CWE Newsletter

January 10th, 2025
Upcoming Events
1/20: MLK Day- No School
1/27: Character Assembly
1/27-1/31: Scholastic Book Fair
1/30: Literacy Night- Masked Reader!
New SEL Specialist
Dear Families,
We are excited to introduce our new Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialist Tyler Barger. Mr. Barger will be guiding students through the Character Strong curriculum this year. Character Strong focuses on building essential skills such as empathy, kindness, responsibility, and collaboration, helping our students thrive both academically and personally. Through engaging lessons and activities, our goal is to foster a positive school culture and support your child in developing strong social-emotional skills.
Thank you for your continued support!
Literacy Night
Coming soon! Thursday, January 30th 4:30-6:30pm
Join us to reveal the Masked Readers! Our Book Fair will also be open to shop!
Attendance Matters!
We love having your children at school all school year!
This is the time of year when winter weather takes a toll on school attendance. Snow and rain can make it hard to get your children to school. So can illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers, earaches and COVID-19.
These absences, even if they are excused, break the routine of daily attendance that contributes to students feeling connected and engaged in learning. Please consider these steps to keep your children healthy and in school this winter.
1. Develop back up plans for getting your children to school. Check who can give your children a ride if you can’t take them.
2. If your children get sick or you are concerned about COVID or the flu, talk to your child’s medical provider or the school nurse for advice.
3. Stomach pain and headaches can be signs of anxiety and may not be reasons for keeping a child home. If you feel that anxiety or stress is playing a role, talk to your child’s teacher, the school nurse or counselor or your medical provider about how best to support your child.
4. Encourage children to wash their hands before and after eating and after using the restroom.
5. Avoid sharing cups and utensils with other individuals.
6. Dress your children for the cold weather. If you need help with winter clothing, please call the school.
7. Encourage healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking fluids and getting exercise.
8. If your children need to stay home due to illness, talk to your child’s teacher to find out about resources, including computer or internet access, that they can use at home to keep learning once they feel well enough.
Let us know how we can help you. If you’re having trouble, need resources or advice, please call us at (253)891-4550.
District Events
Ready! For Kindergarten!
Do you have younger children birth to age 5 or know of someone who could benefit from our Ready! For Kindergarten classes? Please see our district website and the attached flier for more information. Classes will be held 6:30-8:00pm on the following dates:
1/29: Early Learning Center
1/30: Donald Eismann Elementary
2/3: Emerald Hills Elementary
District STEM Fair and Art Show
Saturday February 22, 2025
Bonney Lake High School
Community Cultural Celebration
Saturday April 26th 2025
Bonney Lake High School
Free and Open to All!
PTA Corner
General Membership Meeting
Our next meeting is January 21st at 6pm in the CWE Library. We are hopeful to see you there as we discuss end of the year events and begin planning for next year!
Book Fair
Our second Book Fair of the year will run January 27th- 31st.
Yearbook Orders
Be on the lookout for Yearbook order forms coming home soon!