The Avery Pulse
February 25th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- February 26th - Late Start
- February 29th - 1st Grade Concert @ 6pm
- February 29th - 3rd Grade Concert @ 7pm
- March 5th - Spring Picture Day
- March 5th & 7th - Spring Conferences 3:00pm-7:00pm (sign ups below)
- March 11th - Late Start
- March 14th - Spring Parties @ 1:45pm
- March 15th - No School (Conference Break)
- March 18th - 22nd - Spring Break
- March 25th - School Resumes
- March 25th - Late Start
Add our calendar to your device!
Spring Party Information
The Spring Party will take place on Thursday, March 14th at 1:45pm and end at 2:30pm.
If you are an existing family and have scanned your ID into our Raptor System, we should be able to search the database for your name and pre-print your name tag badge the day before the party. This badge will be sent home with your oldest or only child for you to wear to school during the party.
If you are a new family and are wanting to come to any of our classroom parties throughout the school year, please plan on coming to Avery in the coming weeks so that we can scan your ID into our Raptor System. This way, we can pre-print your badge the day before the party and send it home with your child. Should you not be able to come to Avery prior to the Spring Party - no worries. We just ask that you allow extra time on party day so that we can get you signed in.
If you plan on coming to the Spring Party, we kindly request that you complete the RSVP form below.
The day prior to the Spring Parties - we will be able to search the system for your ID, pre-print your badge, and send it home with your child.
Again, once you are signed into our system, we are able to quickly search for your name, print your badge, and it ensures a smooth process!
Please know we are implementing this new practice to ensure safety and appreciate your patience with us.
Legislative Updates
District families who would be interested in learning more about legislation being proposed that would impact public education, including our district, we’re providing you with two opportunities to do so.
First, we are hosting three in-person meetings on the following Fridays from 8-9 a.m. at our district service center (3232 S. Brentwood Blvd): March 8, April 5, and May 10. Participants will learn about bills that have been proposed and/or are working their way through the legislative process. If you plan to attend, please make sure to bring a drivers license or MO ID so that you can be checked in through our visitor management system.
Next, we’re going to be sending out a regular email which will allow you to get updates on education-related bills being presented and discussed in Jefferson City. In order to not overwhelm our readers, it’s our intent for this communication to be no more than 1-2 pages in length. For this reason, we will limit the number of bills included in the weekly update.
In addition to the weekly communication, we will also provide readers with special legislative “alerts” so that one can be informed when significant action has been taken with a bill. In order to receive these updates, you must sign up here. Only those who join will receive the weekly updates and alerts.
Girls on the Run - LAST DAY TO REGISTER IS TODAY 2/25!
Is your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade daughter interested in training for a 5K, making friends, and learning some important life skills? Avery's Girls on the Run program would be perfect for her!
Date & Time: 3:00-4:15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays starting on 3/11 and ending with the 5K on 5/11
Price: $150
To Sign-Up Your Daughter: Please go to or call the office at (314)-862-6266
Parents, are you interested in volunteering or coaching this season? Please fill out this Google Form below!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Claire Pinero, a 2nd
Grade Teacher at Avery, at
It's time to order your child's yearbook!
Hurry and click the button to order today!
PICTURE DAY IS: Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Repeated Information Below
Arrival Reminder
As a friendly reminder, the car lanes on both Bompart and Atalanta are drop off only lanes. This means:
- please do not park and wait until the front doors open
- please do not park and get out with your child
If you are using Bompart or Atalanta, it is for drop and go only.
Thank you!
EyeSeeMe Book Fair on March 5 & 7
Come stock up on excellent, affordable books featuring characters from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Visit the gym foyer during parent-teacher conferences on March 5 and 7 to shop at the EyeSeeMe Book Fair hosted by Avery Parents for Equity. EyeSeeMe is a University City bookstore specializing in books with African American characters, culture, and history. Multiple forms of payment will be accepted.
Spring Conference Sign Ups
Spring Conferences will take place on March 5th and 7th. Please find your child's teacher below and sign up for a time!
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Human Growth and Development
On Monday, January 22, all families should have received a grade specific email related to Human Growth and Development lessons. Please check your email or visit our website here for more information on lessons and how you may opt-out if you choose.
Equity in Action Committee Community Recognition
The Webster Groves School District's Equity in Action Committee values and encourages peer-to-peer recognition for equity work. Last year, the EIA just developed and launched a Community Recognition initiative, which provides an opportunity for members of the community to recognize individuals (i.e. students, teachers, parents, friends, community members, etc.), schools, businesses, and organizations who make everyday contributions towards creating and cultivating a culture of dignity that values all human beings within the WGSD. To learn more about this opportunity and to make a recognition, please go to Community Recognition. The deadline is November 17, 2023 and April 19, 2024.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival from 7:40-7:50 AM
Bompart Avenue
Carpool drop-off only in front of school – parents to remain in vehicles with staff members assisting students
Families walking students to school will say goodbye at the external doors
No parking during arrival
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Marshall Avenue
This entrance will be utilized for bus arrival
- Atalanta Avenue
We strongly encourage families to travel only from Bompart towards Glen to alleviate congestion and increase safety
No parking on sidewalks
Staff members will supervise at the curb
Dismissal 2:50pm-3:00pm
Bompart Avenue
Kindergarten and First grades will dismiss out front
Atalanta Avenue
Third and Fourth grades will dismiss along the side
Secure Vestibule Entrance (located on Bompart)
Second and Fifth grades will dismiss out front
Back Parking Lot
Staff parking only
No entrance or exit from 2:20-2:50
Want to make a submission to The Avery Pulse?
To qualify for direct distribution to students and families, the
information must be:
- district-sponsored information
- something from a group affiliated* with the district.
- curriculum-related, as determined by the principal, including programs, events, contests and other activities.
*Affiliated is defined as a group recognized by the Board of Education and working
group created soley to work with district staff, students and parents
to raise fund for district activities (PTOs, booster clubs, the
Regarding signs, only signs for school or district groups (sponsored
or affiliated) can be placed on school grounds.
You can read the board policy here
If you are a non-profit organization that doesn't qualify for direct distribution to students and families, you can contact Derek Duncan ( who is our Director of Communication and he will ensure that your flyer is posted on the community electronic bulletin.
If your information fits the above criteria, you can make a submission to
Submissions are due on Thursdays at 5pm
Avery Elementary
Location: 909 North Bompart Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Twitter: @avery_allstars