Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 22 - September 25 2020
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
What a fabulous end of term we have had today. We had lots of children and staff dress up in PJs and also lots of shared kai. We witnessed children having fun on bikes, scooters, in the sand pit and adventure play. There were pockets of children quietly playing games inside and out - go fish was popular with Matua Shane. We loved seeing the delight of those, who were trying to conquer our unicycles also - special mention to Gideon Kingi for accelerated progress.
All in all a great week had by the majority.
We hope you have a very safe and happy term 3 break and we look forward to seeing you all, together with our new families in Term 4.
All the best Mrs Krook and Whanau
Students of the Week - Term 3 Week 10
Naki Plumbing & Gas NE-Y3
Mason Hosking
For tremendous perseverance, effort and progress in all his learning. Tino pai, Mase!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y3-Y4
Annabelle Edwards
For continually demonstrating REACH values and being an intrinsic student. Wahoo!
Superior Builders Taranaki Y5-Y6
Dallas Baker
For being a super camper, giving every activity a go and being an awesome role model on the Waiongana Iti camp.
Inglewood High School Y7-Y8
Ellah Foreman
Always being so positive and helpful in class. She completes her work to a high standard and shows her REACH values consistently.
Birthday Wishes
School Goal - Term 3 Week 9-10
REACH Goal: Demonstrate manaakitanga
Be kind and caring, show respect to others, ourselves and the environment.
Current IPS School Roll - 409 students
MoE and Board Approved Projects
This week we are pleased to announce the following MoE or \ Board of Trustees approved projects to commence;
- · Planning for moving the Car Park down to the Tennis Court, in readiness for 2021
- · Shade Sails over the Senior Playground in readiness for 2021
- · Retaining Wall for the Senior Playground in readiness for 2021
- · Shade Sails over the Pirate Ship and Sandpit in readiness for 2021
- · Turf - 1 x Reversible Netball Court / Basket Ball Court and Goals
- · Turf - Multi Sport 1 x court
- · Research, design and creation of Tomokanga and Teko Teko projects
These projects will enhance our school playground and active learning areas.
Over the non contact time;
- · the Arch Gola Cover way will be installed over the entrance going into Te Moa (hall)
- · continued construction on the new Pouākai and Waiongana iti Blocks
- · Possible start on toilet upgrade outside Moa iti classes
- · Vinyl in the Staff Toilets and Te Moa (Hall) kitchen)
I am sure you will agree these improvements will be gladly received by all staff and students at IPS
New initiatives for Inglewood
Inglewood was extremely fortunate - Kelly Street was chosen out of dozens of other sites around our district. The council sees Kelly Street as a great place to implement a few changes to make our town safer and more pleasant to live in. After all, there is a high school, primary school, kindy, and early child care centre on Kelly Street, along with housing and businesses.
As a school, we fully support this initiative and appreciate the mahi that has gone into concept plans from the NPDC. The plans include:
· Building a raised pedestrian and cycling crossing at the Miro/Kelly Street intersection. We are also investigating the possibility of a further raised pedestrian and cycling crossing across Matai Street (SH3).
· A protected two-lane cycleway on the north side of Kelly Street from the high school to Miro Street.
· A shared path to service all users walking and riding at low speeds is proposed on Kelly Street between Miro and Brown streets (see map below).
· Continuing the protected two-lane cycleway on the north side of Kelly Street from Brown Street to Matai Street (SH3)
These plans may also end up branching out towards the main highway and we are hopeful of some positive changes around safer crossings across Rata Street. These are really important developments, it will see the town brought closer together in a geographical sense - it will be safer for all people to move around town - eliminating some of the anxiety parents have around their kids moving around Inglewood.
this is a fabulous opportunity for Inglewood to look forward into the 2020's and make a start towards making this town safer and healthier. After all, town are for people, not cars. Remember, this is a trial - but we have to start somewhere and get the ball rolling.
Our statistics here at IPS are currently; just under half of our children either;
- bike
- scooter
- skate
- walk
- park and walk to school
Just over half come to school by a vehicle which include;
- before and after school cazre
- staff children
- diverse and complex learners
- bus
- travelling some distance
- travelling locally as they do not feel safe walking, biking, scootering etc
- travelling by vehicle because they prefer that.
We are very proud of the active enthusiasm of our children, and whanau who do bike, scooter etc and also those who have indicated they would like to bike, scooter more regularly if it was safer to do so.
We appreciate that the the new trial make take those who are driving cars a moment or two to get used to, however it would be fabulous for our village now and in the future to have safer designated cycle ways for our people on bikes to allow our younger and elderly walkers to utilize the footpaths more readily without fear of having to navigate the bikers.
Keep an eye out for various surveys coming up to have your say. Please have a think about contributing to the survey from a pedestrian or biking perspective rather than driving in a car perspective.
PhotoLife - Class, Individual, Sibling, Leaders & Sports Photos
School Trophies/Cups
Absentees - Important Notice
Sports Uniforms - Singlets/Netball Dresses/T Shirts
New IPS Student Shirts
IPS Uniform Sale - While Stocks Last
Fleece Jacket $30
Showerproof Jacket $30
Showerproof Pants $30
We have a limited number in all sizes. Please see the school office if you would like to purchase. These can be added to your school account and paid off throughout the year. Photos are at the end of this newsletter.
Staff Only Days to diarise please
Tuesday 27 October 2020 (week 3 of Term 4)
Please lock these in as there will be NO ability to take students on these days.
Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon - Wednesday 31 March 2021
Term 3 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 25 September
Last day of Term 3
Monday 12 October
First day of Term 4
Whole School Assembly - 12 noon
Wednesday 14 October
Intermediates Technology
Monday 19 October - Friday 23 October
Intermediate Camp - Te Wera
Monday 26 October
School Closed - Labour Day
Tuesday 27 October
School Closed - Staff Only Day
Tuesday 3 November
IPS Athletics
Monday 9 November
Whole School Assembly
Friday 13 November
Pouakai Overnight Stay
Year 8 Orientation Day at Inglewood High School
Tuesday 17 November
Kahui Athletics & Tabloids Day
Monday 23 November
Whole School Assembly
Friday 4 December
Year 8 Dinner Dance
Monday 7 December
Whole School Assembly
Monday 14 December
2021 New Class Transition - 2pm
Tuesday 14 December
Service Assembly - 1pm
Final Junior/Middle Assembly
Wednesday 15 December
Final Senior/Intermediate Assembly
Thursday 17 December
Last Day of Term 4 - Have a wonderful holiday break