APRIL 2024
A Note from the Preschool Director, Megan Alavez
Hello Families,
I had such a BLAST seeing the children do their Easter Egg Hunt, especially seeing the VPK students looking for the golden egg, it really was a great time!
On another note, we have some exciting news to share. We are currently in search of another dedicated teacher to join our wonderful team. If you know of anyone who would be a great fit or if you are interested and qualified, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email at littlevillage123abc@gmail.com. Your recommendations are greatly appreciated!
Additionally, I want to inform you that we are now accepting enrollments for our upcoming 2024-2025 VPK program. If you have a child who will be eligible, please ensure you start the process for your VPK vouchers from the Early Learning Coalition of Lake County at your earliest convenience. It's a super easy process, and we're here to assist you every step of the way.
Furthermore, if you're aware of any families seeking a nurturing and enriching environment for their child's VPK experience, we do have some available spots. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to let them know to secure their child's place soon.
Thank you for being a part of our Little Village family!!!!
Megan Alavez
Preschool Director
Little Village Preschool
Students of the Month
Our "Students of the Month" are chosen for demonstrating outstanding citizenship in our classroom community, showing kindness, respect, and helpfulness towards their peers and teachers. Congratulations to them all!
The Post Office
The Post Office
The Sweet Shop
The Diner
The Town Hall
The Theater
Important Dates
April 11th is the free hearing screening.
April 11th the big blue bus visits.
VPK Parents: April 20th last day to pay for cap and gown.
MAY: 🎓 VPK Graduation 🎓 More details to come!
What is the BIG BLUE BUS?
The Big Blue Bus is a program of the Early Learning Coalition of Lake County that provides resources for child care providers and parents or guardians. The bus provides support for children, such as reading, art projects, and computer time. The program is designed to fuel the imagination of early learners and our children look forward to their visits!
Parent's Corner
Sharing is Such an Important Life Skill
Sharing is a lot more than the act of giving or dividing something with others. Sharing is an important social skill that allows us to foster positive relationships, build connections and participate in our communities.
Young children may have a hard time sharing. Even older siblings might feel very reluctant to give up their special toys for the benefit of the younger child. This is normal. Our kids need to meet several developmental milestones before they are ready to share. Here is an article that shares 32 activities to help with sharing!
Policy Reminders
Drop Off Your Child by 9AM
*Please call the Preschool director if your child will be later than 9AM.*
Classroom Activities
Hunting For Eggs!
On Thursday, March 28th, each classroom had a chance to hunt for Easter eggs filled with lots of fun surprises. Egg hunts really do bring out the best in everyone, from the excitement of searching for hidden treasures to the joy of spending time with friends. It was so fun that all the children got to share the fun together. Creating cherished memories like these during celebrations is what makes them so special.
VPK Graduation
VPK Parents: We are pleased to offer graduation cap and gown sets for your child at a cost of $25. These sets will serve as a beautiful keepsake of their time here at Little Village, capturing the memories and achievements of their VPK experience. To secure your child's cap and gown for the ceremony, we kindly request that payment be submitted by April 20th.
Please RSVP by May 10th.
🎓Let your child's teacher know how many total people are coming.🎓