Oak Ridge Connection
Oak Ridge Elementary School
January 31, 2025
Our Mission
-Oak Ridge Elementary
Message From The Principal
Dear Parents,
Thank you for a great full week of school. It was nice getting back into our routines and seeing our students back in the classroom. I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!
Dr. Jason Parrott
High Five Behavior of the Week
Be Responsible on the Playground: Use equipment correctly. Use words to work through disagreements. If you would like to view our High Five PBIS Matrix please look below...
PBIS Matrix
Math and Science Week
Math and Science Week
Math and Science Week at Oak Ridge is February 3-7. There will be an assembly and activities during school, optional at-home activities,
Featuring Math & Science Night - Thursday February 6th, 5:30-7:30 pm. Experiment stations and math games will be in the great room and gym. This fun and educational event is for all Oak Ridge families (siblings are welcome). Students must be accompanied by an adult.
Last names A-M are encouraged to attend from 5:30-6:30 and N-Z 6:30-7:30. This helps even the attendance through the evening, but families are also welcome to attend at the time that fits their schedule.
We need many volunteers to assist with the experiment stations (supplies and instruction provided by the committee). Middle and high school student volunteers welcome. Please see the Sign-up for details and to volunteer. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D49A5AE29A0F94-53978304-math
Math and Science Night Etiquette
We want Math and Science Night to be a fun filled and exciting event for all of our students. In order to do so and to ensure the safety of all involved please adhere to the following expectations:
- All students must be accompanied by an adult who is actively monitoring them
- Please stay in designated areas. Students should not be running through the halls or in classrooms.
- Please stay off the stage and steps area. The stage is now a classroom.
- Please do not tamper with or remove any items from the displays unless permitted to do so.
If we can all do these things, I am certain we will have a fun and safe time. Thank you for your cooperation.
Report Cards
Report Cards are available to view online through Parent Portal on the Royal Oak Schools website starting this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. There is a Report Card tab on the left side of the screen that you need to click to access your child's Report Card. If you have any questions or need help accessing your child's report card, please contact the Oakland Schools Help Desk at 248-209-2060.
Chess Wizards
Parents, are you looking for a fun and safe way to wake your child's mind before the start of their day? Chess WIzards is offering chess at Oak Ridge every Wednesday on late-start mornings! The class starts next week, January 29 at 8:20 AM. There are still a few spots left! Register today at www.chesswizards.com!
Grit in Our Stories: 2025 African American Read-In
Homework Club
The new semester for our Homework Club on Late Start Wednesdays is starting soon. If you would like your child to attend, the cost is $15 for the semester.
Kindergarten Enrollment for Royal Oak Residents
Royal Oak Schools is pleased to welcome children and their families to kindergarten. Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Monday, February 3, 2025. District-wide enrollment for all kindergarten programs, including Developmental Kindergarten, is processed through our Central Enrollment Office.
All enrollments into Royal Oak Schools are done online. Documents uploaded should be in PDF format and legibly. We may require in person documentation if the proofs uploaded online are not clear.
Please make sure to mark your calendar for Kindergarten Information Night on January 30, 2025, which will be in person at each elementary building, from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Kindergarten Age Requirements
A resident child must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1st in order to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
If a child is not five (5) years of age by the September 1st enrollment eligibility date, but will be five (5) years of age no later than December 1st, the parent/guardian may still enroll the child in kindergarten. The parent must notify the school district, in writing, prior to the beginning of the school year. Notification, by way of a completed Kindergarten Age Waiver, must be received in order for a child born between September 1 and December 1 to be enrolled in kindergarten.
If you need assistance navigating the online process or do not have a home computer, please call Theresa Baughman at 248-435-8400 x 1260. Appointments are highly recommended if you'd like to enroll in person.
Documents Specific to Kinder Enrollment:
Vision, Hearing and Dental Screening for Kindergarten Entry
- Vision & Hearing Screening Flyer
- OCHD Vision Screening Website
- OCHD Hearing Screening Website
- OCHD Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Flyer
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment
More information regarding Kindergarten Eligibility can be found on the following sites:
Developmental Kindergarten Information
- What is Developmental Kindergarten?
