The Monthly Update #2
August 25th, 2023

September Newsletter 2023
1. Students and Families invited to HEB ISD College & Career Fair on Monday, September 18, 2023
Register now: bit.ly/HEBcollegefairbarcode2023
2. ESL Adult Class Registration is Closed!
September 5th begins our HEB ISD ESL Adult Class Program. I'm looking forward to a successful 23-24 academic year. We had a great turnout and a long waiting list, and according to first come, first served, our classes filled up in the blink of an eye. Thank you, parents, for your determination to improve your English to support your children.
3. Beginning of 2nd Six Weeks is Sep. 18, 2023
Parents, We Need Your Support!
We are looking for parent representative volunteers that have a child participating in the Bilingual or ESL program and can be part of the LPACs. This parent will be present at our LPAC meetings to help us advocate for our students. Read more about what is the LPAC here.
Parent must have a child in either the Bilingual/ESL program, they can not be an employee of the district.
Campuses will hold their LPAC meetings once every 3 weeks and they can last anywhere between 30 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the type of meeting and the number of students that are being LPACed. At the end of the year, those meetings will be the longest because we LPAC every single EB student on campus.
If you can help us out, please contact:
Enri Butler
Coordinator of ESL/Bilingual/Dual Language
Are You or Your Youth Interested in Travelling To Dubai?
As many of you know, we will lead a group of students on a once‐in‐a‐lifetime educational tour to Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah in March of 2024. This trip offers a wealth of opportunities for learning outside the classroom and for personal growth, and this will be a fun, safe, and easy way for students to see the world with their friends. I hope you can join us!
We will be hosting a parent meeting so you can learn more about our tour itinerary, the sign-up process, and payment options:
Date: Wednesday, Sept 6
Time: 6:00 PM
Grade level of the students: 9-12
Location: BCTEA (Buinger Career & Technology Education Academy) Cafeteria
Address: GENE A. BUINGER ACADEMY BLDG E 6017, 1849 Central Dr, Bedford, TX 76022
If you would like a sneak peek of the itinerary before the meeting, please visit our trip website, www.explorica.com/Haddad-3510, and click "I'm interested" to share your information with us. We'll keep you updated about this incredible trip, including parent meeting details and deadline reminders so that you won't miss a thing. When you are ready to enroll, click "Sign up now."
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Enroll online at:
Program Leaders: Tamara Haddad, Fatina Jalambo, and Ibtissam Attie
If you have any more questions, feel free to contact Tamara Haddad.
Email: tamarahaddad@hebisd.edu
September Celebrations!
Hispanic Heritage Month September 15
Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15) is an annual celebration in the United States that honors the history, culture, and contributions of Americans whose ancestry can be traced to 20 countries and one territory — which includes Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Spain.
International Day of Peace September 21
Each year, the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed worldwide on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace through watching 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. Never has our world needed peace more.
International Day of Sign Language September 23
International Day of Sign Languages is celebrated annually across the world on 23 September every year along with International Week of the Deaf. The choice of 23 September is the same date that the World Federation of the Deaf was established in 1951. Wikipedia
National Public Lands Day 4th Saturday
National Public Lands Day falls on September 23, 2023. The holiday invites us to enjoy nature’s beauty, protect treasured natural spaces, and continue to advocate for a more sustainable future.
National Suicide Prevention Week is an annual week-long campaign in the United States to inform and engage health professionals and the general public about suicide prevention and warning signs of suicide. Wikipedia
The HHSC suicide prevention wallet card is a downloadable resource guide that provides more information about warning signs and how to help. The card is available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).
The Crisis Text Line provides access to free counseling through text messaging 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Text TX to 741741.
The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 to offer guidance and assistance for people experiencing thoughts of suicide and their loved ones.
In July the NSPL launched its new three-digit number, 988, to increase accessibility of mental health and crisis care across the United States.
Resources for Parents and Families
Welcome to the web portal designed to provide you and your family with information and resources in the pages below to ensure the academic success of your child.
Supporting my child
Family Support
Student Resources
Websites for At-Home Learning For Students
PBS Kids
Target Skills:
Listening and Reading
Recommended Grade Levels: PK-2
Create your own worksheets to practice handwriting at all levels
PBS Learning Media - English Language Arts
Target Skills:
Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening
Recommended Grade Levels: 1-12
Find videos, articles, and activities for all levels.
Teen Kids News
Target Skills: Reading
Recommended Grade Levels: 6-12
Learn about the latest news relevant to teens.
ESL Resources for Adults
ESL is an intensive English language instruction program provided by ESL certified teachers who are trained in effective second language acquisition methods. The goal of ESL programs is for English learners to attain full proficiency in English in order to participate equitably in school.
Check out these great resources.
Tarrant Literacy Coalition-Adult ESL Classes
Adult ESL Classes
Workforce Solutions-English Language Acquisition Classes
English Language Acquisition (ESL Classes)
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Why Do We Have Separate Engagement Activities for Bilingual, Emergent Bilingual, and Immigrant Families?
HEB ISD believes that student achievement for ALL students requires substantial family engagement opportunities. We also believe that families of bilingual students, Emergent Bilingual or (ESL) students, and immigrant students need specialized engagement activities and strategies to overcome language obstacles on their family's educational journey. Family engagement and outreach services for these students and their families in these three groups are available using Title III funds. This newsletter is how we will communicate our activities and resource information. Check back frequently for updates throughout the year!