Grades 6-12 Science
May 2021 Science Newsletter
Secondary Science Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Retrieval Practice...Part 2
Exciting new research conducted over the past decade places retrieval practice squarely within a group of powerful learning and memory strategies that can help to transform student achievement! Simply put, retrieval practice is the act of trying to recall information without having it in front of you.
Traditionally, teachers have worked long and hard to download lots of information into young brains—that is, to teach so that students encode knowledge into long-term memory with tools such as lecture and review sheets. In the past, it has been said that when such methods were used, teachers often learned more than the students because they were working hard while students were passive recipients of knowledge. Now we know that retrieval practice works as a way for students to actively work their brains, enhance knowledge, and access what they have learned. In other words, retrieval practice helps students to bring information to the front of the mind as a way to boost learning. When information is deliberately recalled, students learn to pull out knowledge and see what they know.
Active retrieval practice is most effective when students understand the “why” behind it. Use various methods to teach students how the brain learns and connects new knowledge to existing knowledge. A great way is to use an analogy to the neurons (ie eg: how are the neurons like a road map).
Educators can boost learning and help recall by leveraging short, informal preteach quizzes combined with meaningful interaction of content. For example, an 8th grade study of mitosis begins with a three-question quiz. The first question is on connected content students already know, while the last two are based on content to be learned. Since brains are primed to learn after a mistake, students tune in to see if their answers were correct and thus are more likely to remember the information. Once the content has been presented, collaborative groups apply their new understanding to analyze the steps of mitosis and how this accounts for cells maintaining the same structure and function. This activity purposefully stretches students’ thinking in a meaningful way and boosts their future retrieval of knowledge. Success is evident by the informal questioning of kids as they enter class the next day and their application of what they learned in future projects.
Music, flashcards, and visuals should not be overlooked as powerful tools for retrieval practice.
Check It Out!
General PD Resources: on-demand professional development for pedagogical methods, recorded district PD sessions, exemplar units
Middle School Teacher Resources: course curriculum guides, grade-specific content vocabulary, teacher resource videos, OST resources (8th grade)
High School Teacher Resources: course curriculum guides, OST resources for biology
Check it out and see what you think! https://ccsoh.instructure.com/courses/33719 The first course we will be working on as a blueprint course in Canvas is Materials Science. Look for this near the end of the summer.
Want to Teach Material Science?
Want to teach this course at your high school? If you are interested in teaching it for the first time, you must hold a chemistry or integrated science license and attend the summer camp before you can teach the course. The camps are being offered virtually this year. These are free camps worth $1200. You can receive CEUs. Go here to apply: http://www.asmfoundation.org/teachers/camp-schedule/
For more information: https://www.asmfoundation.org/
They also have camps if you will be teaching for the second year. See the links above.
Home - ASM Materials Education Foundation The ASM Materials Education Foundation provides for the advancement of scientific and engineering knowledge through its support of education and research.. The Foundation introduces hands-on curriculum to provide educators with the tools to increase student engagement and expand the traditional classroom experience.
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-Great Invasive Species Article and others: https://tinyurl.com/3euhjv2c
Education Week:
-Forging Student Connections and Growth Mindset White Paper: https://tinyurl.com/yc5e75hh
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Look to the Skies
-Eta Aquariids Are Coming: This meteor shower produces 10-30 shooting stars per hour in the southern half of the United States on its peak night. In 2021 that will be the night of May 4th into the the predawn hours of May 5th. You’ll want to be looking towards the eastern horizon that night, especially after 2am. That’s when the display should be at its best. The moon will only be 38% illuminated, so moonlight shouldn’t have a big negative impact.
The Eta Aquariids isn't known for fireballs, but is known for its swift meteors with persistent trains. In other words, these shooting stars oftentimes feature those awesome tails that stay visible once the meteor itself passes in the sky.
Also of note: Eta Aquariid meteors are actually debris from Halley’s comet!