The program allows students additional time to physically and emotionally develop in a safe and secure environment before attending kindergarten. Students experience similar opportunities as other kindergarten students, but are taught at a pace and intensity dependent on individual readiness. Developmental Kindergarten students will be taught by a certified teacher endorsed in early childhood, and they will participate in many activities around language & literacy, math, science, social studies, technology & computers, social experiences, and dramatic play. Students also attend traditional specials classes, including physical education, Spanish, art, and music. - How do I know if it is right for my child?
There is no single definition or assessment to determine placement. Most students will attend traditional kindergarten. Parents who are already considering another option before kindergarten are most likely to consider Developmental Kindergarten. Any parent who indicates that they are interested in Developmental Kindergarten at the time of enrollment will be contacted by the principal of the school in their attendance area. - What is the typical class size in Developmental Kindergarten?
The exact size and number of classes will be determined after enrollment, taking into consideration school space availability. - Where and when is this program?
Developmental Kindergarten is being offered at all the elementary schools. Students will attend a full day, beginning at 8:25 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. - In what grade will my child be enrolled after he/she completes Developmental Kindergarten?
Students who complete Developmental Kindergarten are expected to attend kindergarten the following year.
Haven Presentations
On January 14th, and February 4th students will have presentations from HAVEN. HAVEN is a non-profit organization that provides direct services to victims and families experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault. These presentations will be different for students in Grades DK-2 and 3-5. Here is what each session will cover:
Grades DK-2: Helping Kids Help Themselves
Helping Kids Help Themselves introduces young children to personal safety and body ownership through the use of a story involving a bird named Daisy. The program helps children identify, trust and communicate their own feelings.
The children will view a video and talk with our educational specialist about child sexual abuse in an age-appropriate manner. The presentation will focus on identifying “good touches” and “bad touches.”
The following safety rules are stressed:
∙ It’s O.K. to say NO!
∙ Try to GET AWAY!
∙ If someone has touched you or tried to touch you in a private area, tell a trusted adult and keep telling until someone believes you.
∙ It is never your fault.
∙ It is never too late to tell a bad secret.
Grades 3-5: Gender Respect
HAVEN’s Gender Respect program is designed to support children in the development of safe relationships by providing information to increase the understanding of risk factors associated with gender disrespect. Most bullying in schools is targeted at students who do not fit into a particular norm. The students will receive handouts and information that deal with gender disrespect in a sensitive and age appropriate manner. The students will also be taught that it’s never okay to be touched inappropriately by anyone and will be instructed to tell a trusted adult in the event it happens.
If you would like to opt out of either of these programs, please fill out the following forms:
Good Morning Oak Ridge
Good Morning Oak Ridge 1/31/25
Good Morning Oak Ridge 1/17/25
Good Morning Oak Ridge 1/10/25
Good Morning Oak Ridge 12/6/24
Good Morning Oak Ridge 11/22/24
Join The PTA Today!
Are you a PTA member? We need you to JOIN today. https://oakridge.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true
It's recently come to our attention that Oak Ridge PTA membership is at an all-time low while we're doing as much as ever. We have chosen to not incentivize membership with access to the PTA facebook page because we want it to be a valuable crowd-sourcing informative tool for everyone, but this has hurt our membership numbers greatly!
As a reminder, here is what you get from being a member ($10/annual fee that is not automatically renewed):
Weekly emails and reminders for school and PTA events.
Voting how our annual funds are used! We voted on two spending issues at last night's meeting. Curious? Attend in December to see how we are trying to improve our community using fundraising dollars.
Access to volunteer opportunities and having a direct hand in how our community comes together. Want active involvement in your child's school? Join today.
Have access to the PTA online directory which includes email addresses for people at Oak Ridge (who wish to have their emails shown--if you requested privacy, this info of course will not be shared). This is great for setting up playdates and growing your social circle.
Donation to our school and the National PTA. The National PTA is first and foremost and advocacy group that works hard to ensure that children have equal opportunities. You'll gain access to the national PTA's resources, which are plentiful and address issues such as diversity and inclusion, as well as literacy.
Support of our dozen plus community events. Can you imagine an Oak Ridge without amazing events like our recent Trunk or Treat or Breakfast with a Buddy? Without our members and volunteering, we're unable to continue to provide these. We are lucky enough to have hit our financial goals. NOW we need to see our membership/volunteer goals come through to continue our programming.
