Graham Elementary Schools
News From the Nest - September 29, 2024
At Graham Elementary, "A better ME means a better WE"...Falcon Pride!
Hello Falcon Families! As September comes to an end and October knocks on the door, we are looking forward to what this month will bring. We will have some field trips, parent-teacher conferences, Tasty Traditions reward events and so much more! Keep an eye on DOJO and the GES Family Calendar for information.
This week, our learners in grades K-5 will spend some time learning about Bus Safety. Students will rotate through several stations facilitated by our fantastic transportation team. We appreciate the work our drivers do to keep our students safe each day! Our students' safety is number one!
This school year will be filled with learning, achievement, success and LOTS of smiles!
Our Graham Elementary Staff is the best in the land, and we are privileged to serve your families!
Stay informed about all things happening at Graham Elementary by following us on:
Facebook: Graham Elementary School
Graham Local Schools website: (Graham Elementary School)
Emily Shreve, Graham Elementary School Principal
Aaron Myers, Graham Elementary School Assistant Principal
Literature in STEAM is fun!
Some of our littlest learners put their minds together to build a wall that would support their apples. After reading a text with Mrs. Setty, the students apply their thinking through hands-on activities!
Interviewing the Inventor
Building in Preschool
On a rainy day, our preschoolers were building houses to keep their bears under cover to stay dry. Their brains were growing and having fun while doing it!
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 3.
For your convenience, we are offering this online ordering option.
Pre-Order Online and receive a FREE 10x8 Photo Collage with purchase!!!
To order your photos, click the following the link:
Thank you for your generous support of our 2024 Graham Elementary Tasty Traditions fundraiser!
Please mark your calendars for Friday, October 18.
Tasty Traditions product pick up will be held in the GES Library from 8a.m. to 6p.m. on Friday, October 18.
Please make arrangements to get all items picked up on this day!
Thank you!
Our fundraiser has concluded, and we are SO THANKFUL for the hard work you all did in supporting Graham Elementary School! We will announce winners soon!
We appreciate your partnership in your children's education, and we cannot wait to share more about how your generosity will positively impact the learners at Graham Elementary School!
What's the Weather?
One of our fantastic preschool paraprofessionals set the stage for our little meteorologist to share what the weather was like in preschool last week!
They do it ALL!
On Wednesday, October 2, we will say THANK YOU to our school custodians. From keeping our school clean to sharing smiles and high-fives throughout the days and evenings, these folks are top-notch!
Preschoolers going camping!
Our preschoolers took time to share their name and something about themselves as they got to know each other in Miss Sam's and Miss Shelley's classroom.
Graham Elementary School Homecoming Spirit Week
We are excited to celebrate our Falcon spirit this week for the Graham Local Schools Homecoming week.
Attached, please see our Homecoming Spirit week plans. We look forward to seeing our GES Falcons participating!
Go Falcons!
Graham Local Schools Homecoming 2024
If you are in need of before or after care for your children, please see this flyer to learn more about this opportunity.
Graham Elementary Daily Schedule
**Reminder...A.M. preschool students enter the building at 8:30a.m. to begin their A.M. session**
2024-2025 School Fees
As stated in the Graham Elementary Student Handbook,
"All school fees must be paid in order for students to attend field trips (Glen Helen included) or participate in preschool promotion and/or 5th grade promotion."
Fees can be paid by cash or check (Graham Elementary School) or online at Please contact Mrs. Shreve with any questions.
At Graham Local Schools, we take a proactive approach to attendance. If/When GES students accumulate 50 hours of excessive absence, families will be provided with Absence Warning Letter #1. When students accumulate 65 excessive hours of absence, families will be provided with Absence Warning Letter #2.
An absence intervention meeting will be scheduled when students accumulates 72 excessive hours of absence
Please see the GES Handbook language below for the steps to report an absence...
A. When a student is ill or for some other reason is unable to attend, the parent/guardian is expected to contact the school office by phone before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. For your convenience, you may call the night before and leave a message on the answering machine (937-663-4449).