-The Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity, is a technology demonstration that will have a test powered flight on another world for the first time. Ingenuity hitched a ride to Mars on the Perseverance rover, and is getting ready to take its first flight. Learn more about the aeronautics of flight on another planet, and keep an eye on the Mars Ingenuity website for the latest mission milestones and updates.
Resources You Might Find Useful
Don't Forget:
-Secondary Science PD Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=columbus.k12.oh.us_eldecnjf6elpd1g96gd6isfpcc%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York
-Chemistry Shorts: https://chemistryshorts.org/
-NSTA Daily Do Playlist: https://tinyurl.com/3c7mtkmx
-The Big List of Class Discussion Strategies: https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/
-Quora for questions and possible phenomenon: https://www.quora.com/
PBS Learning Media:
MS Water Unit: https://wosu.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/h2o-the-molecule-that-made-us/
HS Climate Change: https://wosu.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/climate-change-impacts-and-solutions/
-8 Easy Brain Boosts for State Testing Time: https://ditchthattextbook.com/8-easy-brain-boosts-for-state-testing-time/
-10 Ways to Improve Students' Long-Term Learning: https://ditchthattextbook.com/longterm/
-30 Interactive Google Slides Activities: https://ditchthattextbook.com/8-interactive-google-slides-activities-for-classroom-excitement/
-20 Video Project Ideas: https://ditchthattextbook.com/20-video-project-ideas-to-engage-students/
-20 Ways Google Can Make the End of the Year Rock: https://ditchthattextbook.com/10-ways-google-tools-can-make-the-end-of-the-year-rock/
-10 Ideas for Digital End-of-Semester Final Projects: https://ditchthattextbook.com/10-ideas-for-digital-end-of-semester-final-projects/
-50+ End-of-Year Ideas: https://ditchthattextbook.com/50-awesome-end-of-year-ideas-activities-and-projects/
-55 Chromebook Projects for End of the Year: https://ditchthattextbook.com/55-creative-chromebook-projects-to-try-at-the-end-of-the-year/
-Choice Stories in Google Slides: https://ditchthattextbook.com/choice-stories-in-google-slides-how-to-ideas-for-class/
-How to Add Google Drawings Comic Strips to your Class: https://ditchthattextbook.com/crash-bang-boom-how-to-add-google-drawings-comic-strips-to-your-class/
-Hyper Annotation: https://ditchthattextbook.com/redefining-annotation-ditch-that-pdf-and-hyper-annotate/
-How to Make a Top 10 Video on Flipgrid: https://ditchthattextbook.com/top-10-videos/
-Easy Stop-Motion Animation with Google Slides: https://ditchthattextbook.com/learning-in-motion-easy-stop-motion-animation-with-google-slides/
-Google Maps Walking Tours: https://ditchthattextbook.com/google-maps-walking-tours-with-street-view-and-screencastify/
-Deeper Thinking with Timeline Projects: https://ditchthattextbook.com/deeper-thinking-with-timeline-projects/
-Google Slides Interactive Notebooks and Activities: https://ditchthattextbook.com/google-slides-interactive-notebooks-20-activities-to-fill-them//
-Slide into Science with Google Slides: https://ditchthattextbook.com/slide-into-science-demonstrating-learning-with-google-slides//
-10 Green Screen Project Ideas: https://ditchthattextbook.com/green-screen-project-ideas/
-20+ Tips for Using Canvas LMS: https://ditchthattextbook.com/canvas-lms-tips/
-How to Use Anything on the Web as an LMS Assignment: https://ditchthattextbook.com/lms-assignments/
***Ditch that Textbook YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6BmMqX87vbPE-4yKyPk-Fw/videos
-Plate Tectonics Phenomena and Lesson Plan: https://mosamack.com/home/plate-tectonics/lessons/live/the-phenomenon
-The Water Cycle in Many Different Languages: https://tinyurl.com/26j3338k
-Cicada Smart Phone Mapping App: https://cicadasafari.org/
-A Model of Interacting Fields Lesson Plan: https://tinyurl.com/3vynhnm2
-State Soils Interactive Postcard: https://tinyurl.com/yh7usjk2
-Quality in Biomanufacturing Production and Lesson Plans: https://www.franklinbiologics.org/for-educators/
It's That Time of Year
Middle school teachers, please fill out, sign, get principal signature, and send to Jenny Nord as a school. High school teachers, please check with your department chair on the procedure to be followed.
