Plympton Family Update
March 21, 2025
From the Plympton Admin Team
Dear Families,
Vocabulary Day was so much fun! Students were very creative dressing up as various vocabulary words. Our celebration of Read Across America continues next week with our 2nd Annual Literacy Night. The theme is milk and cookies and students are encouraged to wear their pajamas to enjoy all things literacy. There will be various stations with activities and resources. And yes, there will be milk and cookies!
Next Wednesday, March 26, is an early release for conferences. Please reach out to your child's teacher(s) to schedule to conference.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Go Penguins!
Vamos Pinguinos!
Adrienne Norris and Amanda Brennan
Bookmark our homepage and also check out this resource!
Breakfast Menu
Monday: Fresh Baked Chocolate Chip Muffins
Tuesday: Breakfast Sandwich with Tater Tots
Wednesday: Dutch Waffles
Thursday: Breakfast Sandwich with Tater Tots
Friday: Fresh Toast Sticks
Library News
Please click here for Ms. Halley's Newsletter!
1st Annual Waltham District Art Show
Waltham is expanding the Elementary Spring Art Show to include more students from across the district. We invite you to join us for the 1st Annual Waltham District Art Show, featuring artwork from students from many different grade levels. We look forward to sharing this event and expanding the show in future years.
Waltham está ampliando la Exposición de Arte de Primavera de la Escuela Primaria para incluir a más estudiantes de todo el distrito. Los invitamos a unirse a nosotros para la 1ª Exposición Anual de Arte del Distrito de Waltham, que contará con obras de estudiantes de diversos niveles de grado. Esperamos compartir este evento y ampliar la exposición en los próximos años.
From the Nurse
It is time to start those daily allergy medications!
With the warmer temperatures here the grasses and pollen are not far behind. It is helpful to get those antihistamines in your child’s system before the peak arrives. These medications should be given at the same time every day for them to work.
Stock up with your supply and start now! We do not store any in the Health Offices.
Any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Stay well,
Ms. Duquette, RN 781-314-5763
2025 WEBF Strides for Education 5k and Kids Fun Run
Get ready to lace up your sneakers and join us for the 2025 Strides for Education 5K! This year, we’ll be gathering on Saturday, May 4th, on Moody Street for a fun and meaningful day of community, fitness, and support for Waltham Public Schools.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2025
Location: Moody Street
Whether you’re a seasoned runner or prefer a leisurely walk, this event is open to all fitness levels. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to connect with colleagues outside of work while supporting a great cause.
How to Participate:
Register to run, walk or volunteer here
Spread the word to your family and friends—they’re welcome to join, too!
Let’s show our team spirit and make a difference together. There is a championship trophy for the school with the highest participation!
Feel free to reach out to Kristin Perez if you have any questions.
¡Prepárate para ponerte las zapatillas y unirte a nosotros en la Carrera de 5K de Avances por la Educación 2025! Este año, nos reuniremos el sábado 4 de mayo en la calle Moody para un día divertido y significativo de comunidad, ejercicio y apoyo a las Escuelas Públicas de Waltham.
Detalles del evento:
Fecha: Sábado, 4 de Mayo, 2025
Ubicación: Moody Street
Tanto si eres un corredor experimentado como si prefieres una caminata tranquila, este evento está abierto a todos los niveles de condición física. Además, es una forma fantástica de conectar con colegas fuera del trabajo y, al mismo tiempo, apoyar una buena causa.
Como Participar:
Regístrate para correr, caminar o ser voluntario aquí
Corre la voz entre tus familiares y amigos: ¡ellos también son bienvenidos a unirse!
Demostremos nuestro espíritu de equipo y marquemos la diferencia juntos. ¡Hay un trofeo de campeonato para la escuela con mayor participación!
No dudes en comunicarte con Kristin Pérez si tienes alguna pregunta.
Fearless Foodies
PTO News
Community Events
Waltham Partnership for Youth
The WPY Know your Rights full-length presentation in English, see here.
The WPY Know your Rights Spanish full-length version is linked here.
Linked here is the information about the red Know Your Rights cards, which are available in 16 languages.
WPY Handout (Link to handout)
March 25, 2025: PTO meeting 6:30
March 26, 2025: Early Release - Conferences
March 27, 2025: Literacy Night 6:00 - 7:30
March 28, 2025: Report Cards grades 2-5
Plympton Elementary School
Dismissal plans: Please communicate any changes to your student's dismissal plan at the start of the day. Students may only ride the bus they are assigned and that assignment is based on home address.
Email: Adriennenorris@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/plympton
Location: 20 Farnsworth St, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: (781) 314-5760
This link has lots of great information about our school!