Cougar Connection
September 2024
Klenk Families,
As we kick off another exciting month of learning, I am thrilled to share that our theme for this school year is the Olympics. Just as the Olympics encourage excellence and teamwork, we aim to inspire our students to demonstrate our core values of Passion for Excellence, Attitude of Growth, "We" not "Me", and Skillful Innovators. As we journey through September, I am confident that our Olympic theme will inspire both students and staff set ambitious goals and work together to achieve their goals.
The Cougar Connection will be published each month with important updates and reminders for the month ahead. I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight our upcoming Fall Open House on Thursday, September 12 from 5:00-6:30 PM. You are invited to arrive at 4:30 PM for a PTO Meeting. Teachers will facilitate two repeat sessions (5:00-5:30 PM and 5:45-6:15 PM). We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we can make this school year extraordinary!
Dr. Allie Martin
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, September 3: Family Lunch Begins
All Week, September 9 - 13: Scholastic Book Fair!
Thursday, September 12: Open House - Doors Open at 4:30!
Friday, September 13: PTO SPIRIT NIGHT @ Chuck E. Cheese!
Saturday, September 14: Advanced Learning Summit
- Monday, September 16: PTO General Board Meeting at 4:00pm
Fall Open House
You are invited to begin arriving at 4:30 PM on Thursday, September 12 for a PTO Meeting in the cafeteria. Classroom teachers will facilitate repeat sessions from 5:00-5:30 PM and 5:45-6:15 PM. We look forward to seeing you!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be open from September 9-September 13. It will also be open during Open House on September 12.
What is a Book Fair eWallet? No more bills stuffed into backpacks! At the Scholastic Book Fair, kids shop without cash thanks to eWallet, a digital payment account for purchases at the Fair. Post your eWallet link on Social Media and family and friends can contribute funds. Students come to the Book Fair, choose their own books, pay without loose change or lost money. It’s convenient, simple, and secure. CLICK HERE for more information and to create an eWallet.
Lunch with a Loved One
Lunch With a Loved One is a lunchtime event that happens all week during the Book Fair. You are invited to come to Family Lunch on the designated grade level day, and then after lunch, you all can shop at the Book Fair together.
Change of Transporation
We need your help if/when there is a change of transportation. We ask that families provide the request in writing prior to 2:30PM. All requests must go through the front office and be emailed to Laura Reynolds (lreynolds@kleinisd.net) and Sofia Limon (slimon1@kleinisd.net). The front office will then notify your child's teacher of the change and provide your child with a change of transportation form.
Afternoon Car Rider Dismissal
Beginning during afternoon dismissal on Tuesday, September 3, we are going to have two car rider lines. Car riders will continue to be picked up on the west side of the school. Parents/guardians or a designated adult must display a 2024 - 2025 Klenk Car number to pick up students. Car Rider numbers need to be displayed from the rearview mirror.
Here are additional reminders:
-No left turns can be made into the driveway during dismissal.
- Multiple copies of a number can be requested by parents.
- Cars without an approved Klenk Tag will be redirected to park in the front of the building and walk into the office with a valid ID to pick up the child.
Family Lunch
We look forward to seeing you on campus for our family lunch days. Please remember to bring identification and check-in at the front office to receive your visitor badge. As a reminder, here are the grade level days:
Monday: 3rd Grade
Tuesday: 4th and 5th Grade
Wednesday: 2nd Grade
Thursday: 1st Grade
Friday: Kindergarten
Student Cell Phone Expectations
I wanted to take the opportunity to remind all families about the guidelines outlined in the Student Code of Conduct regarding the use of personal electronic devices, specifically cell phones. The Student Code of Conduct states the following:
“If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal's office.” p.76
While the district permits students to possess personal cell phones, it is crucial that these devices remain turned off during the instructional day. Unless prior permission has been received, teachers will collect any cell phones that are outside of student backpacks during the instructional day.
If/when a device is collected by the teacher, they will bring the device to the front office. Parents will then be contacted to schedule a time to pick-up the cell phone from the school.
Student Activities
Klenk Extracurriculars
For more information, please visit the Klenk Elementary Website.
Monthly Spirit Night
Our first Spirit Night is September 13th at Chuck E. Cheese.
Join the PTO
Stay up to date on what’s happening around school and how you can help your student have the best experience while at Klenk Elementary. There will be a lot of opportunities throughout the year where you can volunteer to help, so join the PTO today!
CLICK HERE to join the PTO REMIND text group.
CLICK HERE for the PTO Monthly Newsletter
Homeroom Helpers
Homeroom Helpers will be needed every Wednesday between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. Homeroom teachers will have projects that they would love your help to complete (ex: cutting out pictures, lamination, assembling station activities, etc.). You can come up to the school on the Wednesdays you are available and help out your student's homeroom teacher.
CLICK HERE to sign up to be a volunteer in KLEIN ISD
Volunteers must be registered as an official Klein ISD volunteer.
You must re-register every year
CLICK HERE To sign up to help your student’s teacher
Community Events
Klein ISD is committed to the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors. Various drills such as fire drills, severe weather drills, and intruder drills are examples of measures taken by campuses to prepare students for an emergency.
Passion For Excellence
Attitude of Growth
We Not Me Attitude
Skillful Innovators