Below are the forms. Please make sure to complete the chemical inventory (can use this form or create your own) and safety check-off sheet for each classroom. Also, please make sure to fill out the correct check-off form: middle school, high school, high school chemistry.
Spruce Run Nature Center
Let your students and parents know about the amazing opportunities at Spruce Run Nature Center for Summer School:
-Counselor in Training: High school volunteer credit
-Project Adventure: Grades 8-11 (PE credit option)
-Environmental Science: Grades 11-12 (Science credit option)
-Middle School Enrichment Extensions:
-The Physics of Flight
-Citizen Science
-Art Exploration
-Survivors Camp
They can either use this link OR building secretaries can sign them up using CCSDAS.
Details about each camp are in the Spruce Run Newsletter link above.
Tweens and Teens Science Websites
-HHMI Biointeractive: You may be familiar with HHMI’s free movies and posters; they also offer films that are available to stream from the site. Other options include 3-D interactives, virtual labs, and printable activities.
-Biology Junction: If you need a template for lab reports, ideas for your biology club, pacing guides or lessons for biology, Pre-AP Biology, or AP Biology, this is a good place to start.
-Biology Corner: Developed by a high school teacher, Biology Corner includes curated resources from around the web paired with extra practice and presentations and as well as ready-to-use investigations.
-Virtual Urchin: Sounds odd, but this robust site hosted by Stanford University utilizes sea urchins as an engaging entry point to life science concepts ranging from basic biology (introductory microscopy and predator-prey relationships) to university-level curriculum (gene function in embryos).
-NOVA Labs: This site’s evolution lab makes phylogeny and evolutionary history accessible to all students while scaffolding an understanding of the fossil record, the role of DNA in evolution, and an introduction to biogeography. Kids can also play the role of a molecular engineer by solving RNA folding puzzles.
-National Geographic Education: The resource library offers learning materials and activities on topics such as Oceanography, Cloning, Heterotrophs, and Genetically Modified Organisms.
-Annenberg Learner Interactives: Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives is an advanced course designed for high school teachers who possess substantial knowledge of basic biology but who want to update their content knowledge and understanding. The multimedia course materials include video, online text, interactive web activities, and a course guide.
-ChemCollective: Like most chemistry sites, virtual labs and lesson plans are freely available, but ChemCollective stands out with their scenario-based activities and forensics tie-ins with activities like the “Mixed Reception” Murder Mystery.
-Bozeman Science: Want clear, standards-aligned videos? If so, Bozeman Science is a great resource for teaching AP Chemistry. You’ll be able to flip your classroom and provide additional support to your students.
-American Association of Chemistry Teachers: One of the best resources for Chemistry teachers nationwide, the AACT produces consistently high-quality resources, including labs, demonstrations, and activities. The best part is that their materials are organized by grade and topic.
-Middle School Chemistry: Don’t let the name fool you. Sure, this site is perfect for middle school learners, but if you teach introductory chemistry or physical science, the level of materials is perfect for grades 9-10, as well. Lesson plans are easy to find, and some are even available in Spanish for English language learners!
-Annenberg Learner Interactives: The Periodic Table Interactive will take students through the periodic table piece by piece to give them a better understanding of how it works. Chemistry: -Challenges and Solutions is a video instructional series on basic chemistry concepts and science history.
-ChemDemos: Chemdemos are virtual interactives for more advanced chemistry students. Particulate models and real-time data help you get through labs that you may not have sufficient materials to complete. They can also give your students extra practice at home before or after “wet” labs.