B. A written reason for all absences properly signed and dated by a parent/guardian is required. Written notes not filed in the office within one day after the student returns to school following an absence will result in an unexcused absence. Administration reserves the right to excuse student absences with reasonable cause.
C. For each unexcused absence, the student is responsible for obtaining work and following make-up work policies.
Student Pick Up Dismissal Procedures
The end of day pick-up procedure will make our out front pick-up safer for our students at Graham Elementary . Thank you for your cooperation!
Permanent Pick-Up
Students will be dismissed at 3:25pm each day.
Each student/family who is a permanent pick-up will be given 2 numbered tags and their child will have a numbered tag with a corresponding number for their bookbag.
Those students who are picked up by a babysitter with proper transportation forms on file will have a number for their babysitter.
Each grade level will have a designated area marked outside and the family will come to that area to pick up their student(s) from each area - families should have their numbered tag with them.
Families must park and come to the sidewalk to pick up their students. There will be no parking in the fire lanes of the building.
Students who are not permanent pick-ups who will be picked up on a day must call the elementary office or send in a note to pick-up their child. When picking your child up, please follow the procedure below:
Families who are not permanent pick-ups must come to the front doors, provide ID and sign out their student from inside the building.
Students will be dismissed to their family once the family has signed them out at the front office.
We do understand this process takes time and we thank you for your patience and flexibility as we work through this process together. Our #1 priority is our students safety.
Handbook Need-to-Knows
*In an effort to remediate behaviors through reflection versus consequence, Graham Elementary will institute Restorative Recesses when deemed appropriate. This opportunity is a consequence targeted at reflection instead of punishment. It provides students the chance to work alongside an adult to reflect on their behavior and make plans for corrective behaviors.
*Cell phones and Smart Watches are to remain off and in student bookbags upon entering the building and should not be used until after the final dismissal bell and students have exited the school building. In effect, cell phones should not be “seen, heard, or used” during this time. Also, cell phones should NOT be used to take any type of photograph, video, or recording at any time unless directed by a staff member.
Students cannot contact parents via a personal cell phone during the day; they are to utilize a classroom or office phone. If violations of this policy should occur, a CELL PHONE WILL BE TAKEN AND CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE END OF THE DAY.
1st offense – warning 2nd offense – parent called 3rd offense – detention/parent picks up phone.
*Clothing must cover the chest, stomach, back, buttocks, upper thighs, and undergarments when the student sits, stands, raises his/her hand, or bends over. Any article of clothing that reveals an excessive amount of skin will be deemed inappropriate for the school environment.
Therefore, the final decision regarding the professionalism of clothing and accessories will be made by the building administration.
Clothing or accessories bearing patches, drawings, and/or sayings (stated or implies), which refer to drugs, alcohol, sex, profanity and obscenity, shall not be permitted.
Shoes shall be worn for health and safety reasons. Footwear with only toe support (ex - thongs, flip flops, etc.) shall not be worn. High heels or platforms, roller shoes can present safety concerns and are not to be worn. Socks are recommended as a good hygiene practice.
Pupils are not to wear hats, overcoats, jackets, or other outer wear in the building unless the principal has granted permission. This dress code will be in effect for all school days and related activities except for those “special” days and/or activities as approved by the principal.
Students with zero bus/office referrals will earn a reward for each quarter that they meet this qualification.
When Graham Elementary reaches 30 cumulative days of zero bus/office referrals, all students will participate in a day-long school-wide celebration.
Students who have three or less bus/office referrals and no suspensions (bus or school) will participate in an additional special activity during the school-wide celebration if/when Graham Elementary reaches 30 cumulative days of zero bus/office referrals.
Details of the reward will be shared during the school year.
Administrator holds the right to remove a student from the day-long celebration due to excessive referrals or extreme behaviors.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Graham Elementary School
Emily Shreve - Principal -
Aaron Myers - Assistant Principal -
Jon Comer - School Counselor -
Morgan Boggess - School Nurse -
Kristina Thornton - Administrative Assistant -
Kayla Yoder - Administrative Assistant -
Location: 9464 U.S. 36, Saint Paris, OH, USA
Phone: 937-663-4449