Head's Highlights
October 25, 2024
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
Thank you for checking in with your child's teacher during conference week. Next week, we will have fun as we celebrate making good choices and staying healthy during Red Ribbon Week. Please check the schedule below. Donations to the clinic and canned foods are appreciated. However, we are not collecting money for any of the dress up days. I hope you take time to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!
PTA News You Can Use
It's Yearbook time again! Go ahead and purchase this year's yearbook BEFORE October 31, and you'll get 10% off your purchase. You can create your custom pages at a later date, but just lock in a lower price while you can! Use this link to purchase https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1015986428003405
Also, any photos you take while you're at the school, in your student's class, or on a field trip, please send them to rdyearbook@gmail.com It's nice to include as much school fun as we can!
The PTA Membership popsicle party competition is almost over! This weekend is your last chance to purchase a PTA membership to count towards the competition - the top 3 classes with the highest percentage of PTA memberships per student will win a popsicle party! Anyone is eligible to join the PTA, this is a great way for friends and family to help support our students and staff.
Most needed items for the canned food drive (10/29-11/1):
Cereal, grits, oatmeal
Canned soup (condensed or ready to eat)
Boxed pasta, spaghetti sauce, canned pasta, boxed mac and cheese
Canned: fruit, diced tomatoes, beans, vegetables, tuna, chicken
Sugar, flour, jelly
Laundry detergent
Available to Help? We Need You!
Use the link below to volunteer during the Holiday Shop. Thanks in advance for the assistance you provide to our PTA.
Congratulations, Mrs. Lee!
Georgia Public Broadcasting came out to film Mrs. Lee this week! She showed off her amazing teaching skills for a special on Computer Science.
Attention 4th and 5th Graders
This year, our classroom spelling bees will be held during the month of November prior to Thursday, Nov. 21st.
Here is the list of study words:
Classroom Bees will use words from the first two pages.
The Schoolwide Bee will have words from the remainer of the pages.
The top two students from each 4th and 5th grade class will compete in the Schoolwide Bee on Fri., Dec. 6th.
Veterans Day
Head Elementary's Annual Veterans Day Program will be held on Monday, November 11 at 9:30 AM.
We invite any Veteran or active-duty service member to attend our program and be honored with a medal, certificate, and a gift bag. Our chorus will perform patriotic songs and there will be a slideshow of Veterans from our school community.
If you would like to send in a picture of a Veteran or active service member for our slideshow, please send images to ashley.petric@gcpsk12.org. If you sent in a picture last year, you do NOT need to resubmit it.
All pictures and RSVPs must be submitted by November 1. RSVP forms were sent home on Friday, October 4th with all students.
Questions? Please contact kelly.mraz@gcpsk12.org.
No Ice Cream Sales During Lunch
This is just a friendly reminder that ice cream is purchased in the mornings only - on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is too late to purchase ice cream during your child's lunch period. Thank you for understanding.
Connecting With the Community
Who doesn't love BBQ?!?! This TUESDAY, support a new Snellville restaurant and the FFMS 8th grade Orchestra at the same time by buying some delicious BBQ for lunch or dinner. Tell your friends and neighbors, buy some to eat now, and buy a pound or two for later! Don't forget the banana pudding or peach cobbler for dessert. Yum!
City Barbeque would like for you to RSVP so they can be prepared for the hundreds of orders coming in 🙂.
There are 3 ways to order:
Phone Call
Call 6788821333 and mention that you are with Five Forks Middle School Orchestra before placing your order. This does not include 3rd-party delivery apps.
Restaurant Website
Visit City Barbeque's online order website. Use the promo code of "GIVE" and 25% of your meal’s price will be donated back to Five Forks Middle School Orchestra. This does not include 3rd-party delivery apps.
Storefront Walk-in
Visit the location at 1466 Scenic Highway North, Snellville 30078 and they will take your order from their storefront for take-out. Mention that you are with Five Forks Middle School Orchestra before placing your order.
Bronco Youth Wrestling Club 2nd -8th grade
BHS Feeder Program
Registration is open. Practice begins Nov 5th.
For more information scan QR code or visit www.brookwoodwrestling.com
Book it for the bus! The GCPS Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will be held on Saturday, November 2, at the GCPS Instructional Support Center, located at 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, in Suwanee.
This Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will raise funds to purchase new books for the Book Mobile program, putting books in students’ hands. A family-friendly atmosphere before and after the race features door prizes, snacks, music, and more!
Learn more and find a link to register here: https://bit.ly/3XjEvhw
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
10/28-11/1 - Red Ribbon Week
10/28 - Wear Red & Donate to our clinic
10/29 - Wear PJs or Slippers
10/30- Wear your "smartest" outfit
10/31 - Fall Dress Up Day (no masks or toy weapons)
11/1 - 2nd Grade & 5th Grade Field Trips
11/1 - Wear your stable color & donate canned goods
11/3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
11/5 - Digital Learning Day/Election Day
11/6 - Boy Scouts Round Up at 6:30 in the Head Cafeteria
11/7 - Chick-fil-A Night 5:00-7:00 PM