Membership is only $10 a year, AND if you're unable to pay the dues, please contact Dr. Parrott for financial support. We want to have your back--especially if you're struggling. PTA is meant to be a resource for the most vulnerable in our community--not for the privileged.
PTA Skateworld Skate Nights
English Language Development (ELD) Newsletter
Please check out the January edition of the English Language Development (ELD) newsletter. The ELD department serves the multilingual student population in Royal Oak. Inside you will find updates from ELD staff, information about upcoming events, and a recap of ELD students' accomplishments and activities in the month of December.
Free Skate Days
Lunch Buddies
Lunch Buddies is an opportunity to see your child in the wild! We are combining Green Team composting sign-ups with a sign-up for a newly identified need of parent and adult caregiver lunch volunteers.
Lunch Buddies includes opportunities assisting with our lunch composting, assisting younger children with their lunches, refereeing lunch recess sports (any adults miss those lunchtime football games?), and more! Put in half an hour for one shift or sign up for two shifts the same day and see your child both a lunch AND recess! Link to our sign-up genius below.
Green Team Needs Your Help
Hello Families!
The Green School Committee at Oak Ridge is in need of some help!
At lunch, the volunteers and lunch monitors have been overwhelmed with the amount of recycling that is being thrown away each day. They need some assistance helping students find the correct receptacles and cleaning/organizing recyclable items.
Last year, we added food composting to Oak Ridge, and are in need of some more helpful hands as students become acclimated to this new change and are reminded of the composting process!
If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Mrs. Mangum (molly.mangum@royaloakschools.org) or click on the link here. Please don't feel obligated to help everyday...any time is extremely helpful! Volunteers are needed from approximately 11:30 am-12:30 pm each day.
Thank you in advance!
Art With Mrs. Elliott
Class Dojo
Oak Ridge has adopted a whole school behavior management system. We are still using our High Five Rules but we will be using Class Dojo to to keep track of High Five Behaviors instead of High Five tickets. All teachers will have access to Class Dojo and you will be able to keep track of Dojo points from home!!
Please follow up with your child should you notice any "needs work" marks as well as praise them for any positive behavior choices!
Students will be able to trade in their points for different rewards!! Stay tuned for a list of rewards and how many Dojo points they will cost. Stay tuned for more!
Green Team Needs Your Help
Hello Oak Ridge Families! Another great year at the Ridge is upon us, and we are already looking ahead to many exciting activities that will help certify our school as a Michigan "Green School" once again!
Throughout the month of October, we will be collecting used tennis shoes for recycling! Please drop any used athletic shoes off in the labeled box just inside the front doors of our school (starting Tuesday October 1st!)
We're continuing the Oak Ridge Spirit Wear Swap this year! Do you have gently used Eagle wear that your child has outgrown? Interested in *FREE* spirit gear? Check out the bin under the table just inside the front doors of our school! There will also be an opportunity for you to visit a swap booth at our Trunk or Treat event at the end of October!
Throughout the year we collect old/used pens and markers. Feel free to send in a bag from home with your student, or drop them in the smaller box on the table just outside of the inner office doors.
Thank you for your continuous support!
We have taken positive steps toward improving the traffic flow at Oak Ridge Elementary. Please help support us by following these guidelines:
● Front Circle Drive is for drivers of students in Room 103, 105, 107, 109, and 111 only.
● Drivers of students in rooms 104, 106, and 108 drop off in front of classrooms in the back parking lot.
● Drivers of third graders are to drop off in the back lot at the pick-up/drop-off zone (blue line in front of east doors).
● Drivers of fourth-graders are to drop off on Bloomfield (street just south of parking lot) and students enter the building at the east doors (outside of Media Center)
● Drivers of fifth-graders drop off on Alexander (street east of upper-grade playground)
● In our back lot, follow in single file to the pick-up/drop-off zone. As you pull up to the BLUE LINE, stop and drop off/pick up your child. Do NOT create a second line. All students should exit/enter the car door on the curbside ONLY.
● Do NOT park along the curb next to the building.
● Give yourself extra time and adhere to traffic safety.
Suggested Options
● Consider coming a few minutes early for drop off/pick up.
● Consider walking to school with your students and neighbors.
● Consider riding your bikes as a family to school.
● Carpooling reduces congestion and helps the environment.
