you have any questions or cannot access the information for any reason, please call the Peirce Main Office at 484-266-2500.
Dr. Joseph DiAntonio, Principal
Email: jdiantonio@wcasd.net
Website: https://www.wcasd.net/Domain/707
Location: 1314 Burke Road, West Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 484-266-2501
Twitter: @PeircePride