From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to our 2024-2025 school year at
Wayland Union Middle School!
I am excited to work alongside our dedicated staff to support your child's academic and personal growth. I look forward to a fantastic year ahead, filled with new experiences and opportunities for everyone.
Rachel Cimek
WUMS Principal
Monday, August 12 Opportunity
On Monday, August 12 we will be hosting our Vision Screening for 7th Graders as well as Picture Day for all 6th-8th grade students. Vision Screening information can be found here. Our building will still be under construction. For Monday, August 12, enter through Door 12 (red star on the map below) near the gym, just off of the overflow parking lot.
We will also have schedules available for students along with locker information.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
If you cannot make it, it is not a problem.
Your child can have their photo taken on our Picture Make-Up Day (date to be determined).
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Locations
Student and Parent Handbook
Each year the Student and Parent Handbook is reviewed and updated to meet the needs of our student body and ensure our focus remain on learning. Linked is our updated Student and Parent Handbook.
Worth Noting - Dress Code
Worth Noting - Dress Code
Students are required to wear:
- A shirt with solid fabric covering the front, back, and sides under the arms
Bottoms with solid fabric covering the buttocks and upper thigh.
Appropriate footwear with a solid bottom/sole.
Shirts/dresses that have straps over the shoulder and cover undergarments.
Shirts/tops must cover the entire rib cage.
Prohibited clothing and/or attire includes:
Clothing that exposes the chest.
Clothing that exposes undergarments.
Clothing that promotes or references tobacco, alcohol, or drugs (example: Cookies).
Clothing that depicts violence, hatred, racism, sexually suggestive messages, or is gang-
related (example: Playboy).
- Wearing of hoods on the head
- Wearing of sunglasses
- Blankets
Worth Noting - Cell Phones (Personal Communication Devices)
We are very excited about the upcoming school year at Wayland Union Middle School and are eager to have students back in our classrooms. We appreciate your continued support, which helps us maintain our excellent facilities. Our goal is to provide a safe learning environment for all students, and we believe we can improve technology safety, especially regarding cell phone use.
Unfortunately, cell phones are often used during the instructional day for social media and other distractions that hinder learning. Some students also use these devices in ways that violate school rules and the rights of others. Research shows a negative correlation between cell phone use and both academic performance and student mental health.
We value our students and take our responsibility for their well-being seriously. Therefore, we are piloting a new policy regarding cell phones and Personal Communication Devices to better support the health, safety, and education of our students. Starting Wednesday, August 21, the following rules will be strictly enforced:
- Students will not be allowed to carry or use cell phones during the school day.
- Cell phones are to be powered off and stored in their locker.
- Phones will be available in the office for students to contact parents/guardians.
- Parents/guardians can contact their child by calling the main office.
Should a student not comply, the following consequences listed below will be enforced.
Questions regarding this change?
Please call our Middle School at 269-792-2306 or email me at cimekr@waylandunion.org.
Worth Noting - Lunch Deliveries
Students should come to school prepared for their day. This includes their lunch plans. Lunch options for students are limited to bringing a lunch from home or enjoying a meal provided by our cafeteria. Refrain from dropping fast-food off for your child. Should your child forget their lunch at home, dropping off their cold lunch is reasonable. Should this become a pattern, further discussion will be requested.
This policy is supported within our Student and Parent Handbook. “No food is allowed to be delivered during school hours. The only acceptable items would be school related items and extracurricular necessities may be dropped off by parent(s)/guardian(s) as an exception to this no delivery policy."
Bussing from High School to Middle School
We hear you - Wildcat Drive is BUSY!
Our Transportation Director, Karla Heckathorn has come up with a plan to help our morning routines.
If you have a middle school student AND a high school student, please feel free to drop your middle schooler off to bus #11 at 7:25. This bus will leave at 7:30 to bring your middle schooler to their building. Dropping students within the student drop off loop is appreciated and highlighted below in yellow. Middle school students will walk to the Bus #11 as noted on the map below. We are hopeful this helps with traffic on Wildcat Drive.
Tips + Tricks
- If your child is riding a bike to school, they will need to bring a lock to ensure it is kept where left.
- Water is permitted on the carpeted areas of our building. If your child brings coffee, energy drinks, etc., they will be asked to finish them at the front of the building.
- Right when you walk into our front doors you are welcomed by an engraved Wildcat within the floor. Walk around it!
Dates to Look Forward To...
9th - Schedules Released (Infinite Campus)
12th - 7th Grade Vision Screening 9am-3pm
12th - Picture Day- 6th-8th Grade 9am-3pm
19th - MS Open House 4pm-6pm
21st - 1st Day of School (1/2 Day, 10:45 am Dismissal)
30th - No School
2nd- No School (Labor Day)