-Molecular Workbench: This site facilitates a microscopic understanding of our macroscopic world. You’ll be blown away by resources like their Semiconductor and Chemical Bonding Module. All of the modules contain embedded assessments to keep your students on track and inform you of their progress.
-ChemMatters Online: Always free for everyone, this is a terrific resource for middle school and high school science teachers as well as parents. Each issue provides a new collection of articles on chemistry topics that students will find engaging and relatable. The back-issue online library offers interesting downloadable articles on all sorts of chemistry-related topics, while the Teacher’s Guides help you direct your students as they learn from their reading.
Earth Science:
-Annenberg Interactives: The Dynamic Earth Interactive takes students through a visual feast through Earth’s layers and plate tectonics. The lessons can be extended by incorporating the Rock Cycle and Volcanoes Interactives.
-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Resource Collections: Along with oceans and coasts, weather, and more, instructors can find lesson plans in this collection that contain NOAA data and real-time weather information.
-GeoInquiries: This collection includes all the major map-based concepts found in a typical middle or high school earth science course—topography, earthquakes, volcanoes, oceans, weather, and climate.
-Inq-ITS: These digital labs focus on earth science topics for both middle and high school. Topics include continental plate boundaries, orbital patterns, and the sun-moon-earth system. All of their labs have automatic assessments to help teachers keep track of student growth.
-High-Adventure Science: These free online curriculum lessons were developed for five days of classroom instruction and include one or more Earth systems models plus assessment items.
-National Geographic Education: This resource library includes lessons covering a wide range of topics, including The Water Cycle, Erosion, Precipitation, and Metamorphic Rocks.
Environmental Science:
-Global Footprint Network Ecological Footprint Calculator: If you’re among those who calculate the ecological footprints as an activity in your AP Environmental Science class, you’ll enjoy this site. The questions are relatable to daily life, and the quiz can be retaken to analyze how lifestyle changes impact our footprint.
-Population Education: This site helps to build a firm foundation so you can fully explore pollution, ecology, and biodiversity. It boasts interactive maps, a Find a Lesson feature, and learning materials available in Spanish.
-National Energy Education Development Project: This great resource provides accurate energy usage data and information on energy technological advances through games, kits, math extensions, and their free downloadable Energy Infobooks.
-Annenberg Learner Interactives: The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to -Environmental Science is a video course that explores the natural functions of Earth’s systems and Earth’s ability to sustain life. Earth Revealed is a video instructional series on geology for high school classrooms that shows the physical processes and human activities that shape our planet.
-GeoInquiries: This collection supports the map-based concepts found in high school environmental science like speciation, pollution, population ecology, and energy.
-PhET Interactive Simulations: Complete with teacher-submitted and reviewed lessons, these activities help students explore topics including circuits, waves, and quantum mechanics.
-The Physics Classroom: With a curriculum corner, question bank, lab area, and a NGSS-devoted page, this is valuable resource is among the best science websites for K-12—including distance learning!
-Share My Lesson: Search through this great collection of hundreds of categorized ready-to-use handouts, labs, and lectures submitted by physics teachers. You’ll find resources on the conservation of energy and momentum, electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, and more!
-Flipping Physics: The content from this popular site is comedic, clear and includes helpful algebra and calculus reviews. That means you can focus on the science content without mathematical misunderstandings.
-Physics for the 21st Century: This resource is a one-stop-shop for teaching—textbook included! You’ll find learning units, videos, interactive simulations, and even a comprehensive Facilitator’s Guide!
-New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning: A wealth of resources for physics, math, and chemistry online.
-Annenberg Learner Interactives: The Amusement Park Physics Interactive will help students explore how physics laws affect amusement park ride design. In this exhibit, they will have a chance to find out by designing their own roller coaster.
Office of Teaching and Learning
Office of Teaching and Learning (614-365-5727) is located at 3700 S. High St.
Alyse Clark, Executive Director, Teaching and Learning
Kenny Lee, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Katy Myers, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us