Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

December 18, 2024
BVTV will be back Tuesday, January 07, 2025
Wed. 12/18 - Fri. 12/20: No overhead announcements, in-person personal bulletin or BVTV announcements due to finals.
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Vicki Jenks
Lorraine Shurley
Student Body
- Due to Finals: Today, tomorrow & Friday
- Breakfast will be served in the Cafeteria only from 8:00-8:30am, (no café carts)
- Lunch will be served in the Cafeteria only from 10:29-10:39am, (no pizza bar)
- Reminder: Early Dismissals will Not be Delivered to classrooms during Finals. If you have an early dismissal, please plan accordingly.
- Library is accepting semester Textbooks, ARC Textbooks & English Novels through Friday 12/20 from 8am – 1pm. Turn in books not needed for finals. Check your emails to find out what books you need to return before checking out next semester’s books.
Upcoming Meetings
- TODAY: FINALS- 1st & 2nd period minimum day 8:30am-12:37pm
- TODAY: Softball Information Meeting 12:55pm Varsity Softball Bleachers
- Thursday, Dec. 19: FINALS - 3rd & 4th period minimum day 8:30am-12:37pm
- Friday, Dec. 20: FINALS 5th & zero/6th period minimum day 8:30am-12:37pm
- Friday, Dec. 20: Soccer Gift Wrapping Event, BV Parking Lot 2-6pm
- December 21 - January 06: Winter Break - No School
- Tuesday, January 07: Semester 2 Begins - School back in Session
- Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
- Wednesday, January 22: CASH for COLLEGE FAFSA Night 3:30-5:30pm Atrium
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- BVHS Softball Program Informational Meeting is TODAY at 12:55pm after school. Meet at the varsity softball field bleachers. (Meeting will run ~45 minutes)
- TODAY at 4:30pm come watch and support BV's Wrestling Team as they dual against Rio Americano here at BV. Let's Go Broncos!
- BV Track & Field Team Sign Ups: See Coach U during the school day or sign up online through the team website bvtrack.com.
- Baseball Conditioning will be held Monday, January 6 - January 11. (Time & Location TBD)
- BV Girls Lacrosse Pre-season Conditioning starts Monday, January 13. Tryouts start the week of February 3rd. If you have questions Email scott.s.hackman@gmail.com
On going Reminders...
- Still need Christmas gifts wrapped! BV Soccer is hosting one more Gift-Wrapping Event this Friday, Dec. 20 from 2 - 6pm in the BV parking lot. $1 for small packages, $3 for medium and $5 for larger packages, bows $1. Save time and have the BV soccer elves do your wrapping!
- Kaiser Permanente Summer Internship Applications are now open! Students interested in a competitive paid summer internship with Kaiser Permanente must be 16 by June 1st to be eligible. You can get more information by seeing your counselor or visit the website: https://kplaunch.kaiserpermanente.org/apply-now/
- Attention Seniors!! BV will be having a CASH FOR COLLEGE WORKSHOP on Wednesday, January 22 from 6-8:00pm in the Cafeteria. Attend this FREE workshop to receive help completing the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
- Seniors schedule your Senior Portraits with Bill Smith Photography ASAP!
- Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/
- Ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Pre-order Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- Stop by the Front Desk to Check the Lost & Found! All unclaimed items will be donated!
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters