MES Parent Updates
September 2024
September 4, 2024
PTA Back to School Picnic
September 6 5pm
NEW Parent Handbook!
Did you always want to know what the dress code allowed or how to contact the office? Visit our new Parent Handbook filled with MES & CCPS information.
Attendance Email @ MES!
Just attach or scan your DRs notes or excuse absences into our attendance email.
We have created a new attendance email where you can send notes for student absences. Please direct correspondence to
Please note if we do not have any documentation for an absence, it will be coded as illegal. Feel free to call Mrs. Comfort, attendance secretary with any questions about our new process or consult the CCPS Code of Conduct RE: attendance.
Thank you!
Boosterthon is coming!
Mutual Elementary families,
Soon you will be able to register for our Mutual Elementary Boosterthon. Our Boosterthon Fun Run will be held on October 11th. EVERY visitor must be a CCPS approved volunteer to attend. Please visit the CCPS website and complete your approved volunteer application.
Our goal is to raise $25,000 for School laptops and PTA funded events for our MES students and staff.
Thank you MES PTA!
Thank you to the Cardwell, Barone and Karopchinsky families for weeding, replanting and laying mulch to make the front of our school beautiful!
Calvert Co Health Department Flu Clinic at MES!
MES Open House Nights- Come out and learn more about your child's classroom and teachers.
Grades PreK- 2 Tuesday, September 24 @ 5:00pm
Grades 3-5 Wednesday, September 25 @ 5:00pm
MES @ Work! Look at us learning!
Grades 4 & 5 JOIN Band and Strings
Birthdays at School
Student birthdays are very exciting and will be recognized by the classroom teachers and staff. We kindly request that, due to increased allergies, students with diabetes and other health concerns, non-food items such as pencils, stickers, trinkets, etc. be sent in to share with the class rather than cupcakes or other snacks. Please communicate with the teacher in advance if you are planning on sending items in to celebrate your child’s birthday.
Visitors at Lunch!
Lunch is a social time for all students to interact and share social time with their classmates. Our schools have limited space to accommodate adult guests for lunch with students. If you should wish to have lunch with your student, please inform the front office in advance. We ask that parent/guardians be an approved volunteer and only share food with your own child. Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate guests for lunch on special event days or early/late arrivals/dismissal.
iREADY Diagnostic for Math and Reading
During the next few weeks, students will participate in the CCPS iREADY math and reading diagnostic assessment. Once completed teachers will be able to share students' strengths and areas of focus in both academic areas. Feel free to reach out to schedule a parent conference early to discuss your child's focus areas this year! READY for great learning!
Meet the awesome MES Staff!
School Nurse, Ms. Pope
School Resource Officer, Sgt. Woodford
Front Office, Mrs. Comfort & Mrs. Humphreys
Behavior Development Program
Mrs. Beavers & Mrs. Kenner
Tuesday Folders
Each Tuesday your student will bring home a folder with all their weekly work or assignments. In addition, any newsletters or CCPS information that is printed will be included. Please review and remove all the information in the folder and return it every Wednesday. If you have additional questions don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher.
Bus and Car rider Information
If you plan to pick up your child EVERY day from school and they will Not be riding the bus this school year, please complete the car rider form below and return it to the office.
If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment, we ask that you please do so PRIOR to 3:00pm as the office gets very busy just before dismissal.
Please note when you need another adult/friend or family member to pick up your child you must submit a note in writing to the front office in advance. We do not accept requests by phone. The person picking up MUST provide an ID.
If you need additional information related to someone other than guardian picking up your child don't hesitate to reach out to the front office or administration.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)
Mutual is a PBIS school! Exciting things to come this school year with PBIS so be on the lookout for more information.
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for Positive behavioral interventions and supports. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive system approach to help parents and school staff create and maintain a safe, supportive, learning environment, promote positive life skills and behaviors so that all children can succeed in school. PBIS is an approach that helps schools proactively teach students about expected behavior and provides supports to encourage positive choices.
Mutual’s PBIS at a glance
Mutual Elementary has a school motto which define our expectations for students, they are…
· SHOW kindness
· WORD hard
· STAY safe
PBIS is a schoolwide approach with interventions and supports that recognize students for meeting behavior expectations and following school rules. As one of our many approaches, we are going to focus on a character trait of the month. A different for each month character trait is selected and discussed through out the month as a part of character education. At the end of each month, teachers will nominate a student to be recognized as someone who showed to be a great example of the character trait.
Our first character trait of the month, for September is “Responsibility.”
Teachers and staff will teach and have discussions on responsibility through the month of September, please do so at home as well!
PTA Box Tops
Join me in earning cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love!
Use this referral code AOX74IL0 when you sign up and you’ll get 20 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last! Download the Box Tops for Education app here:
CCPS Flyers and Information
For information about family events and youth activities taking place in our community, visit Please note: These events and activities are not sponsored by the Calvert County Board of Education or Calvert County Public Schools. We provide equal opportunities to outside agencies to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district. It is important to note that hardcopy flyers will not b