The Weekly Highlander
Volume #26
A Message from the Principal
Only two weeks until spring break! This week we had minimum days for conferences and on Wednesday we had an incredible assembly from the BMX stunt team! We are so appreciative of our Hewes PTA for sponsoring this event. You can see photos and reels of the assembly on Instagram and Facebook.
Next week we have PTA fundraiser restaurant night on Monday, March 4th at Rodrigo's (see details in this newsletter). On Tuesday, March 5th, Foothill AVID is holding its Booster Potluck, and all 8th graders interested in AVID next year are encouraged to attend. Mrs.Bailey will be there so you will know a familiar face and she can introduce you to their team. Basketball will start after spring break, there will be a student information meeting on Thursday, from 2:45 pm to 3:15 pm in the Activity Center.
Please stay connected to Hewes by checking our website and following us on Instagram @heweshighlanders for the latest information and news.
Sahra Tanikawa, Principal
The Hewes staff is recognizing HIGHLANDERS “H” FOR A DAY AWARD! Highlander for a Day is a program at Hewes Middle School that celebrates students for incredible moments in the areas of Respect, Responsibility, and Results.
Faculty Friday SHOUT OUTS!!!
Thank you Ms.Lechuga
You work hard to connect with our students and to keep Hewes running smoothly!
Going on a trip? Will you need independent study for your student?
Basketball Season
Basketball will be starting after spring break. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, March 7th from 2:45 pm to 3:15 pm in the Activity Center. If you are unable to attend that meeting, applications will be available in the office. The season will officially start the week of March 26th.
Hewes 8th graders interested in the AVID elective at Foothill are invited to....
8th Grade Families Save the Date to Visit Foothill
Import Dates to Remember
- Monday, March 4 - PTA Rodrigos Fundraiser 11am - 9pm
- Tuesday, March 5 at 6 pm- Foothill AVID Potluck for interested Hewes 8th graders
- Thursday, March 7 - Basketball information meeting at 2:45pm in the Activity Center
- Wednesday, March 13 - Breakfast Club - 8:30am
- Thursday, March 14 - Foothill High School Showcase Night @5pm for 8th grade families
- March 18 - 22 - Spring Recess - No School
- Monday, March 25 - Non-Student Day - NO SCHOOL for students
- Tuesday, March 26 - School Resumes for all students
- Friday, March 29 - PTA Fun Friday @ lunch
- Thursday, April 4 - Celebration of Learning 6pm - 7pm
Website: https://hewes.tustin.k12.ca.us/
Location: 13232 Hewes Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, USA
Instagram: @heweshighlanders
FaceBook: Hewes Middle School
Phone: (714) 730-7348