If everyone helps support our efforts, it will be a safe place for students and families! Thank you in advance for your help!
Dispensing Medication Form
If your child needs to take medication throughout the school day, please fill out the following form and return it to the main office. Thank you!
Please be aware that Board Policy 5330 (below) requires a doctor's prescription as well as parental authorization before we can dispense non prescribed (over the counter) medicine as well as prescribed medications.
For purposes of this policy, "medication" shall include all medicines including those prescribed by a physician and any nonprescribed (over-the-counter) drugs, preparations, and/or remedies. "Treatment" refers both to the manner in which a medication is administered and to health-care procedures which require special training, such as catheterization.
Before any medication or treatment may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written prescription from the child's physician accompanied by the written authorization of the parent. This document shall be kept on file in the administrative offices. No student is allowed to provide or sell any type of over-the-counter medication to another student. Violations of this rule will be considered violations of Policy 5530 - Drug Prevention and of the Student Discipline Code/Code of Conduct.
Although it would seem logical that parental authorization to administer an over the counter medicine would be enough, we are required to also have authorization from a physician. For any instances where non-prescribed medicine is being administered without a physician's prescription, please ask those parents to have their pediatrician sign and return the parental consent form.
Homework Club
Homework Club is available for students on all Late Start Wednesdays from 8:20-9:20 a.m. Please click on the following link to register for Homework Club:
Download the Royal Oak Schools App Today!
Stay in touch with Royal Oak Schools by downloading our new mobile app!
Download on your mobile device today and select 'yes' to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District. Use this link for more download information:
Spanish newsletter
Please view the Spanish newsletter by clicking here.
Physical Education Newsletter
Royal Oak Performing Arts Newsletter
Please click here for Royal Oak Schools Performing Arts newsletter.
Visitors to the Building
We are limiting visitors to the building especially before and after school. Please drop your students at their designated exterior door. We want to limit traffic and provide the safest environment possible. Thank you for cooperating with us in this matter!
Student Parent Handbook
Volunteer Background Checks
PTA Newsletter
PTA News
Please remember to join the PTA - we are working hard to keep our community strong! The PTA welcomes every student & their family from Oak Ridge. We want to make sure we are inclusive of all families and everyone has the opportunity to be a member. If there are financial limitations preventing you from joining the PTA please contact us so we can remove that barrier. It takes all of us working together to make our children reach their true potential.
Join online at: https://oakridge.memberhub.store/
Individual memberships are $10/year.
Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students. Second meals are not free and will be considered ala carte. Elementary school second lunches will be charged $2.60.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still vital that eligible families fill out a free/reduced meal application: A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education finding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
Please complete the 2023-2024 online application on our website under Free and Reduced Meals Information. Paper applications will be sent out this month and available at the district office and in all schools in August.
Blessings in a Backpack
“Blessings in a Backpack” is a program designed to provide students on the free and reduced lunch program with enough food for three meals a day during the weekends. This program, administered by the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester, is active in Royal Oak Schools. If you agree to take part in this program during the school year, your child will receive a bag filled with food for the weekend. A bag of food will be put in your child's locker for take home on Fridays. The simple meals may include food like macaroni and cheese, beef ravioli, canned fruit, granola bars, soups, juice and other items. Students will receive a bag every week.
If you would like to have your child participate in this program, fill out the form below.. Please be sure to indicate on the form if you child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you as the parent are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak Schools, as well as Blessings in a Backpack, will not be held responsible for any accidental food allergen exposure.
Young Oaks Info
If you have students currently enrolled in the program you will be contacted directly by the Young Oaks Coordinator.
Any families interested in the program can use the link below for information about the program.
Salvation Army After School Program
February Lunch Menu
Social Media Posts
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
For updates on events or a better insight on you child's school day. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter: Facebook @ParrottJason
At Oak Ridge we take pride in making sure we have a kind, caring, environment. Our parents play a large role in helping us to achieve this goal. Before posting to social media or any other venue, please consider the feelings of all our community members . Before you post, remember to T.H.I.N.K...
Oak Ridge Elementary School
Email: parrottj@royaloakschools.org
Website: http://www.royaloakschools.org/elementary/oakridge/
Location: 506 E 13 Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI, United States
Phone: (248) 588-8353
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OakRidgeElementarySchool
Twitter: @ParrottJason