DCHS Newsletter

October 11, 2024
A Note From Our Principals
Fall Break is here, and it will be action-oriented in terms of construction. If you are involved with a fall sport or activity, please check with your coach and/or sponsor about practice times, etc.
Over break, new lamp posts will be installed around the parking lots, making it challenging to get into the school. Some lots will be closed during the day. The roof near the old main entrance will be removed to accommodate new steel. The fencing around the new pool will be removed so digging can start.
Please check-in with sponsors and coaches, so you don’t find yourself in a position where you need to get into the building and cannot.
Thank you,
Dr. P.J. Hamann
What's New
Hurricane Helene Relief
Thank you for your generosity! $485 was donated to Foothills Food Hub.
Community Happenings
Walk for Hope
Harvest Moon Festival
Driver's Ed Opportunity
School Information
Absences/Early Release
If your student will be absent or tardy, please notify the office by calling 317-745-6431 or emailing hsattendance@danville.k12.in.us.
If your student needs to be released early, please contact the office early in the day to avoid classroom interruptions and to make sure your student is released in a timely manner. Thank you!
Athletic Department
DCHS Warriors All-Sports Passes are back! Passes can be purchased at any time at https://danvilleathletics.com/Tickets. Senior citizens, who are also Danville residents, are eligible for a free, lifetime Silver Pass. Interested individuals must stop by the DCSC administration office, in person, to obtain this pass.
Please contact the Athletic Department at 317-745-3929 with further questions.
Bell & Lunch Schedule
Students can enter the building at 8:15 AM and may congregate in the cafeteria and commons areas until 8:25 AM when they are permitted to go to their classrooms. If you drop off your student prior to 8:15 AM, they will have to wait outside.
As a reminder, student Chromebooks have a protection policy against accidental damage. This policy requires that the case must remain on the Chromebook at all times. Damage that takes place without the case could be subject to a repair fee.
Returning students can have Chromebook issues addressed before school or Monday through Thursday during their lunch. See Mrs. McQuinn in the Student Support Center (adjacent to the cafeteria).
Food Delivery Policy
As a reminder, students are prohibited from receiving food deliveries from restaurants or third-party vendors during the academic day. Parents are still allowed to drop off lunch for their children. Any food delivered prior to the end of the school day from a third party will not be accessible to the student. For after-school events, students can have food items delivered, but these must be placed on a cart on the exterior of the building. This cart will be accessible from the main office only after the academic day concludes. This policy is established to maintain the safety and security of the school environment. We appreciate your cooperation.
Parking Permit
Once students register, they can bring their payment to the front office and pick up their pass at the same time.
One thing to note....if your student already has a parking pass, they do not need to register/pay for another pass this year. The pass they received last year is good until they graduate. If your student has misplaced their pass, they will need to stop in the main office to get a replacement. There is a $10 charge to replace a pass.
If your student is driving a different vehicle this year and already has a parking permit, they will need to stop in the front office to update that information.
School Pictures - IDs - Yearbooks
School Pictures - Senior retakes will be October 11th.
ID Cards & Lanyards - All students are required to have a current ID card. Please stop by the main office if you were not at WWD. Effective this year, students and staff are required to wear their school issued lanyards & ID cards during the school day.
Yearbooks - Yearbooks can be purchased for $65 by clicking/scanning the adjacent QR code.
Construction Update
Danville Community High School
MAIN OFFICE: 317-745-6431, 317-745-3908 (fax)
EMAIL: hsattendance@danville.k12.in.us
ADDRESS: 100 Warrior Way, Danville, IN 46122
WEBSITE: https://hs.danville.k12.in.us/
MISSION: We commit to maximize our students' success through personalized experiences, so they make a difference in any community.
CORE VALUES: Empathy, Excellence, Initiative, Integrity, Personal Growth, Responsiveness