Broadmoor's Weekly Wildcat News!
January 7, 2024
Open Gym and After School Clubs!
Dear Broadmoor Families,
We are ready to get it started at BES - our first FULL week is here! Our Open Gym info and After School Club info is below! It is also time for our 5th graders to begin thinking about LMS enrollment! Donuts with Grownups is coming too! See more information below!
Please remember your children must have appropriate outdoor coat for going to recess. We will go outside when it is cold, but we do not allow students outside with only a sweatshirt or thin jacket. Often the wind chill on our playground is very different from day to day, morning to afternoon. Students who do not have what they need on days where it is too cold outside for a sweatshirt only will have indoor recess. If you need assistance, let our office know! We have coats, hats, gloves, and more available!
YEARBOOKS!! We do not sell them at the beginning of the year so you have not bought it! Please do so now and don't wait until it is too late!!!
One last things...PLEASE have your kids wear WILDCAT PURPLE on Wednesday, Jan. 10th. We have a very special SURPRISE visitor coming!
Have a great week!
Cindy Apple, Principal
After School Clubs
Each student can be in one club. Students will be allowed attendance to the clubs if they are in good standing academically and behaviorally. Sign-ups are first come basis and a students will be placed on wait list in order of signing-up. You will receive an email letting you know you have been added to a Club by Wednesday, January 10th.
* Clubs are from January 16- February 29th.
* Families are responsible for their own transportation. Bus transportation is not provided.
* Students must be picked up by 4:15pm
LRC Application
The appointed LRC Board Member will finish the 4-year term of Karin Olson, which would run through the end of December 2025. Please complete the application and return to the Board Office no later than Friday, January 12 at 4 pm. Applications can be emailed to or mailed to Jennifer Yoder, 29020 Mission Belleview Road, Louisburg, Kansas 66053
Yearbooks are NOW On Sale!
It's time to order our YEARBOOKS!! We do not sell them at the beginning of the year, please order now so you don't forget! You will get an email confirmation from the Inter-State company. These are not sold through BES!
To order your yearbook visit:
and enter code: 81929N
Para ordenar su Anuario visite:
e introduzca este código: 81929N
Mindset Moment with McIntire
Our mindset for January is 100% Accountable. This mindset EMPOWERS students to be in charge of their own success and happiness by facing their fears, overcoming negative thinking and using their energy and time on things that move them towards their goals! This mindset is perfect for kicking off the second semester and reminding our kids that they are capable, they can do hard things and we believe in them!
January is National Mentoring Month and we greatly appreciate those that volunteer to mentor in our community. We have 42 adults that participate in the TeamMates Mentoring of Louisburg program. Week after week, they show up. Their commitment to our youth makes a difference and we are grateful for them. If you would like to learn more about being a TeamMates mentor, contact me or scan the code!
5th Grade Enrollment for LMS!
To all current 5th grade parents, we have an informational night at LMS planned for you!
We will be discussing the following:
1. An overview of the schedule at LMS
2. Explain teaming
3. What can students be involved in
4. Parent Involvement
5. How to stay connected
6. The enrollment process
7. 5th grade student transition day
8. WEB
PTO News
Please join us for our LES PTO event: Donuts with Grownups! This event will take place on Friday, January 19th, from 7:30-8:00am, in the Broadmoor Elementary Commons area.Stop by, and grab a quick donut, before school, with your favorite student!
*Please RSVP for this event:
*This event is for Broadmoor Students only, 3rd-5th grade, with a Grownup guest.
BES Wish List
Thank you for your support and generosity with the items on our wish list! I've added a few items for our Garden Club. Also, Nurse Candice gives out a lot of mints..not so much the horehound candy of our Great Grandmother's days, but those mints sure do the job of helping our kids feel better!
Upcoming Dates!
January 15: No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 16: After School Clubs Begin
January 19: Donuts with Grownups!
January 21: Open Gym, 5-7pm
January 28: Open Gym, 5-7pm
January 31: Transition Night at LMS for 5th graders! 6pm
February 4: Open Gym, 5-7pm
February 7: No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 14: Site Council @ 7:40am
February 14: Valentine's Day Parties @ 2pm
February 24: Father Daughter Dance @ BES
February 28: Open Gym, 5-7pm
Daily Schedule for this Week
Monday: B
Tuesday: C
Wednesday: D
Thursday: E
Friday: F
Important Links!
Broadmoor Elementary School
Location: 105 South 5th Street East, Louisburg, KS, USA
Phone: 9138371900
Twitter: @USD416_BES