Marie Murphy Principal Message
February 2, 2024
All In For Avoca 37 Open Houses
District 37 is asking voters to consider a bond referendum on March 19 to replace the aging Avoca West elementary building with a new school on the Marie Murphy Campus and invest in upgrading learning spaces for students and staff at Marie Murphy School.
Join us at an open house to see firsthand how we can keep our schools up-to-date and in good working condition. Learn more at
Fun Fair Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers (parents, Marie Murphy students and other Avoca alumni too!) to help put on the largest school event of the year, the 2024 Avoca West Fun Fair on February 25, 2024. The Fun Fair is an annual event where the school is transformed into a carnival-like atmosphere with games, music, fun activities, prizes, teacher raffles and a silent auction for parents. Sign up here!
Report Cards in the Mail
Report cards have been mailed home and are available online for your viewing through Powerschool.
5 Essentials Parent Survey - Takes 5-minutes to complete
Results from the 5E Survey provide a guide to help schools know what they can do to improve or strengthen their school. Please consider taking this today. Your feedback matters!
Link for parents to take the survey:
7th and 8th grade Lurie's Sex Education Module 4: February 8th
When? Friday, February 3 (final session for 2022-2023)
What? Module 4 of our Lurie's Sex Education sessions will be :
7th Grade- Reproductive Systems
8th Grade- Sexual Health: STI
Signs of Suicide (SOS) Assembly
Signs of Suicide Assembly
February 14th for 8th grade only: The Signs Of Suicide program is brought to us by Elyssa’s Mission, a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention. In the next month each grade will participate in a brief assembly hosted by SOS. Please read the below PDFs for more information.
Celebrating our Viking VIPs!
Anxiety Awareness & Education
7th graders will watch the movie "Angst" this month to raise awareness and support around anxiety.
Angst is a documentary designed to normalize and raise awareness around anxiety. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts, parents and a very special interview with Michael Phelps.
The specific goals of showing the film to our students are to help students identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety, give them tools to manage it, and encourage them to reach out for help when they need it.
Parents are welcome to watch the movie at home. You can access the full documentary at the following link:
Film Access/View Full Documentary:
Upcoming Dates
February 6th- New Viking Time rotation begins
February 8th- 7th and 8th Grade Sex Education Module 4
February 12/13- 8th grade parent conferences
February 12- Orchestra Chamber Recital
February 14- 8th Grade Signs of Suicide
February 15- 8th Grade Parent Conferences
February 19- No School
Now on Facebook
Handle: Mariemurphysch
Marie Murphy School
Location: 2921 Illinois Rd, Wilmette, IL 60091, USA
Phone: (847) 251-3617
Twitter: @MarieMurphySch