February 2025
Mr. Mueller - Horizon Elementary School Principal
Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
"Our mission is to encourage everyone to see and be their personal best through successful learning experiences. Become your best!"
Our Pillars of Excellence:
Academic Excellence for the 21st Century
Extracurricular Activities
Community Engagement
Financial Responsibility
Horizon 4th Grade Student, Abel Fouts!
In case you missed it, one of our 4th grade students, Abel Fouts, was featured in a story last week on TMJ4 News!
Plymouth School District Story:
Please keep a look out for information coming home soon about how you can donate to the American Heart Association through the annual Kids Heart Challenge!
National Wear Red Day to honor and remember women with cardiovascular diseases – as they are the #1 killer of women, yet many women do not see cardiovascular disease as a health threat!
Principal's Message - Fun Fair!
Parents and Teachers for Horizon PTO is once again organizing the annual Horizon Fun Fair! This event serves all the families at our school and is the organization's largest fundraiser. All the proceeds go directly to our students and teachers. Their main goal is covering the entire cost of field trips for all students. PATH also purchase supplies for teachers, supplement educational equipment needs, and foster community within our district.
We hope to see all of you at the Fun Fair!
Fun Fair!
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 Time 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: Entire Building - Horizon Elementary School
Friday, February 14, 2025
Sign Up TODAY! Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Horizon Elementary School!
Quack, Quack! The Heart Heroes are coming back! Our school is participating in Kids Heart Challenge, kicking off in guidance classes starting 2/7/2025 and it’s time for you to sign up your student to become an official Heart Hero.
Sign up TODAY
Download the FREE AHA Schools App for Apple or Android and click on “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school's team.
OR http://www2.heart.org/goto/horizon and choose “Sign Up” to get started.
We have some BONUS incentives for our students this year:
-Top Student = Name the Gym
-Mini Warmies = Students who raise $100+ will go in the drawing
-Wylie and Bingo Rare Keychain = Raise $150
-Complete Finn's Mission Online = Be part of the FUN activities during the end of Kids Heart Challenge, earn the Lifesavers Cape and you'll be entered in the NFL Sweepstakes to earn two 2026 Super Bowl tickets!
-Sign Up Online and Complete Finn’s Mission Online to help your class and our school earn BONUS Amazon!
-When 126 students sign up online, our school will get a BONUS $500 PE/recess equipment certificate!
Thank you for your support, together we are building a Nation of Lifesavers!
Colder Weather Gear / Weather-Related Cancellation Links:
This time of the year temperatures can fluctuate from moment to moment. We want the children to stay as healthy as possible during these changes. Please help us help your child be prepared for the changing temperatures by having the appropriate clothing for school and recess (sweatshirts, jackets, hats, gloves).
*Reminder - When snow is on the ground, students who do not have boots and snow pants will be expected to stay on the blacktop area of the playground.
Weather-Related Cancellations Links:
Any weather-related school closings, delays, cancellations, etc., will be posted on our Cancellations webpage. If you would like to receive a text message, please sign up for Skylerts.
Extra Clothes!
All sorts of accidents happen in elementary school. Please be sure that your child has fresh pants, shirt, socks, and underwear available for them at school if needed.
PATH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Parent/Teacher Organization that focuses on fundraising so that our students & staff
may go on free field trips. PATH also supplies educational items in the classrooms or for the school as a whole. 100% of the money raised by PATH goes directly back to students/staff at Horizon.
Learn More About PATH:
Important PATH Dates:
Fun Fair!
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 Time 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: Entire Building - Horizon Elementary School
Horizon Talent Show!
- Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 Time 4:00pm - 8:00pm
- Location: Riverview Middle School - RV Auditorium
- Friday, Mar 14, 2025 Time 4:00pm - 8:00pm
- Location: Riverview Middle School - RV Auditorium
Full PATH Calendar of Events: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NScj4dvGEEuEyCy3M8_WKN9NzL_ZpOfX/view?usp=sharing
Community Events / Calendar / Winter Concert Information
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NOTA: Para traducir al español o a cualquier otro idioma los sitios web y nuestro sitio web y mensajes de Skyward, haga clic derecho en el mensaje o la página web. Seleccione "Traducir a (su idioma preferido)" de la lista de opciones. Luego, debería aparecer un cuadro en la esquina superior derecha de la página web para elegir opciones de idioma adicionales. ¿Necesita ayuda? No dude en comunicarse con nuestra oficina al 920-893-6911.